April Challenge Month is just around the corner once more, so here are all the details you need to get ready.
But first, here are the awards you can win!
What was the theme again?
Unlike most of our other events, our April event does not have a unifying theme as such. If you missed the announcement, you can read it here, but the general sitch is that participating members should select a challenge (found here) and then create a work (fic or art) that answers said challenge.
Simple, right?
How and when do I post my story?
Once you have picked the challenge you wish to respond to and created your work, you will need to upload at least the first part between midnight on April 1st and 11:59 pm on April 30th, site time, which appears under the ShoutBox on EF’s homepage. During the posting window, a check box will appear on the upload page that, when checked, marks your work as part of the event. (The below screenshot example is from our October event, but the check box works in the same way.)
Important: After you have uploaded your work, you must link it to the challenge you’re responding to. To do this, find the specific challenge on the Challenges page and then click “Respond to this Challenge” at the bottom of it. Check the box next to your relevant work, and click submit. If your work is not linked to a challenge, you will not be eligible for awards.
Please note, the challenge you respond to must have been issued by another member. If you respond to your own challenge, your work will not be eligible for the event.
How do I find Challenge works?
Event works will appear on the 2025 April Challenge Month page, be eligible for awards (as displayed at the top of this post, designed by the wonderful bewildered), and get a little umbrella icon beside them (pictured below).
What should my work include?
Since artwork is eligible for this event as well as fanfic, we do not have a word count in place. All we ask is that you address the requirements listed in the challenge you have selected.
If you find a challenge that mostly speaks to you but you would like to change an element, we recommend that you contact the person who issued said challenge and ask for their permission/blessing. Indicate you have this permission in your story notes.
Please remember that EF has a strict no-AI policy for both written and art submissions.
Do I need to post the entire work before the end of April?
Nope! So long as you post one part or chapter, you’re good. (If your art or fic only has a single part, then of course that’s fine, too.) Just remember that EF abides by the EDT timezone. If you’re elsewhere in the world, and/or confused about what time the site is currently on, it is displayed under the ShoutBox on our homepage.
How do I get an award?
Below is the breakdown of how to qualify for each award:
- Author Award: Post a written story or a work tagged as Narrative Artwork.
- Artist Award: Post a work tagged as Artwork or Narrative Artwork, contribute illustrations to an event story, or create a banner for an event story. Authors must credit their banner artists and illustrators, including themselves if they are an artist for the work.
- Beta Award: Perform a beta read or sensitivity read on an event work. Authors must credit their beta and sensitivity readers.
- Comment Award: Add 15 comments of at least 15 words each during the month of April. (see below for more details). Comments do not need to be on event fics, though we always encourage people to read and comment on those!
As always, authors must credit any beta readers, sensitivity readers, or artists who contributed to their story in order for those members to receive awards. Please use the crediting fields on the Upload page to ensure everyone gets their hard-earned shinies. The Mods will not check summaries, story notes, or chapter notes for crediting, so this information must be in the crediting field. Please confirm you have the correct spelling and capitalization of usernames, as some members have very similar handles.
Are there rules for banner creation?
Yes! Banners should be no more than 920x300 pixels and include some variation of the text: Created/Designed for the Elysian Fields 2025 April Challenge Month.
How do I add a banner and/or other artwork to my work?
To add a banner to your story, you can upload it to your account in “Your Images” under “Account Info.” Banner images must be a gif, jpg, jpeg, or png file type, and under 1 MB in file size. Banners should be no more than 920x300 px. Images posted within chapters can be up to 1500x1500 px. (Note: make sure you add images to the chapter itself; any images in the Chapter Notes or End Notes won’t be added to ePubs when people download them!) You can also host your banner on an image-sharing site or your own site, especially if the file size is too big for us to host on our site.
You then enter the URL from Elysian Fields or the image-sharing site in the Banner URL field on the Add Story story page, or click the Insert/Edit Image icon in the toolbar for the Story Text box.
NOTE: The URL you add MUST be end in the image file extension (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png) or else the URL will not be saved. Make sure there are no spaces after the final character in the file extension. If you are having issues with a specific image-sharing site, please reach out to us via email or try asking for help on our Discord server.
What about adding videos? How do I do that?
You will need to get the embed link from YouTube, Vimeo, or another site (which can be a little tricky on mobile, but not impossible—google for directions if you can’t do this on desktop) and insert the html into the Source Code. You can access this by clicking the Source Code button in the toolbar. Again, reach out via email or Discord if you’re having any issues with embedding videos.
Is there an event skin?
Yes. The April Challenge Month skin (called “Kisses in the Rain”) is live if you want to make it your default. Scroll down to the skins on the main page or in the footer and select the one labeled “Kisses in the Rain” to switch. If you want to keep it, make sure you change the selection on your preferences page. (Otherwise it will change back to your saved skin the next time you access the site.) “Kisses in the Rain” was designed by kats_meow.
Will you be featuring non-event works while the challenge is going on?
Starting April 1st, we’ll be featuring works that are responses to challenges, whether or not they were written for a Challenge Month event. Later in the month, we will feature new fics from the 2025 April Challenge Month event.
Can I work with someone else on my challenge response?
Sure! The more the merrier! Whether it’s two writers working as coauthors, two artists creating a collaborative work together, or an artist and a writer teaming up as a deadly duo, we welcome collaborations for this event.
Any other questions, let us know! The EF Mod Team can be contacted via email at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 31, 2025 01:33pm 0 Comments
As Finishing Months gear up to, well… finish, your friendly neighbourhood Event Mod is here with a couple of reminders.
Eligible works should be marked as complete by midnight site time on the 31st of March. Site time, as always, can be found under the Shoutbox on the Elysian Fields homepage. (Note: clocks in the US already jumped ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time, so it is extra important to check the Shoutbox if you’re not sure!) You mark a work as complete by clicking edit, ticking the relevant checkbox, and then clicking save.
If any artwork (including new story banners) has been added to your eligible works during Finishing Months, don’t forget to fill in the Google Form (linked here) to make sure the artist gets the artist award. If you made artwork yourself, still fill in the form.
Similarly, fill in the Google Form to make sure all beta and sensitivity readers will get their shinies. Only credit betas and sensitivity readers who contributed to work posted during Finishing Months. For example, if the fic was originally started two years ago, and it had a beta back then but they are no longer the beta, you don’t need to fill out the form for them for this event.
Please fill out a separate form for each artist, beta, or sensitivity reader you worked with for Finishing Months, per fanwork completed.
If you don’t fill in this form, we cannot be sure of who deserves artist and beta/sensitivity reader awards for the event, so please do make sure to submit for all your collaborators.
If you have any questions about this process, or about anything else, you can reach out to us via email at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 19, 2025 10:51pm 0 Comments
It’s almost that time of year again!
For the month of April, EF will once again be running our Challenge Month event. Your task––should you choose to accept it––is to respond to challenges issued to our site by your fellow members (see here). You don’t have to complete the fic or art by the end of the month, just post the first installment between midnight on April 1st and 23.59 on April 30th (site time).
You can respond to as many challenges or as few as you want––so long as you didn’t issue them yourself!
If you find a challenge that mostly speaks to you but you would like to change an element of it, we recommend that you contact the person who issued said challenge and ask for their permission/blessing.
Any other questions or queries, please comment below or contact one of the Mod Team directly via email at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. Further details including what the awards for authors, commenters, betas, and artists will look like will be posted closer to the time.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 06, 2025 09:12pm 0 Comments
Hello EF! In case you haven’t heard, it is somehow, inexplicably, 2025. That’s right, we’ve completed another journey around the sun together. And as is apropos at the end of a year and the start of a new one, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished over the last 12 months as a community, as well as all the stuff your mostly benevolent Mods have been doing to improve your overall experience.
We’ll start with what the admin team has accomplished so we can save the best (that’s you guys and your accomplishments) for last. Over the last year, we:
- Added even more gorgeous site skins right out of the gate, increasing the variety of options as well as artist representation on the site
- Successfully completed EF’s second mini-event, Monster Mash, and had a ton of fun doing it
- Shepherded in the triumphant return of Mystery Month, the third ever, and first following the community-wide vote to trade off years with Drabblemania
- Kicked off the year with a new commenting challenge that yielded gorgeous awards
- Implemented a much overdue Artist of the Month Award, resulting in 27 members being nominated over the last year, and 13 Artists of the Month having been chosen (counting January 2025)
- Rolled out sensitivity reader as a distinct type of beta reader
- Introduced a new crediting system so artists, betas, and sensitivity readers are properly acknowledged with each work
- Revisited and refined the existing guidance resources for authors and betas, and expanded them to include sensitivity readers
- Added warnings to help members better curate their fanwork experience
- Cleaned up our categories to minimize confusion
- Resolved the email issues that remained from 2023’s server migration
- Vastly improved the site’s previous stance on constructive criticism
- Implemented member-driven initiatives in community spaces, such as Spotlight Saturday on our Discord server, in which members can recommend the works that mean a lot to them but do not or have not historically received as much attention as other works. Each work can only be recommended once and is compiled into a spreadsheet for reference. This is in addition to thematic watch parties and recreational game nights, which we hope to increase over the coming year.
The Mod team keeps busy behind the scenes discussing and implementing ideas to improve the member experience. There are a lot of initiatives still in the works, so look for those in the months to come. And as always, if YOU have ideas regarding how we can improve member experience, don’t hesitate to drop them in the Suggestion Box. We are always open to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and feedback regarding how Elysian Fields can continue to improve.
And all of these accomplishments were made in conjunction with our annual site events. We’ve already mentioned the Monster Mash Mini-Event and Mystery Month in July, but other events included Challenge Month in April, the Betrayal Challenge in October for EF’s 18th anniversary, and our fifth Secret Santa Exchange. That is in addition to all the other new works added or cross-posted from other archives over the course of the year. We crunched the numbers, and 2024 was the second largest year in terms of new fanworks posted on Elysian Fields in the last five years. The only year that beat it was 2023 (most likely courtesy of Drabblemania). It is also the second year in recorded site history that exceeded 10M words in terms of new words added. The only other year to do this was a bona fide pandemic year, meaning we were all confined to the indoors in ways we haven’t been since 2022 or so. Let that sink in.
Now that it has, did you hear that zipper being lowered? You should have, because we SMASHED 2024.
In the fifth year of recognizing the milestone of Completed Works, 119 creators completed a total of 450 works.
All creators who completed a work of any length (one-shots count!) in 2024 have been issued this award:
Also in its fifth year is the Event Complete Award (formerly the Challenge Complete Award). This was awarded to site members who during the most recent calendar year completed works submitted for the April Challenge, Mystery Month, or October Anniversary Event site event for all years through 2024. Our events generate many great contributions to the archive, and this award seeks to recognize those creators who not only start a new work for a community event but also finish it. As such, single-chapter or single-day events do not qualify (so no Monster Mash or Secret Santa).
And speaking of Secret Santa, we have some numbers to share.
We had 41 event contributions, which during the posting window garnered 918 likes and 456 comments, and for the first time, we welcomed commenters, artists, and beta and sensitivity readers to participate. That resulted in 27 artists and 28 beta and sensitivity readers helping to make the Santa works sparkle, and 47commenters completed the commenting challenge. All participants who completed their works, as well as commenters, artists, and betas, should now have their awards on their profile.
P.S. If you haven't read the fics or oohed at the art yet, you can find them all on the Secret Santa event page, which is also accessible by going to Browse >> Events >> 2024 Secret Santa from the site menu.
In 2024, we added:
- 10,320,149 words
- 566 stories
- 3,208 chapters
- 1,956 new members
- 99,718 new likes
- 39,923 new comments to the archive (comprising 2,175,381 words)
We also have issued awards to our most prolific members. These are chosen by the numbers.
Top 10 Commenters
- violettathepiratequeen (156,694 words)* (Recipient of Most Prolific Commenter Award 2024)
- Nightcandle (155,089 words)
- magnus374 (147,248 words)
- pfeifferpack (133,844 words)
- swonderful (128,797 words)
- All4Spike (118,334 words)
- Green (98,452 words)
- acekoomboom (71,023 words)
- werehorse (56,350 words)
- bmerb (56,037 words)
Our most prolific commenter for 2024 was violettathepiratequeen!
Top 10 Authors
- Ragini (1,022,197 words)* (Recipient of Most Prolific Author Award 2024)
- Maxine Eden (611,744 words)
- CheekyKitten (500,901 words)
- Passion4Spike (493,995 words)
- In Mortal (414,608 words)
- Spikelover4ever (361,728 words)
- Melme1325 (330,544 words)
- Holly (274,667 words)
- honeygirl51885 (255,098 words)
- scratchmeout (250,047 words)
Our most prolific author for 2024 was Ragini!
We also ran the numbers and issued the very first pretties for our Commenting Star and Commenting Superstar Awards!
As a recap:
- The Star Award goes to any member who makes the All Stars Commenter list 6 months out of the year by leaving at least 15 comments, each of at least 5 words
- The Superstar Award goes to any member who makes the All Stars Commenter list each month out of the year
In 2024, 49 members received the Star Award, and 24 members received the Superstar Award. So if you were an All-Star Commenter 6-12 months out of the year, check your awards because one (at least 6 months) or both (12 months) of these babies should be there.
We love how this incentivized comments for our fanworks, and are pleased to announce the return of this award in 2025. Details (and pretty artwork) forthcoming. So if you want this award in 2025, start commenting!
If you are missing an award you should have received, please reach out to us (elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com) and we’ll verify and get that corrected.
Friends, we had an amazing year. None of this would be possible without you. Thank you so much for everything you give to the community. We’re so excited to see what 2025 brings—both the stuff we know is coming, and the stuff that will take us by surprise.
--Holly and the Mods on January 05, 2025 02:02pm 6 Comments
Hey everyone,
After listening to some feedback from y’all, we have made some amendments to the changes we rolled out December 30, 2024. Thanks to everyone who reached out with comments, questions, and suggestions, as your input helps us make the best possible decisions for our members and the site.
First, in order to better allow readers to find stories that have the content they want, we will be reinstating the Baby/Kid Fanworks category to cover stories where these are major themes, and expanding it to include kids as well as babies. The new definition is:
Baby/Kid Fanworks: Works which prominently feature pregnancy and/or babies and/or raising children
We are not removing any of the new warnings, so please note that if you post something in this category, you will need to include all appropriate warnings as well. This may feel redundant, but after listening to concerns, we feel that this combination of a category and the warnings offers the best option for allowing people to opt-in when they want to see the content or opt-out when they don’t.
While we do not have a list of the fics that were originally tagged with the “Babyfic” category, we have applied the new Baby/Kid Fanworks tag to any fic that carried the Baby/Kid warning.
As always when we make tag changes on the back end, creators should review their works to ensure that the tags are appropriate for those works that might be affected.
Second, we have amended some of the definitions of the new warnings to use more inclusive language and to clarify some points. Please let us know if you have any questions (or additional feedback) on any of these.
- Miscarriage: contains content in which a pregnancy is terminated unintentionally, whether the pregnant person wishes to keep the baby or not.
- Baby or Infant Death: contains content in which a baby or infant dies. This includes but is not limited to stillbirths, nonviable pregnancies carried to term, infants who die of SIDS or other illnesses or natural causes, violence, magical means, or other deaths.
- Baby/Kid: contains content which prominently features established characters involved with the raising of babies or children.
- Adoption: contains content in which a baby or child is put up for adoption, a baby or child is adopted, someone deals with their own adoption, or a character (or characters) is trying to adopt a child/going through the adoption process.
- Abortion: contains extended discussion of someone purposefully terminating a pregnancy and/or the actual termination of a pregnancy. The pregnant person may or may not be the one who chooses to terminate the pregnancy.
Thank you again to everyone who has provided feedback on this topic. As always, if you have any questions (or more feedback!) please send them to elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com or comment below.
--cawthraven and the Mods on January 04, 2025 07:00pm 0 Comments
In 2023 we ran an event called Finishing Months, where the goal was for writers and artists to finish old works. We liked it so much we decided to make it a biannual Thing. With 2025 somehow staring us in the face, that means it’s once again time to type “The End” and click “Complete” on some of those old WIPs collecting dust on your profile page.
Starting January 1, and running until the end of March, we’re asking writers and artists to complete any work or works started for an event* or to finish a longstanding WIP. (We're defining a longstanding WIP as a work that started posting on Elysian Fields prior to January 1, 2023.)
* NOTE: Finishing abandoned Secret Santa gifts, Mystery Month works, Drabblemania, or mini-event (such as Monster Mash) works that were not posted by their relevant deadlines do not count toward this event unless they also meet the “longstanding WIP” requirement.
Okay, so that’s the basic gist. But I know what you really want to know about: the awards! I mean, the deets!
When is Finishing Months 2025?
The event starts at 12:00 am on January 1, 2025 and ends at 11:59:59 pm on March 31, 2025.
What works qualify?
Any work started for any event* or any incomplete work that started posting on Elysian Fields before January 1, 2023.
* NOTE: Finishing abandoned Secret Santa gifts, Mystery Month works, Drabblemania, or mini-event works that were not posted by their relevant deadlines do not count toward this event unless they also meet the “longstanding WIP” requirement.
I’ve been working on something since before January 1, 2023 but it’s not on the site. Does my work qualify?
Unfortunately, we have no way to verify this, so we can’t allow unposted WIPs to qualify. The work must have started posting, on our site, before January 1, 2023 to be eligible for awards.
How do the Creator Awards work?
For creator awards, we’re once again offering Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards.
If you complete one qualifying work, you will get a bronze award. Complete two and you get silver. Three or more work completed will earn you a gold award.
I want a Commenter Award. How do I get one?
To qualify for the 2025 Finishing Months Commenter Award, you must have left at least FIFTY (50) comments of at least 15 words between January 1 and March 31 2025 on works that are a WIP at the time the comment is made.
Wait, was that confusing?
If the story is a WIP when you make the comment, it counts toward the commenter award, even if it’s marked complete before the end of the event.
You can track your completion for this award on the 2025 Finishing Months Comment Challenge page.
Won’t someone think of the Beta and Sensitivity Readers Award?
Betas and Sensitivity Readers can get the award by beta reading chapters posted during 2025 Finishing Months on qualifying works completed as part of the event. Beta work for chapters posted before January 1, 2025 does not qualify.
Tell me about the Artist Award.
You can get this award by creating a new banner for a qualifying work that is completed as part of the 2025 Finishing Months event, or by creating illustrations for a qualifying work (by you or another creator) that is completed as part of the event.
Okay, but how will you know who gets the Beta and Artist Awards?
You’re so smart! Did we plant you in the audience? We pulled the credits list on January 1, 2025 and plan to check again on April 1, 2025, but that will only tell us if you added a new beta or artist. We’re going to rely on you all, our creators, artists, and betas to tell us if an already-credited beta continued to work on a fic, or if the original banner artist created a new banner to celebrate the work’s completion (and we wouldn’t say no if you told us about any new betas or artists you’re working with). You can do so by filling out this Google Form for each person who should get an award. If you have more than one qualifying work, you will need to fill it out for each work. You will also need to fill it out for each person you worked with. In other words, one form per work per person who qualifies for an award.
Don’t forget! If you created art for your own work, please fill out a copy of the form for yourself as well so you get your shiny new award.
My work has a co-author, do we both get the Creator award(s)?
Yep! All co-authors will get credit toward the bronze, silver, and gold Creator awards.
Where can I find the works that are part of the event?
We have a 2025 Finishing Months event page! Works won’t appear here until they’re marked complete, so keep checking back!
How can I see which creators are getting an award?
Check the 2025 Finishing Months Creators page to see which authors have completed at least one work that is eligible for the award!
Do I have to click anything on the Edit Story page? Is there an event icon for this?
Nope! There is no event icon and you don’t need to “opt-in” to this event on the Edit Story page like you would for one of our other events. We do everything on the back end for this one.
I think I should have an award but I’m not showing up on the commenter page or creators page/I didn’t get an award at the end of the month and think I should have one. What do I do?
If you think you should have an award but it’s missing from your profile, email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com with all the relevant details so we can verify.
For creators, we need your username, links to the relevant works, and a brief sentence detailing how/why the work qualifies.
For commenters, please provide your username.
For artists, please provide your username and the qualifying works you created art for. Remember, you only get this award if you create a new banner or illustrations for a qualifying work by another creator that is completed during Finishing Months 2025.
For beta and sensitivity readers, please provide your username and the qualifying works you betaed. Remember, you only get this award if you betaed a completed work during the 2025 Finishing Months event (January 1, 2025-March 31, 2025). Beta work for chapters posted before January 1, 2025 do not qualify.
I have another question that isn’t answered here.
Ask away in the comments or email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com and we’ll answer as soon as we can!
--cawthraven and the Mods on January 02, 2025 12:28pm 6 Comments
Hi all,
As you probably know, we continually review our tags, especially for warnings, and take input from members for new tags. We also consider ways in which warnings and other tags can be used to better curate experiences for all of our readers. With that in mind, we have undertaken some clean-up of our category, genre, and warnings tags, the definitions of many of those tags, and added and revised some additional tags.
After hearing some feedback from members, we have elected to make significant changes to how we currently handle content related to pregnancy, babies, and raising children. While many of these topics, and stories about them, can be full of joy, they can also cause pain for some of our members related to their own life experiences. While that pain can be used to create beautiful works about these themes, some members may prefer to avoid painful topics, whether in the short-term or forever. With that in mind, we’re moving the Category “Baby/Kid fic” to the Warnings and revising the definition, splitting Infertility Issues and Miscarriage into separate warnings (and renaming the former to Fertility Issues), revising the definition for the Abortion warning for clarity, and expanding our warnings related to babies, children, and pregnancy-related topics to more accurately reflect the range of experiences within these topics.
All works tagged with the Category “Baby/Kidfic” have had that category removed and the “Baby/Kid” warning added. Works previously tagged with the “Infertility Issues/Miscarriage” warning have had both the “Fertility Issues” and “Miscarriage” tags applied to them. Creators with works affected by these changes should review their work to see if the tags are appropriate, and add any additional tags that may apply.
Additionally, we realized we were lacking a warning for content related to self-harm, and have added a warning to cover these topics.
These warnings, like our other warnings, will be mandatory on new works published on the site. We encourage authors and artists to edit their existing works as needed to accommodate these new warnings, especially for works that are in progress. This is true even if the content is from canon, such as Dawn’s self-harm in Blood Ties. Please email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding these warnings or any others; we are happy to answer questions, clarify language, and review content to see if a warning is appropriate.
Readers are also encouraged to email the Mods if they are reading a story that is missing warnings it should have. We will confirm and work with authors to get the warnings added to fanworks so that we can all use the system to curate our experiences appropriately. In most cases, we prefer that the content creators update their warnings themselves, but per the Terms of Service, we reserve the right to edit the warnings and tags on a fanwork when necessary.
The new warnings have been added to the stories page and you will see them when you go to add a new work or edit an existing one. The definitions, which are also included below, have also been added to the Fanwork Tag Definitions page.
- Trying to Conceive (TTC): contains content in which a person or couple is actively trying to have a baby.
- Fertility Issues: contains content in which a person or couple is dealing with fertility issues. They may or may not be actively trying to conceive or be pregnant.
- Miscarriage: contains content in which a pregnancy is terminated unintentionally, whether the pregnant parent wishes to keep the baby or not.
- Baby or Infant Death: contains content in which a baby or infant dies. This includes but is not limited to stillbirths, nonviable pregnancies carried to term, infants who die of SIDS or other illnesses or natural causes, or other deaths.
- Pregnancy: contains content which prominently features pregnancy.
- Baby/Kid: contains content which prominently features established adult characters involved with the raising of babies or children.
- Adoption: contains content in which a baby or child is put up for adoption, or someone deals with their own adoption.
- Foster Care: contains content in which a character is removed from their home, is placed into foster care, or deals with having previously been in foster care.
- Abortion: contains extended discussion of someone purposefully terminating a pregnancy and/or the actual termination of a pregnancy. The pregnant parent of the child may or may not be the one who chooses to terminate the pregnancy.
- Self-Harm Injury: contains content where a character deliberately engages in or attempts acts which result in harming their own body, such as by cutting or burning themself.
As a reminder, warning tags must be included for each fanwork when they apply, and all works rated R and above must have warnings (since ratings are based on the inclusion or exclusion of content that is associated with one or more of our warnings). All warnings must be added as soon as the creator is aware that they will be needed. When adding a new warning to a work in progress, please add an author note explaining that you have added the warning and give a brief explanation why (you don’t have to include spoilers!) to help readers understand the changes.
In addition to the changes outlined above, definitions throughout the tags have been updated to clarify that they apply to all types of fanworks posted to the site, not only to fics. The categories “Holiday Fic,” “International fics,” and “Songfic” have been renamed to “Holiday,” “Foreign Language Fanworks,” and “Song-Inspired.”
Last but not least, while reviewing our current tags, we also noted that the existence of both a Historical category and Historical genre has caused some confusion for users. In the interest of streamlining tagging for authors, and improving discoverability for readers, we have consolidated these into one tag, the Historical category tag. Any tags marked with the Historical genre have been cross-checked, and if necessary, updated, to ensure it also had the Historical category tag. Creators who have fics that qualify as Historical should check their works to ensure that the category tag is showing appropriately and edit their tags if needed.
Thanks all and again, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have via email or in the comments below.
--cawthraven and the Mods on December 30, 2024 11:44pm 0 Comments
It’s the news post you’ve all been waiting for! The Mod Team is here to answer your burning questions about next month’s event. First things first:
What is the Secret Santa Gift Exchange again?
Our final event of the year! Members sign up (this year, forty-one writers and artists) and agree to both give and receive fanwork during the month of December. Sign-ups went out at the end of last week and all participating creators have their assignments.
Reminder: all works created for the event but be COMPLETE at ONE chapter. This means the word count maximum is 15,000 using the site’s word count.
How and when do I post my gift?
Starting as soon as the clock ticks over into December 1st (site time, which is Eastern time (ET)—it's listed under the ShoutBox), you'll see a checkbox on the page where you add a new story. It’ll look like so:
How do I let my giftee know I posted?
Great question! You should clearly state your giftee’s name in either the story summary or story notes section. We also recommend you reach out using EF’s Private Message system.
I got my gift! Now what?
Just one thing. Please thank your gifter when they publish the gift they make for you. Sometimes we get gifts that don’t live up to our expectations, but they were still made with enthusiasm, love, and a love of our community.
We take this very seriously. Bad behavior toward your gifter or giftee, in regards to either the gift you receive or the gift you deliver, will result in a permanent ban from this event for all future years. If there is an issue, let the Mods know.
Can I find fanworks in the Exchange?
Want to keep up with the gift-giving fun? All Secret Santa works will have a little red tree icon in the byline, as seen in the example below:
And you can find all of the Secret Santa works as they are added by visiting the event page.
Does my work need to be Holiday-themed?
So long as your work complies with your assignment, and doesn’t break any of EF’s rules or Terms of Service, you’re golden.
Anything else I need to know about my work?
You must include at least one of your giftee’s desired categories AND one of their desired genres. Their freeform prompt, if applicable, is entirely optional, but the requirement of a genre and a category is not.
Written works must be at least 100 words long and no more than 15,000 words as counted by the site software. There is no minimum word count for artwork-only pieces or narrative artwork (i.e. works that consist of both words and pictures, such as a comic), however narrative artwork pieces must adhere to the maximum word count of 15,000. All works must be posted as a single chapter.
Please remember that EF has a strict no-AI policy.
What happens if I don’t post my work within the time window?
If you don’t post your fanwork by the end of day on the 31st of December, site time, you will be ineligible to participate in the 2025 Elysian Fields Secret Santa Gift Exchange, but remain eligible for future fic exchanges in 2026 and beyond.
If, by December 15th, you find yourself unable to create a gift in time, PLEASE reach out to EllieRose101 or email the site at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. You will still be unable to participate next year, but this will allow a rescue writer time to ensure your giftee has something under the tree.
What happens if I don’t drop out before December 15 but something comes up afterward?
So it’s December 19 and you were on track to complete and publish your gift well ahead of schedule. But then life decides to Life and despite your best efforts, you know that you will not be able to post in time. What happens then?
Contact us immediately. We need to know if we need a rescue writer/artist to step in or if you still want to complete your work. Our concern at that point is making sure your giftee isn’t empty-handed. If you want to complete your work outside the deadline, this is what you need to know: Secret Santa works may be posted up to January 15 with the understanding that they are not considered event works, that you will be prohibited from participating next year, and you will be ineligible for any event awards.
The key here is communication. We have to know what to expect so we know what to tell your giftee and/or if we need to make alternative plans for them.
Should you decide not to drop out, failure to meet the extended deadline, may result in a permanent ban from future Secret Santa events. The Mods will evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. Again, communication is key.
What about beta readers and sensitivity readers?
We love beta and sensitivity readers and have a shiny Beta award they can win! Use EF’s credit system to mark their contribution or else they won’t get the award—and they deserve all the accolades for their hard work!
Can I work with someone else on my event response?
Not this time, sorry. Since everyone who signs up creates and receives one fanwork is matched with another person, we do not allow co-authored works for this event.
How do I get the art award?
You can get the art award by creating a banner (for yourself or someone else), by posting a work that fits within our Artwork or Narrative Artwork categories, or creating an illustration to accompany a gift fic written by you or another Secret Santa writer. We’ve seen images, manips, gifs, videos, fan vids, comics, playlists, and more get posted, and can’t wait to see what y’all will come up with next!
If someone has created art for your work, make sure you credit them using EF’s credit system—otherwise we won’t know to give them an award! And DON’T FORGET to credit yourself as the artist if you created your own banner or other artwork.
Are there rules for banner creation?
Banners should be no more than 920x300 pixels and include a variation of the text ‘Designed/Created/Written for the 2024 Elysian Fields Secret Santa Gift Exchange’ somewhere on them. Example:
If you don’t have a custom banner for your work, the amazing MillennialCryBaby has created a banner for the event that any participant can use (as seen below. You can find the link here). If you do use her banner, PLEASE remember to credit her!
Now that I have a gorgeous banner/other artwork, how do I add it to my work?
To add the banner to your fanwork, you can upload the banner to your account in “Your Images” under “Account Info.” Banner images must be a gif, jpg, jpeg, or png file type, and under 1 MB in file size. Banners should be no more than 920x300 pixels. Images posted within chapters can be up to 1500x1500 px. (Note: make sure you add images to the chapter itself; any images in the Chapter Notes or End Notes won’t be added to ePubs when people download them!) You can also host your banner on an image-sharing site or your own site, especially if the file size is too big for us to host on our site.
You then enter the URL from Elysian Fields or the image-sharing site in the Banner URL field on the Add Story page, or click the Insert/Edit Image icon in the toolbar for the Story Text box.
NOTE: The URL you add MUST end in a valid image file extension (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png) or else the URL will not be saved. Make sure there are no spaces after the final character in the file extension. If you are having issues with a specific image-sharing site, please reach out to us via email or try asking for help in our Discord server.
You said we could add videos? How do I do that?
You will need to get the embed link from YouTube, Vimeo, or another site (which can be a little tricky on mobile, but not impossible—google for directions if you don’t have access to desktop) and insert the html into the Source Code. You can find the Source Code by clicking the Source Code button in the toolbar. Reach out via email or Discord if you’re having any issues with embedding videos.
Is there an event skin?
Yes. The December event skin is now live if you want to make it your default. Scroll down to the skins on the main page or in the footer and select the one labeled “secretsanta” to switch. If you want to keep it, make sure you change the selection on your preferences page. (Otherwise it will change back to your saved skin the next time you access the site.)
And if you haven't seen it yet, the skin looks like this:
The banner was made by our very own MillennialCryBaby.
Will you be featuring regular works while the event is going on?
The first two weeks, yes. For the second half of December, instead of our normal mod-selected featured works, we will be highlighting fanworks posted for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange. Starting on the sixteenth of the month, each day will highlight a random assortment of works posted during the event.
The Gift Exchange challenges authors and artists. What about the readers? Won’t you think of the readers?
Obviously, readers deserve all the love. If during the month of December you write at least 15 comments of at least 15 words on any fanworks on the site, you'll meet the requirements of the commenter challenge and earn a Commenter award! There will be a link to the comment challenge leaderboard on the homepage under the Members of the Month along with the All Star Commenter list.
How about those awards?
Shinies for the Gift Exchange have been lovingly made by MillennialCryBaby. Look at them!
Life happened and I can’t finish my work. What do I do?
We understand life happens. As soon as you know you can’t finish, please email the mods at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. All participants who have yet to post their gifts will receive an email on or around December 15 to confirm their intent to complete. If you must drop out, please make your best effort to inform the Mods before this date. This will give enough our Rescue Writers/Artists time to swoop in and create something before the 12/31 deadline.
Dropping out DOES mean you won’t be able to participate next year, but we’d rather know so we can make contingencies than have someone go giftless. If you do not communicate with us at all regarding dropping out, you will be banned from participating in all future Secret Santa exchanges.
I haven’t received my gift yet. What do I do?
Many of our writers and artists will be working on their gifts throughout the whole month of December, and may not be able to post before the deadline. If you haven’t received your gift once the event ends, please reach out to the mods at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
I’m a rescue writer/artist. Now what?
Sit tight and wait to see if we need your services! Hopefully we won’t have to tap you, but if we do, then you’ll get an email from the Mods to confirm you’re still available to help out.
You’ve mentioned that it’s possible to be banned from this event. How does that happen so I know how to avoid it?
Excellent question.
While the Mods take all archive events seriously, this one has more than just awards at stake. Participants sign up to both give and RECEIVE a gift, and nothing dampens the spirit of the season more than not getting something you were told to expect, especially after you worked so hard to make sure that another member didn’t go without.
This is why we restrict members from signing up the following year if they don’t make the deadline. When you sign up for Secret Santa, it’s not the Mods you’re creating for, or readers on the site; it’s your giftee.
We DO understand that things happen, which is why we have rescue writers/artists, and why any member that doesn’t meet the deadline isn’t penalized beyond one year.
That said, there are a few ways you can be permanently restricted from participating in this event in the future.
- Repeated failure to deliver. If you’ve previously been prohibited from participating because you signed up but dropped out and/or didn’t deliver your gift, a second consecutive time will result in a permanent ban. We don’t like doing this and hope we never have to, but dropouts put pressure on everyone, and if it’s happened twice consecutively, we will consider that a pattern and act accordingly.
- Failure to meet an extended deadline. If you know you will not have your gift published prior to 12/31 but still wish to complete it for your giftee, you will be granted until January 15, 2025 to see that it is published on the site. You will not be eligible for awards, your gift will not be considered an official event work, and you will be prohibited from participating in the 2025 event. If the extended deadline is not met, you may be barred from all future Secret Santa events. The Mods will evaluate this on a case-by-case basis.
- Noncommunication. As we’ve said, dropouts happen. It is your responsibility to let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you know you will not be able to deliver. If you fail to let us know you won’t be able to make the 12/31 deadline and simply do not post your gift, you will be barred from participating in future Secret Santa events. We cannot make accommodations for your giftee if we do not know not to expect your contribution, and that is not fair to them.
- Bad behavior toward your giftee. Please refer to the guidelines you received with your assignment details. If they listed a trope you like as one of their hard nopes, don’t include it; likewise, make sure to include at least one of their requested genres and one of their requested categories. In all cases, we have done all we can to pair compatible people, but everyone is different. Including content your giftee specifically didn’t want is unacceptable. If you’re uncertain about the definitions of tropes/categories/genres/warnings, please refer to our definitions page, and/or reach out to the Mods. You will not be penalized if you make a good-faith effort with your gift.
- Bad behavior toward your gifter. As we’ve said, sometimes the gifts we receive don’t meet our expectations. This is not an excuse to lash out at a gifter who did everything they could to give you something you would enjoy. Be grateful, be respectful, and be kind.
I’m So Excited!
We are too!
Anything else?
If there are any additional questions, please comment on this post or email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. And get ready for some amazing new works!
--Holly and the Mods on November 30, 2024 07:14pm 0 Comments
Yes, our anniversary event is over, but that means it’s November, and THAT means the holidays are upon us. So for the fifth year, we are excited to announce the Elysian Fields Secret Santa Fanwork Exchange!
That’s great! Except I have a question: What the heck is the Elysian Fields Secret Santa Fanwork Exchange?
Ahh, glad you asked, friend. The Elysian Fields Secret Santa Fanwork Exchange is our final event of the year. The how is simple: sign up to give a fanwork gift, and receive a fanwork gift!
If you’ve never taken part before, or if you need a reminder, here’s how it works:
Everyone who signs up to participate will create one fanwork (a fic or a piece of art) and receive one fanwork. (You can opt out of giving and/or receiving art in the Google form if you’re only interested in giving and/or receiving written fic). Each fic MUST be a “one-shot” (a complete work, posted in full, within a single chapter). This means the word count MAX for written fic is 15,000. There is no word count minimum so long as you have satisfied at least one of your giftee's requests in the story.
So a one-and-done fic or piece of artwork that is complete at the time of posting?
And fic can’t be more than 15k words?
Though, please note that 15,000 words is defined as how our software tracks word counts. Unfortunately, predicting that is a bit nebulous as every writing program defines words differently. In fact, there’s a difference between our textbox counter and the official site word count because sometimes we just can’t have nice things. Suffice it to say, there may be word count discrepancies between Google Docs, MS Word, or other programs. Ultimately, it’s every participant’s job to make sure that your story fits. If your fic is approaching the limit, we recommend leaving ample time for edits to make sure you can post correctly and before the deadline.
So we know the word count max; what’s the word count minimum?
There is no word count minimum for this event. All we ask is that all works be created with care and fit with your giftee’s requests. Some people want a lot of words to do this, and others can make magic with just a few (or none, in the case of art!). We trust our members to be thoughtful when creating gifts for one another.
You mentioned artwork. What if I want to make sure I get a fic, not art?
You can opt-in/out of receiving art on the form.
Since this is a Christmas-themed event, does my gift need to be Christmas-themed?
Nope! But if your giftee requests a holiday-themed work, definitely consider it.
Do we get pretties?
Of course! What’s an EF event without pretties? And because we’ve streamlined crediting, ALL AWARDS ARE UP FOR GRABS. Author, artist, beta/sensitivity reader, and commenter.
How do I get an author award?
Create a work for the event that is either entirely word-based (fic) or fits our narrative artwork definition.
Can I work with someone else on my event response?
We do not allow co-authored stories for this event, as it would make it too hard to match people. Artists can collaborate with an author by providing art for their story, however, as one way to receive the artist award.
How do I get an artist award?
Create a story banner for someone else’s Santa work, contribute artwork to a Santa work, or create artwork for your giftee.
How do I get a beta/sensitivity reader award?
Help a creator out by providing feedback on their work in progress. You can volunteer to beta or sensitivity read on our Discord server, or create a beta profile.
How do I get a commenter award?
Leave a minimum of 15 comments comprised of at least 15 words over the course of the event. These comments do not need to be on event submissions but can be left on any fanwork on the site.
I’ve signed up! What happens now?
Once you complete the form, the Mods will work together to make best case matches from all of the responses and then reach out to each participant with the penname and fanwork preferences of their giftee. Please remember that this gift-giving is confidential. Don’t share who you have for a giftee until you post your fic!
Work together to keep the SECRET in SECRET SANTA.
Can anyone participate?
Unlike other EF events, we do have restrictions on participation.
Any member, whether they've previously written a fic on EF or not, is eligible to partake in this event––UNLESS you signed up for last year’s Secret Santa event and did not complete your fic or did not complete your fic by the deadline. Those members will have already been notified (at the end of last year’s event) and will not be eligible to participate this year, but may participate again in 2025.
Please note that bad behavior toward your gifter or giftee, regarding either the gift you receive or the gift you deliver, will result in a permanent ban from this event for all future years. We wish we didn’t have to say it, but we do.
We hate leaving anyone out, but since the spirit of this event is gift-giving and impacts other members, we take sign-ups very seriously. Everyone who decides to participate should both give AND RECEIVE a gift.
What if I sign up in good faith but something comes up?
We understand life happens. All participants who have yet to post their gifts will receive an email on or around December 15 to confirm their intent to complete. If you must drop out, please inform the Mods before this date. This will give our Rescue Writers/Artists time to swoop in.
Dropping out DOES mean you won’t be able to participate next year, but we’d rather know so we can make contingencies than have someone go giftless. If you do not communicate with us at all regarding dropping out, you will be banned from participating in all future Secret Santa exchanges.
I want to make sure everyone gets a gift, regardless. How can I help? / You mentioned Rescue Writers/Artists. What are those?
Rescue writers/artists are members who sign up to help out just in case someone is unable to complete their work. If someone drops out, we may reach out to see if you can help make sure their giftee doesn’t go empty-handed.
What if I am paired with the same person as last year/year’s past?
Hopefully, this won’t be an issue; we will do everything possible to avoid pairing repeats. That said, it might be that your best match is someone you were previously paired with. People who were previously paired were paired because their wants-to-receives and willing-to-creates were in harmony. If that hasn’t changed, then it could be you are again the ideal creator/recipient for someone you were paired with in the past.
Anything else?
Just one thing. Please thank your gifter when they publish the gift they make for you. Sometimes we get gifts that don’t live up to our expectations, but they were still made with enthusiasm, love, and a love of our community.
We take this very seriously. Bad behavior toward your gifter or giftee, in regards to either the gift you receive or the gift you deliver, will result in a permanent ban from this event for all future years. If there is an issue, let the Mods know.
Okay, so what are the dates?
Important Dates:
- November 4-17: Signup to participate in the 2024 Elysian Fields Secret Santa Fanwork Exchange
- November 22-23: Assignments Distributed
- December 1: Posting begins!
- December 15: Your drop-out deadline
- December 31, 11:59 pm, site time: All gifts must be posted.
No late sign-ups or publishing will be allowed.* Leaving a participant giftless will make Spuffy deeply sad, and we can’t have that. It will also result in ineligibility from participating in Secret Santa for at least one year. (A one-year ban if you don’t post but at least tell us, or a lifetime ban from participating if we never hear from you.)
*If you miss the deadline to post, please still send your gift, just be aware that it won’t officially count toward the event. And—we cannot stress this enough—keep the mods informed about your gift.
Any questions? Email us or comment below!
--Holly and the Mods on November 04, 2024 07:08pm 0 Comments
Elysian Fields has successfully celebrated another anniversary, and you all helped. Thank you!
We had many members take part, including:
- 43 Authors
- 26 Artists
- 32 Beta and Sensitivity Readers
Between them, participating authors wrote 350,771 words across 93 chapters as part of 48 works, and 467 members left comments, of which 48 commenters met the requirements for an award. Comments on event works during the event totaled 1,195 and event works received a total of 2,464 likes during that same period.
If you have yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can find them all here.
Again, thanks to everyone who took part. All participating authors, beta and sensitivity readers, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com
And don’t get too comfy. We’re announcing our next event soon. Like tomorrow. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on November 03, 2024 07:41pm 0 Comments
It’s the news post you’ve all been waiting for! Ellie is here on behalf of the Mod Team to answer all of your burning questions about next month’s event. First things first:
What was the theme again?
BETRAYAL! (Not poodles. Probably.)
Elysian Fields is turning eighteen, and so, the inspiration for the theme comes from Buffy’s own harrowing eighteenth birthday, when she is betrayed by Giles and the Council alike.
That said, your fic/art DOES NOT have to be based around that same episode. So long as it’s a Spuffy work with betrayal as a theme, you’re good. This does not mean it specifically has to be Buffy or Spike who is the subject or perpetrator of the betrayal! You could go for a spin on canon with Amy betraying Willow, Willow betraying Tara, or something completely AU like Xander being betrayed by the cheese guy from Restless. Your use of the theme can be as small or as large as you want. So long as it's obvious enough for the readers to go "Oh, I see what you did there!" then your fic qualifies for this challenge. Whichever path you choose to take, we'd love to see what you come up with.
How and when do I post my story?
Starting as soon as the clock ticks over into October 1st (site time, which is Eastern US time—it's listed under the ShoutBox), you'll see a checkbox on the page where you add a new story. It’ll look like so:
Reminder: Your work DOES NOT need to be complete prior to posting. In fact, it doesn't even need to be completed during the event month. So, any creators stressing about the timeline, you can relax because you have the whole month to BEGIN posting your work.
Also: the betrayal does not have to happen in the first chapter, or any chapters that are posted during October. The only requirement is that betrayal is featured in your work at some point.
How do I find Challenge Stories?
Want to keep up with the fun? All betrayal works will have a little knife icon in the byline, as seen in the example below:
And you can find all of the betrayal works as they are added by visiting the Event Page.
What should my work include?
So long as your work features Spuffy, a betrayal, and doesn’t break any of EF’s rules or Terms of Service, you’re golden. You could make art, write a comic, edit a fan-vid, or write an epic novel. The world is your oyster poodle!
Written works must be at least 100 words long, but there is no word count limit for artwork-only pieces or narrative artwork (i.e. works that consist of both words and pictures, such as a comic).
Please remember that EF has a strict no-AI policy.
What happens if I don’t post my work within the time window?
If you don’t post the first installment of your work during October (per site time), it can’t and won’t be considered part of the October event, sorry.
Do I need to post the entire work before the end of October?
Again, no. You just need to have posted at least one chapter before site time ticks over to November (per site time).
What about beta readers and sensitivity readers?
We love beta and sensitivity readers and have a shiny Beta award they can win! Use EF’s credit system to mark their contribution or else they won’t get the award—and they deserve all the accolades for their hard work!
Can I work with someone else on my event response?
Sure! The more the merrier! Whether it’s writers working as coauthors, artists creating a collaborative work together, or an artist and a writer teaming up as a duo (or a moresome!) as deadly as Spuffy, we welcome collaborations for this event.
How do I get the art award?
You can get the art award by creating a banner (for yourself or someone else) or by posting a work that fits within our Artwork or Narrative Artwork categories. We’ve seen images, manips, gifs, videos, fan vids, comics, playlists, and more get posted, and can’t wait to see what y’all will come up with next!
If someone has created art for your work, make sure you credit them using EF’s credit system—otherwise we won’t know to give them an award! And DON’T FORGET to credit yourself as artist if you created your own banner or other artwork.
Are there rules for banner creation?
Banners should be no more than 920x300 pixels and include a variation of the text ‘Designed/Created/Written for the Elysian Fields Betrayal Event’ somewhere on them. Example:
Now that I have a gorgeous banner/other artwork, how do I add it to my work?
To add the banner to your story, you can upload the banner to your account in “Your Images” under “Account Info.” Banner images must be a gif, jpg, jpeg, or png file type, and under 1 MB in file size. Banners should be no more than 920x300 pixels. Images posted within chapters can be up to 1500x1500 px. (Note: make sure you add images to the chapter itself; any images in the Chapter Notes or End Notes won’t be added to ePubs when people download them!) You can also host your banner on an image sharing site or your own site, especially if the file size is too big for us to host on our site.
You then enter the URL from Elysian Fields or the image sharing site in the Banner URL field on the Add Story page, or click the Insert/Edit Image icon in the toolbar for the Story Text box.
NOTE: The URL you add MUST be end in the image file extension (.gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png) or else the URL will not be saved. Make sure there are no spaces after the final character in the file extension. If you are having issues with a specific image sharing site, please reach out to us via email or try asking for help in our Discord server.
You said we could add videos? How do I do that?
You will need to get the embed link from YouTube, Vimeo, or another site (which can be a little tricky on mobile, but not impossible—google for directions if you can’t do this on desktop) and insert the html into the Source Code. You can access this by clicking the Source Code button in the toolbar. Reach out via email or Discord if you’re having any issues with embedding videos.
Is there an event skin?
Yes. The October event skin is now live if you want to make it your default. Scroll down to the skins on the main page or in the footer and select the one labeled “betrayal” to switch. If you want to keep it, make sure you change the selection on your preferences page. (Otherwise it will change back to your saved skin the next time you access the site.)
And if you haven't seen it yet, the skin looks like this:
The banner was made by our very own HappyWhenItRains.
Will you be featuring regular works while the event is going on?
Instead of our normal mod-selected featured works, we will be highlighting fanworks posted in past years in honor of our October anniversary. Starting on the first of the month, each day will highlight a random assortment of works posted during the matching year of the archive (for example, on October 1st, we will feature works from 2006, our first year; on October 2nd, we will feature works from 2007, our second year; and so on). On day eighteen, we will change to feature fics that are part of this event.
The October Event challenges authors and artists. What about the readers? Won’t you think of the readers?
Obviously, readers deserve all the love. If you write at least 18 comments in October that contain at least 18 words (for any works here on EF, not just the challenge ones), you'll meet the requirements of the commenter challenge and earn a Commenter award! There will be a link to the comment challenge leaderboard on the homepage under the Members of the Month along with the All Star Commenter list.
Show me the awards!
This event’s shinies have been lovingly made by HappyWhenItRains. Lookit!
I’m So Excited!
We are too!
Do we really have to include poodles in our works?
No. Probably.
Anything else?
If there are any additional questions, please comment on this post or email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. And get ready for some amazing new stories!
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on September 25, 2024 12:57pm 3 Comments
It is a momentous occasion, folks. Against all odds, our archive is on the cusp of turning eighteen!
Whether you are a commenter, an author, an artist, a beta reader, a sensitivity reader, or any combination thereof, the Mod Team invites you to join us to celebrate with our anniversary event, the theme of which is: Poodles!
That’s right. You’ve been asking for months, and we’ve been telling you for months. Now, don’t you feel silly?
Where did the inspiration for the theme come from? Buffy’s own near-fatal experience of being bitten on the neck by an angry poodle puppy.
- All fics must be poodle-centric. Spike adopts a poodle. Buffy is turned into a poodle. A poodle is the Big Bad. As long as poodles are heavily featured, we’ll consider it a win
- Poodle perms and skirts are also encouraged
- Minimum 100,000 words, maximum 1 trillion words
This seems reasonable, we think, and we’ll be taking no questions.
Poodle photos provided by EF member yellowb.
All right, fine. The theme is not poodles (though if you work poodles in, we will applaud).
The theme, for real, is BETRAYAL!
Where did the inspiration for the theme come from? Buffy’s own harrowing eighteenth birthday, when she is betrayed by Giles and the Council alike.
Does your fic/art have to be based around that same episode? Absolutely not! So long as it’s a Spuffy work with betrayal as a theme, you’re good. This does not mean it specifically has to be Buffy or Spike who is the subject or perpetrator of the betrayal! You could go for a spin on canon with Amy betraying Willow, Willow betraying Tara, or something completely AU like Xander being betrayed by the cheese guy from Restless. Your use of the theme can be as small or as large as you want. So long as it's obvious enough for the readers to go "Oh, I see what you did there!" then your fic qualifies for this challenge. Whichever path you choose to take, we'd love to see what you come up with.
That said, please note the following:
- Written works must be 100 words minimum and include or address the theme in some fashion.
- There is no word count limit for artwork-only pieces or narrative artwork (i.e. works that consist of both words and pictures, such as a comic). If you are writing a multi-chaptered fic, you must post at least the first chapter during the month of October according to site time––no earlier, no later. (As always, you can see the current site time underneath the Shoutbox on the front page.) You do not have to finish your fic in October; you only have to post the first chapter.
- Awards will be available for authors, artists, beta readers, sensitivity readers, and commenters as usual. Artist awards can be earned by creating a banner for someone (or yourself) or by posting an artwork-only or narrative artwork. Video edits are also more than welcome!
- Please remember that EF has a strict no-AI policy.
More details (including a reveal of the banner, skin, and awards) to follow, but if you have any questions, please comment below.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on August 17, 2024 01:11pm 14 Comments
Hello, wonderful EF community. As you might be aware, we are close to announcing the theme of our 18th-anniversary celebration event. Eighteen years, y’all! This community is almost old enough to vote! Or to be drafted! Or to vote not to be drafted!
But before we get to celebrating, there is something the Mods wanted to address.
Clarifying Constructive Criticism
We have always been a pro-constructive criticism community in the right circumstances; we have not, however, always been good about defining constructive criticism or empowering our creators to establish safe boundaries. This is something we have corrected this year, with a new definition available on our TOS page. It reads as follows (emphasis added):
[…] constructive criticism is permitted if expressly stated by the creator. Constructive criticism is defined as specific feedback with actionable advice. It should be delivered carefully and neutrally and focus on the art itself rather than criticizing the creator, their voice, or their creative choices. Differences of opinion, including but not limited to differences in characterization, word choice, plotting, or authorial style, are not considered constructive criticism. The Mods reserve the right to act on behalf of creators who receive unwelcome communications, public or private, that cause them distress. We encourage growth as authors and artists, but disrespecting our creators or their work will simply not be tolerated.
In addition to this, constructive criticism, at its heart, is respectful of the creator’s goals and delivered to help them better achieve those goals, which may not align with your desires for the work. It also requires a lot of trust between the creator and the critic; the creator must know and trust that the criticism exists to service their vision of the art.
We say this because we have noticed an increase in comments that we believe are designed to act as constructive criticism but do not meet the requirements defined above. That is partly on us. It is also partly because of the culture of expecting people to accept constructive criticism, particularly unsolicited constructive criticism, with grace and humility. It is also due in part to a common misconception that constructive criticism is simply voicing a contrary opinion.
Elysian Fields is reaching our 18th anniversary by nurturing an environment where we are protective of all our members, which we enforce through our strict content warnings policy and by advocating for creators when they receive disheartening comments. Many of these comments are written with good intentions; in fact, very few are not. Others may contain phrases that the commenter believes are innocuous (eg. “I don’t normally like baby fics because…”) that can actually be discouraging, as they typically include editorialization on a trope or theme the creator is clearly invested in.
How Fanworks Differ from Published Works
The stories, art, and other content provided by our creators are a gift. These creations represent our members’ time as well as emotional and creative labor, all to produce something they have crafted and shared for free, that we in turn get to enjoy for free. There is no distance between creator and audience in fan spaces the way there is in other media. We are peers within the same community and here because we want to be.
It is the difference between attending a potluck and going out to a restaurant.
Potluck contributions are made out of love with the sole intent of pleasing other people. It would not be appropriate to walk up to another potluck attendee and tell them that they have provided a subpar casserole. That is not the point of the potluck, which is to engage in a shared experience. Potlucks are things people attend because they want to; they are just as much about nurturing community and building friendships and connections as the food itself.
A restaurant, on the other hand, is something selected by a customer, paid for, and consumed with a level of expectation of quality and service. Even if everyone else loves that restaurant, it is perfectly acceptable to leave a subpar review citing the reasons why the dining experience didn’t meet your standards. The review is less for the restaurant itself and more for future diners. The restaurant owner might see it, might engage, might even take your advice into account, but the review ultimately exists to help other hungry patrons make a decision about where to spend their money.
In their personal lives, professional chefs might attend a potluck. Even under these circumstances, it is not acceptable to tell them their dish was missing an ingredient, that there was too much salt, that you wish they’d made a dessert instead of a salad, or any other piece of unsolicited criticism that essentially comes down to “I don’t like what you brought.” The chef still elected to invest their time, talent, and creativity to bring that dish to the potluck. Unsatisfied customers are par for the course at work, but the potluck isn’t work. It’s play. It’s a space where they are relaxed and sharing something with a chosen community. They shouldn’t have to worry about dissatisfied customers when they contribute something simply out of the satisfaction of seeing it enjoyed.
Protecting Our Creators
Ultimately, this all comes down to providing a safe space for our creators to share their work. The comments left on creators’ work have enormous power—they can lift people up on days when they need it, yet a critical comment can be crushing on days when escape is more crucial than ever. On truly bad days, it might be what provokes a creator to withdraw from the community entirely, up to and including removing their work.
The EF Mods know, understand, and appreciate that reporting comments is not something done lightly. Our members are very protective of each other, and many are reluctant to report upsetting comments out of fear of getting someone in trouble, even at their own expense. No one wants to be the reason disciplinary action is taken against another member. It’s not something the Mods undertake lightly, either, and we start interactions with a conversation with the member. Disciplinary action is the last resort after all other avenues have been exhausted.
So please, if you receive or come across a comment or interaction, on your work or someone else’s, that makes you uncomfortable, reach out to us via email, PM, Discord, or by using the report button on the site. (All reports remain confidential.) While many of us are chronically online, the Mods don’t have the capacity to review every comment left on every work. We rely on you to tell us what we don’t know so you can help us protect the community creators.
A Personal Story
Taking a moment to speak as Holly rather than on behalf of EF; in 2019, before I rejoined the EF Mod Team, I received a comment on a fic that was inappropriate by EF standards. One of the Mods reached out to ask if I wanted to report the comment, and I said no. I was only thinking about how the comment, inappropriate or not, hadn’t really bothered me; I was not thinking about how a comment like that could impact another creator. How receiving a comment like that might lead to someone deleting their stories and removing themselves from fandom.
Were I to do it again, I would absolutely have reported the comment. Most often, the sort of comments that cause creators to remove themselves from our space are not one-offs. Incidents that go unreported are likely to recur with varying consequences. Losing creators is painful for everyone and something we strive to avoid, especially if the cause is preventable. It isn’t always, and we understand and respect that. But when it is? Guys, that sucks.
So as we enter our eighteenth year and prepare to kick off our anniversary celebration, we ask that you help us, best you can, protect the creators that make this place possible by following potluck etiquette, embracing the purpose behind constructive criticism, respecting when a creator has not asked for constructive criticism, and reporting comments that you find troubling.
Thank you all so much, and stay tuned for the October Anniversary Event Announcement, coming soon to an archive near you.
--Holly and the Mods on August 16, 2024 09:43pm 5 Comments
Mystery Month is over for another year and—whether you wrote something, read something, commented, and/or made art—I trust you all had fun.
Big congratulations to everyone who took part, including:
- 34 Authors
- 28 Artists
- 30 Beta and Sensitivity Readers
Between them, participating authors wrote 811,537 words across 170 chapters in 34 stories, and 221 members left comments, of which 61 commenters met the requirements for an award. Comments on event works during the event totaled 1,666, and event works received a total of 2,834 likes during that same period.
If you’re yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can find them all here.
Many, many thanks to everyone who took part. All participating authors, beta and sensitivity readers, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com
P.S. Keep an eye on our news posts as our October Anniversary Event will be announced soon!
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on August 07, 2024 11:00am 0 Comments
Welcome to Week 4 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Month Event!
That means we’re past the Scream Tunnel and close to our own Elysian Fields version of Heartbreak Hill. Don’t forget to fuel up, drink plenty of water, and keep those typing fingers nimble as you face that last hill.
- This is THE LAST PROMPT to be released!
- The fifth and final prompt is Happily Ever After/Happy For Now.
- Your fic MUST CONCLUDE with five chapters.
- The end-notes for each chapter MUST INCLUDE the prompt(s) that were answered in the chapter and an excerpt of the prompt being fulfilled.
- Fics that do not update within the specified timeframe will be removed from the event. This means you have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 21 to add Chapter 3.
- You have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 28 to add Chapter 4.
- You have until 11:59 pm EDT on August 4 to add your fifth and FINAL chapter (and don’t forget to check “complete” on that fic).
- The commenter award must be completed by 11:59 pm EDT on August 4.
- All beta and artist credits must be finalized by 11:59 pm EDT on August 4 (are you sensing a theme?).
You can check out all our Mystery Month fics on our Event Page.
Okay, now without further ado, here are the prompts you’ve been waiting for! (What, no drumroll?)
- include a riddle (as suggested by squiddz)
- Glitter!!! (as suggested by tragic)
- Last night, I dreamt (as suggested by Bee_davie)
- Start: July 22 @ 12:00 am EDT
- End: July 28 @ 11:59 pm EDT
- Already done! YOUR FIFTH AND FINAL PROMPT IS Happily Ever After/Happy For Now
- Start: July 28 @ 12:00 am EDT
- End: August 4 @ 11:59 pm EDT
As always, if you have any questions, you can comment below or reach out to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
The finish line is in sight—you’ve got this!
--cawthraven and the Mods on July 18, 2024 11:17pm 1 Comment
Welcome to Week 3 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Event!
Wellness check. How are you all doing? Mystery Month is a marathon, but we hope you guys (gn) are having as much fun as we are, especially since we’re officially at the halfway point!
- Only ONE MORE PROMPT be released after this week.
- The fifth and final prompt is HEA/HFN.
- Your fic MUST CONCLUDE with five chapters.
- The end-notes for each chapter MUST INCLUDE the prompt(s) that were answered in the chapter and an excerpt of the prompt being fulfilled.
- Fics that do not update within the specified timeframe will be removed from the event. This means you have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 14 to add Chapter 2.
Curious to see how the prompts are being addressed? Check out the fics on our Event Page.
And without further ado, the prompts. The random number generator we used plucked a couple more from Avery and Kliomuse, and since we didn’t account for that possibility, we decided to roll with it. But two’s the limit, guys, no matter how many amazing prompts you provided.
Also, the prompt says towel and should be a towel and only a towel in your chapters, but we’re going with a strategically placed sheet for the image. Hope no one minds.
- Buffy pampers/spoils Spike/William (as suggested by LovingWilliam)
- A strategically placed towel (as suggested by Avery)
- “My brain goes ahhhh” (as suggested by Kliomuse)

- Start: July 15 @ 12:00 am EDT
- End: July 21 @ 11:59 pm EDT
- July 19
As always, if you have any questions, you can comment below or reach out to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
Happy writing, all!
--Holly and the Mods on July 11, 2024 11:02pm 8 Comments
Welcome to Week 2 of the Elysian Fields Mystery Event!
Our Mystery Event is well underway! And authors, you still have until 11:59 pm EDT on July 7 to get your fics in if you want to join in the fun. Once the clock strikes midnight, the checkbox to add your fic to the event will be gone.
Curious to see how the prompts are being addressed? Check out the fics on our Event Page.
But we know what you’re really here for, so we won’t take up any more of your time.
- Spike eats a blooming onion (as suggested by Maxine Eden)
- Motorcycle ride (as suggested by Kliomuse)
- Midnight snacks (as suggested by Avery)

Your fic has a HARD goal of 5 chapters. If you want to write more, great! But that’s sequel fodder, since more chapters should not be added to this fic (even after the event ends). If you want to write less, we get it, but that will likewise disqualify you from the event.
Each chapter MUST be posted within the allotted time window for that chapter to qualify for the event.
Each chapter MUST include that week’s prompt. (This one seems obvious, but better safe than sorry.)
Each chapter MUST be tagged with the prompt and the fulfilling line/paragraph/passage in your chapter End Notes by the time the posting window closes for that prompt (see the example on the Prompt 1 post if you have questions). We will begin checking and disqualifying fics starting Monday, July 8th. If you haven’t added the prompt information to your End Notes yet for Chapter 1, you have until 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time (you can check the time on the site under the Shoutbox) on July 7.
No NEW fics for the event will be accepted after July 7.
- Start: July 8 @ 12:00 am EDT
- End: July 14 @ 11:59 pm EDT
- July 12
As always, if you have any questions, you can comment below or reach out to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
Happy writing, all!
--Holly and the Mods on July 05, 2024 12:00am 0 Comments
IT’S TIME! Are you ready?
We have accumulated a LOT of prompts, y’all. You were amazing and creative. The Mod team reviewed and categorized everything that was submitted! Each week, we’ll release three prompts for you to choose from. You only need to use ONE for your fic to qualify, but if you’re feeling ambitious and want to go for more than one, well, we won’t stop you.
Let the Mystery Begin!
- Renaissance Faire (as suggested by Inevitablethief)
- Include Mr. Trick (as suggested by JayeMaru)
- Spike listens as Buffy Vents (as suggested by a member who wishes to remain anonymous)

The game is officially afoot, Watson!
How and when do I post my story?
Starting at midnight on July 1 (site time, which is Eastern US time - it's listed under the ShoutBox), you'll see a checkbox on the page where you add a new story.

***Please note: After July 7, the option to join the event will be removed. This is a TIMED event with strictly enforced deadlines.***
How do I find Challenge Stories?
Want to keep up with the fun? All Mystery Month fics will have a little pipe icon in the byline. Every detective needs a pipe!

You can also find all of the Mystery Month fics as they are added by visiting the Event Page.
What should my chapter include?
Aside from the prompt of the week, each chapter MUST include a line in the endnotes that identifies the prompt itself and a copy/paste section of the fic where the prompt was fulfilled.
EXAMPLE: Gone Switching by bewildered

This can be a single sentence or a paragraph, depending on the nature of the prompt and how you addressed it. Authors will have until the end of each week’s posting window to include this note. Fics that fail to include this will be removed from the event in real time, so put this at the top of your to-do list. The Mods REALLY don’t want to remove any fic from the event because that just sucks for everyone involved (and makes us feel crappy, even if you had plenty of advance notice). So do your part to make sure we don’t have to. We don’t wanna play Bad Cop (but we WILL).
What happens if I don’t post my chapter within the time window?
All chapters must be posted within the allotted time window to qualify for the event. Fics that don’t will lose the little pipe icon and be ineligible for author awards. For the first chapter, that means between July 1 - July 7.
Anything else to keep in mind as I start writing?
Unlike other EF events, Mystery Month Fics have a HARD cap of five chapters. In addition to fulfilling each week’s prompt, all fics MUST be complete by the event’s end (August 4th, at 11:59:59 pm site time) in order to qualify for author awards and remain listed as an event fic with the icon.
We know this will be difficult for some of you, especially since you don’t know what we’re going to throw at you next week, but it’s part of the challenge. And, we hope, also part of the fun.
What about betas, sensitivity readers, and artists?
If you have people helping you complete your Mystery Fic (either through beta/sensitivity reading or banner art creation), please use EF’s credit system to mark their contribution. And seriously, they need to be recognized. Think of all the work you’re going to throw at them over the next 5 weeks. They deserve all the accolades.
Is there an event skin?
Yes. The Mystery Month skin (called “Undercover”) is now live if you want to make it your default. Scroll down to the skins on the main page or in the footer and select the one labeled “undercover” to switch. If you want to keep it, make sure you change the selection on your preferences page. And if you haven't seen it, the skin looks like this:

Spuffy has set up shop just down the road from Detective Holmes. And we know Holmes is good and all, but our money’s on Spuffy to crack the case first.
Will you be featuring regular stories while the challenge is going on?
Following the first week of the event, the area where we usually have featured stories, we're going to highlight stories written as responses to the Mystery Prompts.
The Mystery Month challenges authors. What about the readers? Won’t you think of the readers?
Obviously, readers deserve all the love. If you write at least 15 comments in July that contain at least 5 words (for any stories here on EF, not just the challenge ones), you'll meet the requirements of the commenter challenge! You'll see a link to the comment challenge leaderboard on the homepage under the Members of the Month where the all-star commenter list is usually located.
Besides an amazing sense of pride, do we get anything for participating in the event?
Of course you do! As always, there will be awards for participating authors, artists, betas, and commenters. Please note, only authors who SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE their fic will receive the author award. Beta and sensitivity readers, commenters, and artists will be awarded regardless of whether the fic in question was completed (they did their part, after all). So authors, if you want one of these pretties made by our good friend Trevor Carlee, on your page, get ready for a fun five weeks.

I’m exhausted. What was the prompt again?
- A Renaissance Faire
- Mr. Trick
- Spike listens as Buffy vents
When will the next prompts be announced?
Prompt #2 will be announced in a new News Post on July 5 and on our EF Discord server.
That's it! Go forth and create!
--Holly and the Mods on June 27, 2024 10:26pm 6 Comments
Mystery Month is less than two weeks away. Are you excited? We sure are! We have prompts in the triple digits and gotta say, we love the way you guys think.
ABOUT THOSE PROMPTS: You have until Friday, June 21 at 11:59PM site time to get in your prompts for Mystery Month! The Mods will then begin the process of categorizing the prompts in preparation for the launch on June 28th! You may submit as many prompts as you like. Don’t worry about duplicates! We’ll handle everything on our end.
Have no idea what we’re talking about? Click here to catch up!
--Holly and the Mods on June 17, 2024 08:17pm 0 Comments
Are you guys excited? We sure are! We haven’t run Mystery Month since 2022, following a community-voted decision to alternate between Mystery Month and Drabblemania for our July events. And the results were amazing. We don’t like to brag (oh, who are we kidding, we LOVE to brag!) Drabblemania 2023 was a huge success. That said, we think the community chose very wisely, because our original Mystery Month is an event like no other, and we’re excited to get back to it!
If you weren’t around in 2022, or need a refresher, here’s the crux:
For the entire month of July (with a little spill over into August), participants will create works (either text-based stories or narrative artwork) that are five chapters long. Each chapter must respond in some way to a given prompt, and the works must be complete at five chapters––no longer, no shorter––with said chapters posted within the relevant time windows (detailed below).
The prompts will be issued every week, which means you have exactly one week to write/create art and post. Is it intense? Hell yes, it’s intense. But is it fun? Considering you guys wanted to keep the event, we’ll say hell yes, it’s a lot of fun.
Your contribution can be a sequel to any existing work, but it doesn’t have to be. The only requirement, beyond what we mentioned above, is that it be brand-new, not an existing WIP, and written specifically for this event.
So glad you asked!
The prompts will be provided by…*drumroll please*… You all!
In 2022, we shifted format from the EF admin-provided prompts to community-sourced. It’s more fun that way (and ensures the participating Mods don’t have the unfair advantage of knowing what the prompts are ahead of time). So you, dear EF community, will be providing the prompts that will guide the works we create.
But as we are benevolent overlords, we will provide one (and only one) prompt ahead of time. And that is the fifth and final chapter must be HEA/HFN.
As in 2022, you are invited (nay, encouraged!) to enter as many prompts as you like in our prompt form. These prompts can be anything – a line of dialogue, an object, a character, a color, a number, a creature feature, a situation, etc.
The only consideration we ask you to make in providing prompts is to adhere to the Spuffy wisdom of Five Words or Less for each prompt to avoid stressing out our creators. Beyond that, get as wild and creative as you like! Each week of the event, the Mods will use randomization software to pick a prompt from the list you provide us, and that prompt becomes your challenge for that week’s chapter.
Even better? We’ll save the unused prompts to source again for the Drabblemania 2025 Bingo Boards.
And yes, we do have plenty of prompts left over from 2022, but Elysian Fields has grown a lot over the last two years, and we want to provide our new members with the chance to contribute to the prompt list. It’s a great way to give EVERYONE the chance to be involved – our creators, our readers, and even our lurkers.
Yes, beta and everything.
We know.
This is our most stringent time-sensitive event. The “This Story is Part of the 2024 Mystery Month Event” tick box will DISAPPEAR after the first week is behind us and any works that do not update within the specified timeframe will be removed from the event.
Should you not update in time, though, don’t worry. You are welcome (read: encouraged) to continue your work at your own pace. You simply won’t be eligible for the author award and are no longer beholden to the prompts.
The intent behind this event is COMPLETED WORKS. So if you get to Chapter 5 and you don’t think your work is complete, your choices are:
- Make it a series and continue it later, with your Mystery Month fic as the first complete work in that series
- Remove the work from the event and continue as you would a regular, non-event work. At this point, you are no longer beholden to the prompts or eligible for the author award.
We thought about it, but we feel that submitting individual artwork pieces wasn’t in the spirit of the event, which is to work a narrative together through the randomness of the prompts. So, for this event, to keep the playing ground even for all creators, all pieces submitted must be narratives.
Of course! We hope you do! Submitting narrative artwork will make you eligible for the artist award, as will creating a story banner or illustration for any event piece.
Happy to! Wouldn’t be an EF event without awards. And this year, the awards (as well as the event banner) were designed by our good friend Trevor Carlee (for those of you who don’t know Trevor, he’s one half of EF’s favorite podcast, Another Buffy Podcast, an amazing artist, animator, and all-around swell human being).
Look how pretty!

AS A REMINDER: We now have the new beta/artist fields to submit with your story info. You must use these fields to make sure your betas and/or artist receives their award. Commenters will need to leave a minimum of 15 comments between the posting window (July 1 – August 4) that contain at least 5 words (for any stories here on EF, not just on challenge fics).
If you have to withdraw your submission from the event after posting the first chapter, any betas or artists who helped will still receive their awards.
Here they are! Please note, all dates start at 12:00 am site time and end at 11:59 pm site time of the day given. Site time is currently in Eastern Daylight Time, and site time is posted underneath the Shoutbox if you ever need to check.
- Friday, June 28: Prompt One Announced
- Monday, July 1st to Sunday, July 7th: Posting Window for Prompt One
- Friday, July 5th: Prompt Two Announced
- Monday, July 8th to Sunday, July 14th: Posting Window for Prompt Two
- Friday, July 12th: Prompt Three Announced
- Monday, July 15th to Sunday, July 21st: Posting Window for Prompt Three
- Friday, July 19th: Prompt Four Announced
- Monday, July 22nd to Sunday, July 28th: Posting Window for Prompt Four
- Monday, July 29th to Sunday, August 4th: Fifth and final chapters to be posted
If you have any questions, please comment below!
--Holly and the Mods on May 31, 2024 09:09pm 5 Comments
The Mod Team would like to thank everyone who took part in April Challenge Month.
The site saw the addition of 58 new fanworks for the event, including 2 that were exclusively artwork and 3 that wove a narrative and artwork together. The works created and shared for the event were made up of 183 chapters, consisting of 505,242 words, and written by 45 authors.
Also, 27 artists and 36 beta and sensitivity readers got an award, while 58 members completed the commenter challenge, with 1,236 comments left on event pieces during April, not to mention 2,571 likes!
All awards are now issued, but if you are missing one, or something seems not quite right, please drop us a line at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com
If you have yet to check out any of the brand-new challenge works, you can find them all linked here.
Until next time, happy reading!
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on May 06, 2024 03:55pm 0 Comments
Hi all,
We have some bad news. We learned today of an issue posting from Google Docs on iOS to the site. Basically, when you paste the text into the site (or most other places on your phone that we could see), certain special characters are not being correctly copied, so when they paste you get something that looks like — when all you wanted was an em-dash.
The good (?) news is that this is a widespread bug caused by either Apple or Google, and not anything we did, and is affecting other sites, including AO3, and other apps such as Apple Mail, Notes, and so on. Unfortunately, this makes work-arounds a little tricky. Posting on desktop is currently unaffected by the bug, but we know not everyone has access to desktop. If that applies to you, then the best option is probably a free Office 365 account, but even here we found during testing that copy/pasting from Docs to Word that certain formatting such as italics and bolding were lost. Copying from Docs to Word to EF also created weird line breaks. Instead, we would recommend saving your Docs file as a Word doc by clicking the three docs from the Docs menu (not from within the file) and selecting “Save as Word file (docx)”, then moving the copy of the file to the Files app on your phone. Then, in the Word app, you can choose to open files from the Files app.
Copying from Word directly does still have some issues, including loss of formatting such as italics/bolding. Alternatively, you could paste from Docs into a text file, but that formatting will still be lost.
We are exploring more permanent coding solutions, but since this seems to be a bug introduced by Apple or Google, and occurs in a wide variety of settings on iPhones, we may be limited in our ability to solve this one.
For April event fics, we know time is running out. If you need to get your fanwork up and don’t have time for work-arounds, please email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com and we will see what we can do to accommodate you.
--cawthraven and the Mods on April 29, 2024 10:08pm 2 Comments
This is the final reminder for everyone who has posted (or is still planning to post) for our April event: please use the new crediting system on the upload page. And triple check that you have got the username(s) of your betas, sensitivity readers, and/or artists spelled correctly, including punctuation where relevant. This greatly helps the Mod Team and means everyone will be able to get the awards they’ve earned faster going forward.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on April 29, 2024 06:04pm 0 Comments
This is a reminder for everyone posting (or planning to post) during our current April event: please use the new crediting system on the upload page. And triple check that you have got the username(s) of your betas, sensitivity readers, and/or artists spelled correctly, including punctuation where relevant. This greatly helps the Mod Team and means everyone will be able to get the awards they’ve earned faster going forward.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on April 17, 2024 07:22pm 0 Comments
In response to suggestions and questions from some of our members, we are adding three new warnings to the archive, for Voyeurism, Sexual Violence, and Torture (Implied). These warnings, like our other warnings, will be mandatory on new content published on the site. We encourage authors and artists to edit their existing works as needed to accommodate these new warnings, especially for works that are in progress. Please email us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding these warnings or any others; we are happy to answer questions, clarify language, and review content to see if a warning is appropriate.
Readers are also encouraged to email us if they are reading a story that is missing warnings it should have. We will confirm and work with authors to get the warnings added to fanworks so that we can all use the system to curate our experiences appropriately.
The new warnings have been added to the stories page and you will see them when you go to add a new story or edit an existing one. The definitions, which are also included below, have also been added to the Fic Tag Definitions page.
- Voyeurism: contains depictions of character(s) being observed without their knowledge or consent, by another character(s), often but not always in sexual situations or situations that can be considered titillating, such as states of undress
- Sexual Violence: a sexual act committed or attempted by another person using a variety of tactics, where the victim does not or cannot freely give consent or does not or cannot freely refuse. Sexual violence can occur in person, online, or through technology, such as posting or sharing sexual pictures of someone without their consent, or non-consensual sexting, and can include unwanted sexual contact or unwanted sexual experiences that do not include contact. This warning should be used when forms of sexual violence not covered by another warning is present in a work.
- Torture (Implied): alludes or infers torture of a character. Torture can be emotional/psychological or physical, and is defined as assault on a character’s mind/mental well-being or body. While torture and abuse can overlap, for the purposes of tagging your work, they are differentiated in that abuse is sustained over time while torture occurs over a shorter timespan.
In addition, we have edited several of our existing warnings to further clarify when to use specific warnings. These new definitions have been added to the Fic Tag Definitions page, and are included below for your reference.
- Abuse: contains the physical, mental, or sexual abuse of a character. While torture and abuse can overlap, for the purposes of tagging your work, they are differentiated in that abuse is sustained over time while torture occurs over a shorter timespan.
- Attempted Rape: includes the attempted sexual assault of a character(s). Rape is defined as sex between two characters where the victim does not or cannot freely give consent or does not or cannot freely refuse.
- Rape (Actual): includes graphic depictions of rape. Rape is defined as sex between two characters where the victim does not or cannot freely give consent or does not or cannot freely refuse.
- Rape (Implied): alludes or infers to a rape of a character. Rape is defined as sex between two characters where the victim does not or cannot freely give consent or does not or cannot freely refuse.
- Sexual Situations: includes or alludes to consensual sexual activity
- Torture (Emotional/Psychological): includes assault on a character’s mind/mental well-being. While torture and abuse can overlap, for the purposes of tagging your work, they are differentiated in that abuse is sustained over time while torture occurs over a shorter timespan.
- Torture (Physical): includes assault on a character’s body, including physical violence and sexual violence. While torture and abuse can overlap, for the purposes of tagging your work, they are differentiated in that abuse is sustained over time while torture occurs over a shorter timespan.
As a reminder, warning tags must be included for each fanwork when they apply, and all works rated R and above must have warnings (since it’s the kind of content we add warnings for that raises the rating). All warnings must be added as soon as the creator is aware that they will be needed. When adding a new warning to a work in progress, please add an author note explaining that you have added the warning and give a brief explanation why (you don’t have to include spoilers!) to help readers understand the changes.
Thanks all and again, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have via email or in the comments.
--cawthraven and the Mods on April 13, 2024 11:34am 1 Comment
April Challenge Month is just around the corner, so here are all the details you need to get ready. (If you missed the announcement, see here.)
Once you have picked the challenge you wish to respond to and created your work (either fic or art), you will need to upload at least the first part between 00.00 on April 1st and 23.59 on April 30th site time, which appears under the ShoutBox on EF’s homepage. During the posting window, a tick box will appear on the upload page that, when checked, marks your work as part of the event.
After you have uploaded your work, you must link it to the challenge you’re responding to. To respond to a challenge, find the specific challenge on the Challenges page and then click “Respond to this Challenge” at the bottom of the challenge. Click the link, check the box next to the story that is the challenge response, and click submit. If your work is not linked to a challenge, you will not be eligible for awards.
Please note, the challenge you respond to must have been issued by another member. Works that respond to a challenge issued by the creator are not eligible for the event.
Event works will appear on the 2024 April Challenge Month page, be eligible for awards (designed by the wonderful bewildered), and get a little umbrella icon beside them (pictured below).
Below is the breakdown of how to qualify for each award:
- Author Award: Post a story or a work tagged as Narrative Artwork.
- Artist Award: Post a work tagged as Artwork or Narrative Artwork, contribute illustrations to an event story, or create a banner for an event story. Authors must credit their banner artists and illustrators, including themselves if they are an artist for the work.
- Beta Award: Perform a beta read or sensitivity read on an event work. Authors must credit their beta and sensitivity readers.
- Comment Award: Add 15 comments of at least 15 words each during the month of April. (see below for more details).
As always, authors must credit any beta readers, sensitivity readers, or artists who contributed to their story. Please use the new crediting fields on the Upload page to ensure everyone gets their hard-earned shinies. The Mods will not check summaries, story notes, or chapter notes for crediting, so this information must be in the crediting field. Please confirm you have the correct spelling and punctuation of usernames, as some members have very similar handles.
Commenters must leave at least 15 comments of at least 15 words each during the month of April to be eligible for the award. Comments do not need to be on event fics, though we always encourage people to read and comment on those!
Banner artists: please add a small line of text somewhere on event banners to say, Designed for Elysian Fields' 2024 April Challenge Month.
Happy creating!
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 30, 2024 01:31pm 2 Comments
Hi, EF! We’re excited to announce some brand-new features for the site. As of this writing, we’ve incorporated crediting systems for artists as well as beta and sensitivity readers for our members to better acknowledge all the hard work that goes into creating fanworks.
When a creator posts a fanwork to the site, there is now an option to select the names of any beta readers, sensitivity readers, or artists—whether they are Elysian Fields members or not—who have contributed to the work. For artists, this can be someone who makes banner art, story art such as illustrations, or both. You can credit yourself as an artist, as well.
In order to credit members, start typing their name into the input box (pictured below) until the name you want appears, then click it to add it. (And repeat for additional crediting!) For non-members, type their name(s) exactly as you wish to credit them. In both cases, you can credit multiple persons.
Once you’ve added appropriate credits to your work, they will display wherever members see your story on the site.
We're planning additional improvements to this feature over the next few weeks. If you have any comments, suggestions for improvement, or bug reports, please send them to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com or leave a comment on this news post.
--cawthraven, DarkVoid116, and the Mods on March 24, 2024 09:54pm 11 Comments
Hi all! It’s been almost a year and a half since we added artwork to Elysian Fields and we couldn’t be happier with how it’s been going—over 100 stories marked “artwork” have been added to the site since then, and we don’t think that number is slowing down any.
During that year and a half, however, we have noticed that our artwork tagging could use some improvement. There’s some confusion over which tags to use when, and the “Exclusively Artwork” checkbox conflicts with our site events, causing headaches for members trying to add their artwork to events.
With that in mind, we’re rolling out the following changes to artwork tags:
- We are retiring the Artwork genre. Artwork is really a category of fanwork, not a genre, and this removes the duplication of tagging and reduces confusion about whether to use both the Artwork genre and category or just one.
- All works tagged with the NSFW Artwork category, the NSFW Artwork genre, and the Artwork genre have been retagged by the mods and are now in the Artwork category.
- A new category has been added, Narrative Artwork. Narrative Artwork is defined as a fanwork that combines written and visual art. Visual art is defined as a visual image or set of visual images including but not limited to drawings, digitally manipulated photographs, or videos. Works in the Narrative Artwork category must meet the criteria for story submissions.
- The Artwork category is now defined as a visual image or set of visual images including but not limited to drawings, digitally manipulated photographs, or videos. Words, if present, are limited and/or incidental.
- The Exclusively Artwork checkbox has been retired. All stories labeled using this checkbox have been added to the Artwork category if they were not already tagged with the category.
We ask all artists to check their stories and ensure they are tagged with the appropriate tags, including the categories for Artwork and Narrative Artwork as well as all the correct ratings and relevant warnings.
We're aware these changes might sound complicated, but we believe that they’ll simplify the process of posting, sharing, finding, and enjoying art on the site. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.comor comment below.
--cawthraven and the Mods on March 18, 2024 12:28pm 5 Comments
Our Monster Mash event has ended and I’m here with the stats!
EF had a total of twenty-four works created specifically for this event, which consisted of:
- Four artwork-only submissions
- One submission that combined a written narrative with artwork
- Nineteen stories
These were made via a collaboration of:
- 20 Authors
- 16 Artists (including banner artists)
- 16 Betas and Sensitivity Readers
Between them, participating authors posted 140,033 words for the event across 44 chapters. A total of 203 members left comments or likes throughout the three-day commenting portion of the event, 120 members commented on or liked event stories specifically, and 32 commenters met the requirements for an award. The combined total of comments for the event is 476, and the new stories generated for this event received a total of 676 likes.
If you’ve yet to check out any of the brand-new challenge fics, you can find them all here.
Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whatever way you contributed. All participating authors, beta and sensitivity readers, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 15, 2024 02:23pm 2 Comments
It’s not long to go until EF’s next mini-event, folks!
If you missed the announcement about the Monster Mash, see the news post linked here. Or if you need a little reminder, the theme is Monster Mash. There is a monster in town* and Spike and Buffy team up to take it down. (*The fic does not need to be set in Sunnydale. Road trips and fics where Buffy and Spike live in other towns or cities count.)
The posting window for stories and art is one day (from 12 am/midnight until 11.59 pm on March 10th) and the window to earn the commenter award is three days (same start time, but running until 11.59pm on March 12th). Members can post artwork, drabbles, one-shots, or even multi-chapter fics if they wish, so long as they post the complete work before the end of the event.
As mentioned in the announcement post, there will be awards on offer for participants, artists (including banner artists), commenters, and betas.
For the commenting award, you’ll need to make 10 comments of at least 15 words during the previously stated three-day window. Event deadlines are based on site time, which is always listed just under the Shoutbox on EF’s homepage.
Anyone who submits an artwork-only piece will be eligible for both an author and artist award.
Banners should include the words "Designed for the Elysian Fields 2024 Monster Mash Event" in small, yet legible text.
During the posting window, when you go to add a new work, a tickbox will appear as depicted in the screenshot below. Ticking said box marks your work as officially part of the event (meaning it’s listed on the dedicated event page), generates a special event icon to appear beside your work title, and makes you eligible for awards (above, designed by the wonderful ClowniestLivEver, who also suggested the event theme).
Note: If you are ticking the event box, ignore the ‘artwork only’ tickbox even if it would usually apply. This is because only one tickbox can be applied to each work. If you accidentally tick the artwork only box, or tick both boxes, contact a member of the Mod Team and we will correct it on the backend of the site.
Also remember: credit your beta(s) and/or banner artist(s) if you use them! If you made your own banner and want your artist award, please tell us in the story notes that you made it. (The Mod Team has many talents, but being psychic is sadly not one of them.)
Any other questions in the meantime, you know the drill: comment below!
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 04, 2024 01:31pm 2 Comments