Hi everyone,
I know it's been a while since I posted the poll; we've decided to suspend anonymous reviews TEMPORARILY and work, in the meantime, to upgrade to a higher version of efiction which should have spam guard. We're tentatively setting the date of the upgrade within the next three weeks. The staff at Elysian Fields truly values its lurkers, and therefore hopes this solution will allow us both to do away with spam and keep our anonymous contributors.
So there it is: anonymous reviews have TEMPORARILY been suspended. We WILL be reinstating anonymous reviews once the site has been upgraded. If we believe the upgrade will take longer than the estimated three weeks, we will let you know. In the meantime, feel free to sign up for accounts to keep reviewing. If there is any trouble setting up accounts, please contact me at my personal email address and I'll see that you get registered.
We truly apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and input while we address/resolve this issue.
--Holly on August 23, 2007 09:18pm 0 Comments
We've gotten a large response to the question posed by Amy in regard to anonymous reviews. Unfortunately, the response has varied and while it was larger than expected, it did not proportionately represent the whole archive. Therefore, I have put up a poll on the Elysian Fields Community Journal on LJ. Please take a minute to vote. Our decision regarding anonymous reviews will depend upon the vote.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to email us. We did receive quite a few stories, one very long story which makes me in particular very reluctant to turn off anonymous reviews. However, as seen here and here, we do have a rather serious problem on our hands.
Thank you all very much for your patience and cooperation.
Click here to fill out the poll!
--Holly on August 03, 2007 09:45pm 1 Comment
Quite a few authors here at Elysian Fields have been receiving spam reviews, the content of which is not pleasant. The problem is that the only way to stop/block these reviews is to turn off anonymous reviews. This won't stop anyone from reviewing a story, it would just mean that every reader would have to have an account and be logged in while reading to leave feedback.
Before a decision is made we'd like to open the issue up for discussion. The essential question is, would turning off anonymous reviews bother/effect you? If so - how/why.
Please reply to this news item with your opinion, or alternatively you can contact us via email. Thank you.
--Amy on July 28, 2007 02:23am 4 Comments
We have a new skin available. To view, go to the panel on the left-hand side of the screen and switch from "heroes" to "smile." If you wish to switch skins permanently, log into your account and select it from there.
--Amy on July 18, 2007 07:40pm 2 Comments
I'd like to welcome Gillian to our list of affiliates.
If you're interested in affiliating with Elysian Fields, just drop us a line.
--Holly on June 29, 2007 12:47am 0 Comments
Elysian Fields took home two awards from LSA. Thank you so much to whoever nominated us!
--Holly on April 12, 2007 08:41pm 2 Comments
Elysian Fields took home TWO awards from Mandi and Yani's new Solemn Grace Awards! THANK YOU SO MUCH to whoever nominated our little archive!!!
--Holly on April 02, 2007 06:59am 1 Comment
Welcoming our newest affiliate, Tranquil Daydreams!
All affiliates/links/extras can be found here. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line if you'd like to affiliate and/or want your site added to our link list.
--Holly on March 20, 2007 06:34am 0 Comments
The Live Journal Community, Seven Seasons, is currently accepting Spuffy fiction admissions for its SEASON 6 CHALLENGE. Old fics are welcome, but the moderators would love to see some fresh plots. So please! Sign up and submit!
Rules are HERE!
--Holly on February 20, 2007 09:36pm 0 Comments
We've been nominated at the Shades of Grey Awards for Outstanding Site! Thank you SO MUCH to whoever nominated us!
--Holly on February 06, 2007 05:35pm 3 Comments
We have a new default skin, thanks to the lovely and talented Mandi.
Also, while power has not been restored to my home, I do seem to have steady Internet access for the moment, so the moratorium on emails is off. Feel free to send emails to the Elysian Fields address if you have any comment/suggestions/problems. I'll answer them as time allows.
Also, you might check out our new "links" section. It contains affiliates, links to certain archives, links to the DS Sisters, current nominations for Elysian Fields, as well as Elysian Fields LJ icons.
--Holly on January 22, 2007 01:50pm 2 Comments
Due to weather conditions in the midwest, all email inquires sent to Elysian Fields will not be answered until AT LEAST the end of the week. 90% of my hometown is without power (my home included) and I can't access the Internet easily. Unless I'm at campus or at my family's business office, there is no power to be found.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
--Holly on January 14, 2007 01:49pm 1 Comment
We have a new skin, credits to the lovely and talented Kargrif. To view, go to the panel on the left-hand side of the screen and switch from "elysian" to "spuffy1." If you wish to switch skins, you'll have to do so via your account info.
Thanks, Karyn!
--Holly on January 07, 2007 07:53pm 4 Comments
Elysian Fields has been nominated at Mandi and Yani's new Solemn Grace Awards in the categories of Best New Site, Best Shipper Site, and Best Fanfic Archive. Thank you SO MUCH to the wonderful person(s) who keeps nominating us! We're so incredibly thankful!
--Holly on January 03, 2007 01:14pm 1 Comment
WOW! Elysian Fields has been nominated over at the Lost in Spike Awards for Best Layout, Best New Site, and Best Fan-Fiction. Thank you SO MUCH to whoever nominated us!
--Holly on January 01, 2007 06:10pm 3 Comments
Wow! Our little archive has been nominated over at Insane Buffy Fans for Best Site Content! Thank you SO MUCH to whoever nominated Elysian Fields!
--Holly on December 17, 2006 06:17am 3 Comments
Hello and welcome to Elysian Fields!
We the mods are very excited to invite you all - readers and writers alike - to be part of this new family. As you will see when you look at the list of authors already archived, we have a mix of authors both new and old to the fandom, and we believe this diversity is what will make Elysian Fields a success. We want to encourage everyone to get right in there; read, review and write!
This archive started out as an idea that has since become something beyond our wildest dreams and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Elysian Fields has brought back the love of writing, spuffy, the fandom, for a lot of authors and we hope that it will also inspire you.
Here at Elysian Fields we want to encourage everyone, and drabbling is how some people dip their feet into writing world. That is why a LiveJournal community has been opened to accompany the site. This community is for everyone. Writers, readers, betas, lurkers. As with most self posting archives, Elysian Fields has a minimum word requirement per chapter - here it is 750 words. Ficlets are accepted but they must reach that minimum to be posted on the site. This means that drabbles are inelligeble for posting. However - we have a solution! Elysian Fields LiveJournal Community
This community can be used for posting drabbles, asking for fic recs, where any information from the mods will be posted in regards to the site, and is basically a place for readers and writers to connect. So go join!
We want everyone to enjoy their time here, and getting to know each other will help to make this archive, this new community, a success. So if you sign up for an account, make sure you fill in your bio! If you would like to pimp the archive, snag a button from the post below!
Once again, welcome to Elysian Fields!
--Amy on November 30, 2006 01:41pm 0 Comments
Thanks to the wonderfully talented Mandi for making us some buttons. Remember to link to http://dark-solace.org/elysian!
--Holly on November 22, 2006 12:00am 2 Comments
Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Dark Solace Spuffy archive!
We offer here a refuge for Spuffy writers. Everyone is welcome - we only ask that you have a positive disposition.
So look around! Read the rules and submit your Spuffy fanfic!
--Holly on October 27, 2006 08:35am 12 Comments