Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanfiction Archive!

We are the home of 1,015 authors from among our 28,050 members. There are 447,479 comments on our 7,396 stories, which consist of 153,150,713 words. A special welcome to our newest member, reinacadeea.

There are currently 43 members and 25 guests lurking standing about.

Balloons Happy birthday to Black Rose! Balloons

A message to EF from James Marsters

Author of the Month: CheekyKitten has published 13 stories at Elysian Fields since joining on September 08, 2022.

Commenter of the Month: goodbyetoyou has written 148 comments at Elysian Fields since joining on May 07, 2023.

Artist of the Month: scratchmeout is our current artist of the month.

Commenting Stars: 29 members have met the requirements to be an All Star Commenter this month.

Paradox by Jackofspikes NC-17
Answer to Wulfie's Challenge 109 on the Bloodshedverse. Season 6 Buffy and...
Hell is a Desk Job by Baphrosia PG
Wolfram & Hart's amulet sucks Spike in, and doesn't spit him back out. ...
Golden Hour by kennedynoelle R
Response to a challenge set by emilise: Spike never came to Sunnydale during...
The Champion and the Amulet by -Carrie-Ann- NC-17
So this was what it felt like to give your life for the cause and end up where?...
Amara Time by Joan963z NC-17
 Spike staggered. A moment ago he was in the hellmouth, pinned against...
Something Lingers by goodbyetoyou NC-17
Navigating a new normal is hard when feelings linger. Buffy and Spike deal with...
White Flag by all choseny PG-13
Fan Video: Buffy & Spike to "White Flag" by Dido. 
Love Lives Here by Passion4Spike NC-17
Spike and Buffy reunite during the battle with the Senior Partners in L.A...
A Ripple In Time by CheekyKitten NC-17
A simple spell to find someone, anyone, that knows how to defeat Glory. Really...
Afterburn: In The Dark by Melme1325 NC-17
Being a teenager's tough. It's even worse when your mom's a slayer, your dad's...
Random Story
Alive or Dead! by Lilachigh PG
 Never lay Poker with a Fable Demon.  Buffy and Spike find this out...
Melme1325 (5/12 11:36am): Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommies out there!!!
pfeifferpack (5/12 07:00am): party Happy birthday to Black Rose! May each minute become a cherished memory & all gifts perfect, all love real & lavish. May this year see you well blessed.
pfeifferpack (5/10 11:53pm): partyHappy birthday to Nakosha Wolf & to Sherlock_Hyde! Wishing all you most want for you today, with those you love lavishing you with gifts you hoped for. May every memory be warm. May this year bring blessings, joy, & success.
The Verin Suicides (5/10 02:56pm): @fortes775 I hope all the life things you got done make it possible for you to have the time to do the other things you love (including writing). Adulting often has to take priority. That is true for most of us most of the time. Rest assured, we readers totally understand.
fortes775 (5/10 11:31am): I hope this isn't weird to post here, but no updates from me today. All the life things got done this week, but the writing thing didn't happen, so regular service on Angel Doesn't Know will resume next week.
swonderful (5/9 02:55pm): FYI for authors & readers: Disastrous con/author event for romance/paranormal: https://www.westword.com/...34426 Posted bcs some EF authors are published book authors in those genres.
Melme1325 (5/9 08:33am): @pfeifferpack Aww what a wonderful birthday wish! You should write greeting cards! smile
pfeifferpack (5/9 02:51am): partyHappy birthday to Melme1325! Hoping you are lavishly celebrated by all you love the most. May every gift & memory be perfect. May this year see you successful, joyful, & well loved.
Holly (5/8 05:15pm): Hi guys, just passing the word along. One of the hallmarks of this event is the community vote on the banners. Please find them at DW and LJ and vote for your favorite!



magnus374 (5/8 04:14pm): I can imagine it turning up in Rome and after that in the Catholic Church and so on
magnus374 (5/8 04:06pm): My headcanon about the Council is that it moved through empires and the British empire was simply the last one where it made a difference. Now you can easily move through the world without the backing of an empire and that's why they still are in England.
cawthraven (5/8 03:56pm): But local traditions being most of Slayer help until that era and then an erasure of those traditions and institutions makes sense too
cawthraven (5/8 03:55pm): @weallhavedemons yeah the origins are unaddressed. I’ve always suspected that the Council existed in some form but in different locations throughout history, only landing in Britain with the rise of colonialism and imperialism perhaps.
though_you_try (5/8 02:22pm): @Hannora yay, glad I could help! smile
Hannora (5/8 02:16pm): @though_you_try: Yes this is the one! With Joyce running away with hippies and all. Thank you so much! kiss
The Verin Suicides (5/8 02:08pm): I agree that is fascinating to think about. The origins of The Council of Watchers isn’t discussed in the comics. Not even in Tales of the Slayers or Vampires. It isn’t answered in canon, but considering the pervasiveness of colonialism it could be a very,very, compelling story.
weallhavedemons (5/8 01:26pm): anyway, really fascinating to think about. in my memory, this isn't answered in show canon, but i am not sure about the comics.
weallhavedemons (5/8 01:23pm): @cawthraven Does canon say when the Council (as we know it- British ponces) was formed? If not, maybe it was formed when some Brit colonizer came across a slayer and her shadowmen and decided that the Brits should be the ultimate authority on slayers...and so the council was formed. Because control.
though_you_try (5/8 12:53pm): @Hannora can it be These Violent Delights by Touchstoneaf? I'm pretty sure it happened in that one. https://dark-solace.org/...=6397
Hannora (5/8 09:14am): Hi, does anyone remember a fic where Buffy confronts her mom about being send to a mental institution back in LA, Buffy learns that her mom had slayer dreams too when she was younger because she was a potential but not knowing it she thought she was suffering from mental illness. Ring any bell?
relurker (5/8 03:20am): @ Holly: love
pfeifferpack (5/7 10:49pm): partyHappy birthday to Aurellia & to Lil Minx! Wishing all you most want on your special day. May you have every gift and person you most want there. May every memory be wonderful. May this year bring joy, love, laughter, and may you be well loved.
Holly (5/7 10:32pm): Let's steer clear of discussing common errors in stories. These conversations can be disheartening. Our creators gift us with free entertainment that keep us engaged in Buffyverse, and that's precious.
pfeifferpack (5/6 09:06pm): partyHappy birthday to sleepysue! Hope you have been well loved & celebrated. May this continue through the year with all your needs met, many joys & success and genuine love.
acekoomboom (5/6 07:56pm): @swonderful it sounds cool, you should let us know if you find it again!

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Site Time: May 12, 02:36pm (-04:00 GMT)
2024 April Challenge Month Wrap-Up

The Mod Team would like to thank everyone who took part in April Challenge Month.

The site saw the addition of 58 new fanworks for the event, including 2 that were exclusively artwork and 3 that wove a narrative and artwork together. The works created and shared for the event were made up of 183 chapters, consisting of 505,242 words, and written by 45 authors.

Also, 27 artists and 36 beta and sensitivity readers got an award, while 58 members completed the commenter challenge, with 1,236 comments left on event pieces during April, not to mention 2,571 likes!

All awards are now issued, but if you are missing one, or something seems not quite right, please drop us a line at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com

If you have yet to check out any of the brand-new challenge works, you can

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on May 06, 2024 03:55pm 0 Comments
Known Issue: Mobile Posting from Google Docs

Hi all,

We have some bad news. We learned today of an issue posting from Google Docs on iOS to the site. Basically, when you paste the text into the site (or most other places on your phone that we could see), certain special characters are not being correctly copied, so when they paste you get something that looks like — when all you wanted was an em-dash.

The good (?) news is that this is a widespread bug caused by either Apple or Google, and not anything we did, and is affecting other sites, including AO3, and other apps such as Apple Mail, Notes, and so on. Unfortunately, this makes work-arounds a little tricky. Posting on desktop is currently unaffected by the bug, but we know not everyone has access to desktop. If that applies to you, then the best option is probably a free Office 365 account, but even here we found during testing that copy/pasting from Docs to Word that certain formatting such as italics and bolding were lost. Copying from Docs to Word to EF also...

--cawthraven and the Mods on April 29, 2024 10:08pm 0 Comments
Final Reminder for April Event Participants

This is the final reminder for everyone who has posted (or is still planning to post) for our April event: please use the new crediting system on the upload page. And triple check that you have got the username(s) of your betas, sensitivity readers, and/or artists spelled correctly, including punctuation where relevant. This greatly helps the Mod Team and means everyone will be able to get the awards they’ve earned faster going forward.

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on April 29, 2024 06:04pm 0 Comments