Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanwork Archive!

We are the home of 1,047 authors from among our 29,567 members. There are 466,383 comments on our 7,661 stories, which consist of 159,089,861 words. A special welcome to our newest member, calai.

There are currently 39 members and 30 guests lurking standing about.

Balloons Happy birthday to Lilacflowers1! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to Nyea! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to Spikelover4ever! Balloons

Messages to EF from James Marsters

Author of the Month: EnchantedWillow has published 6 stories at Elysian Fields since joining on August 03, 2022.

Commenter of the Month: Kliomuse has written 653 comments at Elysian Fields since joining on June 19, 2023.

Artist of the Month: Flyora is our current artist of the month.

Finishing Months: 4 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Creators Challenge. 19 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Comment Challenge.

Commenting Stars: 18 members have met the requirements to be an All Star Commenter this month.

Stolen Innocence by The Enemy of Reality NC-17
Far away from home, in a boarding school on the Isles of Scilly, Buffy...
Wooded Path by Linnae13 NC-17
Once upon a time... ...or perhaps in this one, where the world has yet to grow...
A (Mostly) Comprehensive Guide to the End of the World by Annabellee NC-17
After a worldwide pandemic wipes out over 99% of the human population, the only way...
The Burning Wheel by Ginger R
If there was trouble brewing, it was still miles away.
Safe by Wonder and Ashes PG-13
“Dear Universe, when I asked you to send a vampire in shining armour to...
Incarnate by Sigyn NC-17
Buffy died just after the hellmouth. The world seems like a cold and empty place...
Open Your Heart & Close Your Eyes by Melme1325 NC-17
Season 6 rewrite. Buffy claws out of her grave into a world of chaos and coldness...
Try Not to Think About What Might Have Been by Willow25 R
When Cordelia makes her wish to Anyanka, she's urged in another direction...
Whiplash by Ninereeds NC-17
Willow casts a spell for Spike which, per the grand tradition of Willow spells...
Truth and Consequences by JamesMFan R
Years have passed since the battle that closed the Hellmouth. Haunted by the...
Random Story
The Right Thing by DreamsofSpike R
AU, Post-Season Four, as it would be *remembered* by Buffy post-season five...
pfeifferpack (2/8 05:01am): partyHappy birthday to Lilacflowers1, Nyea, & Spikelover4ever! Wishing you the best birthday ever with all needs met, every desired gift received and everyone who cherishes you letting you know. May you have daily blessings & joy. May you have success and make all love be true.
Miri (2/8 02:39am): I think right after Angelus and Darla were gone, when he was trying to be everything Drusilla needed and keep her satisfied, might be him at his worst of his own choice. I think that would have eased off some as he and Dru settled into the new pattern.
Erics Valkyrie (2/8 01:31am): I think that hanging out with Dru would also keep him on the dark path. After all she tried to bring him back to it as soon as she got back to Sunnydale in Season 5.
CheekyKitten (2/7 07:45pm): But when he's trying to do what Angelus is teaching him, I can see him doing some terrible things to impress his mentor. Or to one up him when he's hurt about Angelus taking Dru away. Etc.
CheekyKitten (2/7 07:44pm): @BloodyThorn personally I think it's right before that Slayer or even a few years earlier when he's dedicated to impressing Angelus and being part of that group. I truly believe left to his own devices Spike is more chaotic than really dark about his killing and evil.
BloodyThorn (2/7 06:03pm): Just out of curiosity, but when Spike says in S7 to Buffy that she got off easy and she didn’t know the real him, what did you all think of that? What era of Spike would’ve been his most evil? I would assume maybe a few years after he killed the Chinese Slayer.
jenjen (2/7 05:43pm): even if JM has to be de-aged for a flashback I bet you they include him--there's no way we won't see anymore of the og's than SMG big grin
YouCutYourHair (2/7 11:27am): Ah! Spapad thank you for the shout out! heart I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
pfeifferpack (2/7 12:35am): partyHappy birthday to BobbyMN! May you be cherished, well gifted, joyful, & surrounded by all you wish on your day. May this year bring more of the same and blessings in every area. May you be well and genuinely loved.
hostile17 (2/6 07:14pm): Does anyone here have production (movie/TV) experience or knowledge that would be willing to help advise me on a story I'm writing? If so- please pm me.
spapad (2/6 06:53pm): To anyone who has not read Nemesis yet. You should, it's a blast!
pfeifferpack (2/6 02:23am): partyHappy birthday to Xena9362, Delena-Spuffy, & Lily Strong! Hoping your special day actually is special with everyone you love & every gift you crave and memories to treasure. May you have a year with all needs met, dreams in reach, each effort rewarded and blessings. Be well loved.
Sayyoume (2/6 02:09am): But in our case, even right now I read some stories from our talanted authors that are better than the series. More intriguing, more complex. And with a lot of character analysis. But in a proper way.
Sayyoume (2/6 02:05am): Swonderful, this topic around reboot is exactly what I wanted to ask on discord, also about promotion of some spuffy at least. What s7 out of plot kiss should teach us is that even idiotic decisions can be include in the plot when some promote it, lol.
buffy_loves_spike (2/6 01:12am): @flamingquill that's it, thank you! bow Had completely forgotten that scene was from that story. Too busy remembering & still laughing over the scene where Spuffy get Riley's parents drunk cheers
kerry220 (2/5 11:14pm): I sometimes wish I could “like” other readers comments. They can be insightful. Not “dislike” because, of the negative. Or would that be upsetting for those who don’t get likes? Just a thought
flamingquill (2/5 05:04pm): @buffy_loves_spike This sounds to me like What Lies Within by cawthraven.
hostile17 (2/5 05:04pm): Have any of the other actors spoke out about the reboot? I haven't seen anything. Then again maybe they can't? I know there are legalities around all that stuff.
swonderful (2/5 03:36pm): They can create a different end after NFA. Either Spike or Angel could have Shanshued, in which case they'd age. Spike could still be a vamp who is aging due to burning and dying in BTVS. He could have been cursed to age, poisoned, or magicked. They can hand-wave reasons to bring JM back as Spike.
swonderful (2/5 03:32pm): Word is they are looking for writers for the reboot. We have a few top-caliber authors who should really consider pitching themselves or their ideas. It would be hard to pitch scripts without inside info, but maybe they haven't gotten far in developing their story.
swonderful (2/5 03:24pm): If you've ever wondered why a worldly, experienced Vengeance demon for scorned women would be hung up on a stupid, inexperienced, misogynistic young guy who publicly scorned and shamed her, read Sigyn's Make It Stop, esp. chap 7. It's brilliant!
Sayyoume (2/5 03:15pm): My message can't get through. The rules don't like me ☺️ I just wanted to say thank you for fast response ☺️ hope the info there will be available soon
Holly (2/5 02:51pm): @Sayyoume: Yep. it's in the navigation menu and here: https://discord.gg/...MGRQY
Sayyoume (2/5 01:27pm): Good day my fellow spuffy fans! I just joined discord but have no idea how it works. Want to find this community there but discord doesn't help with that. Do U have a link/name of your group to find you there? I would like to ask U one thing and I'm also interested to read your thoughts ☺️
buffy_loves_spike (2/5 12:54pm): I'm trying to remember a story I'm fairly certain I read here: early S5, Drac has shown up. Buffy wants to find out more about her Slayer powers, but instead of drinking Drac's blood she goes to Spike. It's not Kindred by Sweet Principale. Does this ring any bells?

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Site Time: February 8, 12:11pm (-05:00 GMT)
2024: A Retrospective

Hello EF! In case you haven’t heard, it is somehow, inexplicably, 2025. That’s right, we’ve completed another journey around the sun together. And as is apropos at the end of a year and the start of a new one, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished over the last 12 months as a community, as well as all the stuff your mostly benevolent Mods have been doing to improve your overall experience.

We’ll start with what the admin team has accomplished so we can save the best (that’s you guys and your accomplishments) for last. Over the last year, we:

  • Added even more gorgeous site skins right out of the gate, increasing the variety of options as well as artist representation on the site
  • Successfully completed EF’s second mini-event, Monster Mash, and had a ton of fun doing it
  • Shepherded in the...

--Holly and the Mods on January 05, 2025 02:02pm 5 Comments
Update on New Warnings and Tag Clean Ups

Hey everyone,

After listening to some feedback from y’all, we have made some amendments to the changes we rolled out December 30, 2024. Thanks to everyone who reached out with comments, questions, and suggestions, as your input helps us make the best possible decisions for our members and the site.

First, in order to better allow readers to find stories that have the content they want, we will be reinstating the Baby/Kid Fanworks category to cover stories where these are major themes, and expanding it to include kids as well as babies. The new definition is:

Baby/Kid Fanworks: Works which prominently feature pregnancy and/or babies and/or raising children

We are not removing any of the new warnings, so please note that if you post something in this category, you will need to include all appropriate warnings as well. This may feel redundant, but after listening to concerns, we feel that this combination of a category and the warnings offers the best option for allowing people to opt-in when...

--cawthraven and the Mods on January 04, 2025 07:00pm 0 Comments
Announcing the 2025 Finishing Months Event!

Caleb from S7 of Buffy asks

In 2023 we ran an event called Finishing Months, where the goal was for writers and artists to finish old works. We liked it so much we decided to make it a biannual Thing. With 2025 somehow staring us in the face, that means it’s once again time to type “The End” and click “Complete” on some of those old WIPs collecting dust on your profile page.

Starting January 1, and running until the end of March, we’re asking writers and artists to complete any work or works started for an event* or to finish a longstanding WIP. (We're defining a longstanding WIP as a work that started posting on Elysian Fields prior to January 1, 2023.)

* NOTE: Finishing abandoned Secret Santa gifts, Mystery Month works, Drabblemania, or mini-event (such as Monster Mash) works that were not posted by their relevant deadlines do not count toward this event unless they also meet the “longstanding WIP” requirement.


--cawthraven and the Mods on January 02, 2025 12:28pm 6 Comments