Finishing Months Reminder
As Finishing Months gear up to, well… finish, your friendly neighbourhood Event Mod is here with a couple of reminders.
Eligible works should be marked as complete by midnight site time on the 31st of March. Site time, as always, can be found under the Shoutbox on the Elysian Fields homepage. (Note: clocks in the US already jumped ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time, so it is extra important to check the Shoutbox if you’re not sure!) You mark a work as complete by clicking edit, ticking the relevant checkbox, and then clicking save.
If any artwork (including new story banners) has been added to your eligible works during Finishing Months, don’t forget to fill in the Google Form (linked here) to make sure the artist gets the artist award...
EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 19, 2025 10:51pm
Event Announcement: April Challenge Month 2025
It’s almost that time of year again!
For the month of April, EF will once again be running our Challenge Month event. Your task––should you choose to accept it––is to respond to challenges issued to our site by your fellow members (see here). You don’t have to complete the fic or art by the end of the month, just post the first installment between midnight on April 1st and 23.59 on April 30th (site time).
You can respond to as many challenges or as few as you want––so long as you didn’t issue them yourself!
If you find a challenge that mostly speaks to you but you would like to change an element of it, we recommend that you contact the person who issued said challenge and ask for their permission/blessing.
--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 06, 2025 09:12pm 0 Comments
2024: A Retrospective
Hello EF! In case you haven’t heard, it is somehow, inexplicably, 2025. That’s right, we’ve completed another journey around the sun together. And as is apropos at the end of a year and the start of a new one, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished over the last 12 months as a community, as well as all the stuff your mostly benevolent Mods have been doing to improve your overall experience.
We’ll start with what the admin team has accomplished so we can save the best (that’s you guys and your accomplishments) for last. Over the last year, we:
- Added even more gorgeous site skins right out of the gate, increasing the variety of options as well as artist representation on the site
- Successfully completed EF’s second mini-event, Monster Mash, and had a ton of fun doing it
- Shepherded in the...
Holly and the Mods on January 05, 2025 02:02pm