Welcome to Elysian Fields, the Definitive Spuffy Fanwork Archive!

We are the home of 1,049 authors from among our 29,863 members. There are 472,226 comments on our 7,682 stories, which consist of 160,054,967 words. A special welcome to our newest member, pantasoda.

There are currently 30 members and 25 guests lurking standing about.

Balloons Happy birthday to Rlc1990! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to dixie326! Balloons

Balloons Happy birthday to onlythewinds! Balloons

Messages to EF from James Marsters

Author of the Month: Maxine Eden has published 68 stories at Elysian Fields since joining on October 18, 2023.

Commenter of the Month: Kenijo has written 1,315 comments at Elysian Fields since joining on December 14, 2020.

Artist of the Month: honeygirl51885 is our current artist of the month.

Finishing Months: 17 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Creators Challenge. 34 members have met the requirements for the Finishing Months Comment Challenge.

Commenting Stars: 52 members have met the requirements to be an All Star Commenter this month.

Can't Go Back the Same Way You Came by Wonder and Ashes PG-13
Buffy comes back from Heaven a changed woman – in more ways than one...
Damage Control by talesofstories PG-13
After learning from Angel's team that there's a Slayer in LA who broke out of...
All I Have is What I Know by tragic NC-17
Suddenly thrust back into her body after five long months, Buffy has no memory...
Call Home by MillennialCryBaby PG
When Buffy picks up a call from Angel, she's braced for an apocalypse. But instead...
Oddments of Bygone Times by OffYourBird NC-17
Spike's sacrifice in the Hellmouth went off without a hitch... Except that the...
Web by DarkVoid116 NC-17
Against all odds, Buffy and Spike wove a life together.
Burn by violettathepiratequeen PG-13
Buffy agrees to donate some of her blood to heal Spike's paralyzed...
who could ever leave me, darling? but who could stay? (you could stay) by MillennialCryBaby NC-17
Buffy wakes up alone in bed during "Into The Woods". What happens when she asks...
Picture You by scratchmeout NC-17
Do you picture me like I picture you?
Where We Went From There by Pyewacket NC-17
This work is on going and basically follows where I think BtVS &Angel left...
Random Story
The Law Can Be So Confusing by JayeMaru PG
What’s a vampire to do when he’s decided that the Slayer’s...
EllieRose101 (3/25 08:38pm): Thank you @pfeifferpack and @Holly! (And sorry for the late reply!)
pfeifferpack (3/25 02:41am): partyHappy birthday to Vix! May you be well celebrated by those who truly love you today, gifted well & have a day of joy. May this year continue the joy with needs met, love returned and daily blessings.
the_big_bad (3/24 09:40pm): Happy birthday Green, and all the other birthday babies!
HebiC (3/24 06:09pm): Happy birthday to five special people!
pfeifferpack (3/24 12:54am): partyHappy birthday to Green, Hanwig, kellou24, flowermoon, & WeirdLittleStories! May your day be brilliant in every way. Surrounded by those who truly love you & each gift most wanted. May you have a year with joy, love, laughter, great memories in the making and blessings.
Holly (3/23 08:42pm): Happy birthday to our intrepid Events Mod, @EllieRose101! party squee
pfeifferpack (3/23 07:58am): Last couple of days to get in your nominations for the next Members of the Month! Make someone's day.
pfeifferpack (3/23 04:29am): partyHappy birthday to our precious EllieRose101, Rstnbtchfc, heygirlohmyglob, & allyssa! May each of you have the most spectacular day where you are lavished with love & gifts & may each memory be golden. May this year bring NOTHING but good. Love, laughter, success, & peace. Be well blessed.
Hannora (3/22 11:30am): @honeygirl51885: Yes, thank you! kiss
honeygirl51885 (3/22 11:14am): Hannora, I think you’re looking for Someday by sunalso. https://archiveofourown.org/...17003
Hannora (3/22 11:02am): Hi everyone, looking for a fic with a Diana Ross & The Supremes' songs theme. I think each chapter has a song title and/or Buffy hears a different song along the story as a clue... Sorry I don't remember more. Any help will be welcome. Thanks
pfeifferpack (3/22 01:34am): partyHappy birthday to Froggy22! May you be treated like beloved royalty by all today, well loved & generously gifted with all you most want. May each memory be perfect & bring decades of joy. May you have daily blessings, love, success, & joy.
PuellaPulchra (3/20 08:09pm): Happy Birthday!
pfeifferpack (3/20 12:49am): partyHappy birthday to Isabella-swan-3000 & to RleFay! Hoping each moment is brilliant and you are showered with love and gifts. May your storehouse of golden memories overflow. May you have a year with all you need for a joy-filled life complete with blessings, love & success.
EllieRose101 (3/19 10:54pm): News Post: Finishing Months Reminder https://dark-solace.org/...d=302
pfeifferpack (3/19 03:09pm): partyHappy birthday to Mrsmccartney & EllenofJordan! Hope the whole day has been a celebration of you and filled with love & great memories. May you have all yu most want on this day, May you have a year of like blessings and always have a reason to laugh. May you be well loved.
GhostsInLove (3/18 03:12am): Just finished "Make it Stop" by @sigyn - SOOO good! I might have to do a reread now!! applause
pfeifferpack (3/18 12:36am): party Happy birthday to jadeunicorn & to bramcrackers! Hoping every moment is a treasure that makes you smile. May each love be genuine and gift wanted. May this year bring you joy, laughter, needs met, success, & blessings.
pfeifferpack (3/17 02:07am): partyHappy birthday to metalicneko & trimaximum! May the gifts and memories be perfect, the love genuine. May you have a year of needs met, love returned, success to all your endeavors & blessings.
pfeifferpack (3/15 12:26am): partyHappy birthday to llinduhh! May you shine on your day. May each love be genuine, gift wanted & need met. May you have memories to cherish. May this year bring joy, love, laughter, success, & daily blessings.
pfeifferpack (3/13 02:02am): partyHappy birthday to enltrusk & AuthorVictorious! May each moment be one to treasure, each gift wanted and every love true. May this year bring love, laughter, needs met, love returned, & blessings.
cawthraven (3/12 10:14pm): @sigyn yes, I did say that these kinds of issues should be emailed to us! The apostrophes were still curly, so I fixed it, downloaded the epub, and confirmed it works now.
Sigyn (3/12 06:44pm): @cawthravwn, did thet, now I have no idea how to test it. Should we be doing this somewhere other than the shoutbox?
the_big_bad (3/12 08:14am): Congrats to MotM MaxineEden, Kenijo, and honeygirl51885! Yes, I’m very behind on saying Gratz!
pfeifferpack (3/12 01:44am): partyHappy birthday to RikaRose & Elenlog! Hoping you have a day where you are cherished & well gifted. May each memory be warm. May this year be one filled with love, joy, success, hope, good health and blessings.

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Site Time: March 26, 01:31am (-04:00 GMT)
Finishing Months Reminder

As Finishing Months gear up to, well… finish, your friendly neighbourhood Event Mod is here with a couple of reminders. 

Eligible works should be marked as complete by midnight site time on the 31st of March. Site time, as always, can be found under the Shoutbox on the Elysian Fields homepage. (Note: clocks in the US already jumped ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time, so it is extra important to check the Shoutbox if you’re not sure!) You mark a work as complete by clicking edit, ticking the relevant checkbox, and then clicking save.

If any artwork (including new story banners) has been added to your eligible works during Finishing Months, don’t forget to fill in the Google Form (linked here) to make sure the artist gets the artist award...

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 19, 2025 10:51pm 0 Comments
Event Announcement: April Challenge Month 2025

It’s almost that time of year again!

For the month of April, EF will once again be running our Challenge Month event. Your task––should you choose to accept it––is to respond to challenges issued to our site by your fellow members (see here). You don’t have to complete the fic or art by the end of the month, just post the first installment between midnight on April 1st and 23.59 on April 30th (site time). 

You can respond to as many challenges or as few as you want––so long as you didn’t issue them yourself! 

If you find a challenge that mostly speaks to you but you would like to change an element of it, we recommend that you contact the person who issued said challenge and ask for their permission/blessing.

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on March 06, 2025 09:12pm 0 Comments
2024: A Retrospective

Hello EF! In case you haven’t heard, it is somehow, inexplicably, 2025. That’s right, we’ve completed another journey around the sun together. And as is apropos at the end of a year and the start of a new one, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished over the last 12 months as a community, as well as all the stuff your mostly benevolent Mods have been doing to improve your overall experience.

We’ll start with what the admin team has accomplished so we can save the best (that’s you guys and your accomplishments) for last. Over the last year, we:

  • Added even more gorgeous site skins right out of the gate, increasing the variety of options as well as artist representation on the site
  • Successfully completed EF’s second mini-event, Monster Mash, and had a ton of fun doing it
  • Shepherded in the...

--Holly and the Mods on January 05, 2025 02:02pm 6 Comments