Terms of Service
- To sign up for an account on Elysian Fields, you MUST be at least 15 years of age. To read, write or review material rated NC-17 or Adult Only, you MUST be at least seventeen years of age. By signing up for an account and accessing fanworks on the archive, you verify that you are the required age and assume responsibility for any content you might read.
- Do not sign up for multiple accounts on Elysian Fields unless you have cleared it with an admin first. If you create multiple accounts, we reserve the right to delete all the accounts you hold on Elysian Fields and/or ban you permanently from this site. (If you wish to create another account because you have lost access to your first account, reach out to the admin team instead of making another account.)
- Civil behavior is required. Be respectful and kind toward one another. Do not snipe at or bash other fandoms, ships, or fans (aka, do not engage in "shipper war" behavior). We don't permit cyberbullying, harassment, flaming, trolling, or proselytizing on any Elysian Fields platforms. This includes the Shoutbox, our connected social media pages, PM's, and in comments.
- If you have an issue or question, DM one of the site administrators (Holly, DarkVoid116, pfeifferpack, EllieRose101, or cawthraven), or send an email to elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.com. We're here to help. Please note: "vigilante" moderation enforcement is strictly prohibited. Any concerns you have with another member's conduct on the site should be brought directly to the Mods and NOT be discussed directly with that member. The Mods are responsible for reviewing, ruling, and enforcing site conduct.
- No flames allowed. We are a hobby site with many creators who share their work solely out of love of the world and the characters. That said, constructive criticism is permitted if expressly stated by the creator. Constructive criticism is defined as specific feedback with actionable advice. It should be delivered carefully and neutrally and focus on the art itself rather than criticizing the creator, their voice, or their creative choices. Differences of opinion, including but not limited to differences in characterization, word choice, plotting, or authorial style, are not considered constructive criticism. The Mods reserve the right to act on behalf of creators who receive unwelcome communications, public or private, that cause them distress. We encourage growth as authors and artists, but disrespecting our creators or their work will simply not be tolerated. Comments containing insults and personal statements about the creator will be removed, and the responsible party will be issued a site warning.
- Do not bring disputes from another archive, website, or group over to Elysian Fields. If you have issues with another member from another site, do not post about it on the archive.
- Communication between the Administrative team and individual members must remain respectful, informative, and private. Members may not bring grievances to the overarching community.
- While the administrative team understands and respects that EF's policies may not be universally agreed upon, members using the platform are expected to abide by its rules and terms, and may not use the Elysian Fields site or its various extensions to disparage the site, its rules, or the administrators, or post links directing users to platforms that engage in any of the aforementioned.
- You may not use Elysian Fields to distribute any abusive, obscene or threatening material. We do not allow political conversation or lobbying here.
- You may not to use Elysian Fields to send unsolicited communication or "spam" to our members.
- Elysian Fields is a privately owned site, and publication of any material here is a privilege, not a right.
- Any social media or external accounts (including personal websites, shop-fronts, and other fanfiction archives) linked to your EF account MUST be your own. If you link to an account you do not own, we reserve the right to lock and/or delete your EF account.
- You may link to a patron type site (ONLY in your profile) if you have one, but the wording in the linked page must not specifically say the donation is to finance your writing of fanfic or creation of fanart specific to properties owned by Joss Whedon, The Kazui team, ME, Fox or any other entity who own the legal rights to the characters and images you use in your art. If your patron site violates this you will be asked to remove the link until it complies with our rules. This applies to official patron sites or any other request for financial compensation for your fan based artistic output.
- We do not allow plagiarized material on Elysian Fields. This includes: posting somebody else's work under your penname, posting somebody else's work under their penname without their permission, using cited material without reference and/or permission, or generating stories or content through an AI like ChatGPT. An investigation will be carried out if we are alerted to plagiarized content on Elysian Fields.
- Content posted on Elysian Fields is not to be reproduced or reposted on another site or archive without the consent of the author.
- Authors are not permitted to comment on or "Like" their own work.
- Fanworks posted on Elysian Fields are available for personal download and personal reading distribution. You can find a self-identified list of authors who wish their works to not be shared among members here. Members are never allowed to re-post authors' works to other sites without the express consent of the author.
- Content added to Elysian Fields must comply with our submission rules.
- Any EF Rule/Terms of Service violations should be reported directly to the administrative team. Any report will be investigated and, if a member is found to be violating a rule or ToS statement, there will be a warning issued. If three warnings have to be made, the member in violation will be either be banned from the site permanently or for a period not to exceed one year, depending on the severity of the infractions. If the member returns after one year and incurs another warning, the ban will be for life. To report a violation, use the "report this" button found on the profile of the person you want to be investigated for the violation.
- When browsing Elysian Fields, you may be exposed to offensive, indecent, or questionable/objectionable material. Although we try, we cannot moderate all the content that goes through, including -- but not limited to -- member profiles and fanworks. In addition, we cannot be responsible for readers' interpretations of certain issues. If you feel a work has incorrect warnings (or lack thereof), or an incorrect rating, please contact the administrators.
- Users who wish to delete their account must reach out to the Mod team to process the request. Allowing for extenuating circumstances, members may reinstate a deleted account or create a new account for any reason a total of one (1) time. Any subsequent deletions are considered permanent, and no new account may be created without the express permission of the Mods. Please note that deleting an account will result in a complete loss of all data, including fanworks, likes, comments, favorites, preferences, and so on. Should a member decide to reinstate their account, none of that data will be recovered.
- Elysian Fields is not liable to anyone for modification, suspension, or stoppage of service.
- You are responsible for the backup of your content (fanworks, favorites, private messages, etc...) on Elysian Fields.
- The content posted on Elysian Fields does not necessarily represent the views of the administration and other members of Elysian Fields and is only representative of the member who posted them.
- We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change these Terms of Use at any time, and will publish a revised version of these Terms of Use on the site. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Use. Continued access and use of Elysian Fields following any such change means you accept and will abide by the changes.