Wrapping Up Mystery Month 2022

Elysian Fields’ second-ever Mystery Month event is over! Please read to the end for your chance to decide the fate of this event going forward. 

Big congratulations to everyone who took part. In particular: 

  • 24 Authors
  • 18 Banner Artists
  • 21 Beta Readers 

Between them, participating authors wrote 572,061 words across 120 chapters, and 218 members left comments, of which 46 commenters met the requirements for an award. All comments for the event totalled 1076, and the new stories generated for this event received a total of 2146 likes. 

If you’re yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE.

Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whichever way you contributed. All participating authors, betas, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

Originally, this was going to be the last EF Mystery Event year, to be replaced with another event (replaced, because adding new events at this point would be overkill, we think). But the reception and feedback we received during the event made us reconsider, and we decided that you, the members, should tell us if you'd like the Mystery Event to continue with a few modifications, or if you'd instead be interested in the event we were going to launch in its place: Drabble Mania.

Drabble Mania would go as follows: members will be able to suggest more fic prompts, and then authors who sign up will be issued a prompt at random, for which they’ll write a one-shot of up to 1,000 words. (Drabbles are defined elsewhere as stories 100 words or under, but our archive says they count up to the 1k mark.)

Please VOTE HERE for which event you’d like to see happen next summer. 

**UPDATE** You had your say and the Google Form is now closed for further responses. Going forward, we will be alternating the new event with bringing back Mystery Month. Thank you to all who voted!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on August 08, 2022 05:25am 11 Comments
Prompt Four!

Your wildcard prompts for Mystery Month week four are: 

  • Shower (as suggested by Agapantha83) 
  • Buffy loves starting fires (as suggested by Mrs. Akers)

The window for posting third chapters closes at 11.59pm site time on Thursday 21st, and fourth chapters can be posted from 00.01am on Friday 22nd.

Reminder: there will be no prompt announcement next week, as the week-five theme was given at the outset of the event. Your story must conclude with either a HFN (Happy For Now) or HEA (Happy Ever After). 

There will be mini reminders about posting windows shared in the ShoutBox and on Discord as always. 

Further Note: while we know that the final posting window runs into the start of August, you will only be eligible for the commenter award if you meet the requirements by the end of July.

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on July 19, 2022 01:00pm 7 Comments
Prompt Three!

For week three of mystery month, there are two options: 

The window for posting second chapters closes at 11.59pm site time on Thursday 14th, and third chapters can be posted from 00.01am on Friday 15th.

Please remember to include your chapter end notes detailing how you met the prompt.

Also, don’t forget about our commenter challenge! If you write at least 15 comments containing 15 or more words in July, your name will appear on the list linked here and you’ll get a shiny on your profile when the event wraps up. 

Note: Credit for the Spuffy ‘manip’ image we’ve used in the graphic above goes to PaganBaby, as originally shared here:

Thanks to Passion4Spike for the link!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on July 12, 2022 01:00pm 10 Comments
Prompt Two!

The second prompt for this year’s mystery month is… another choice of three! (In weeks three and four, there will be two options to pick from, with week five’s prompt having already been stated from the outset of the event.)

But enough preamble, here they are: 

  • Object Prompt: A Sportsball (any kind is fine) (as suggested by DarkVoid116)
  • Character Prompt: Dawn (as suggested by Wonder and Ashes)
  • Location/Setting Prompt: A Blackout (as suggested by efffi2117)

REMINDER: First chapters must be posted (or submitted for validation) by 11.59pm site time on Thursday 7th at the absolute latest. The option to join the Mystery Fic-a-Thon will vanish from the story submission page at that time.

Posting of second chapters opens the moment we’ve ticked over into Friday 8th (not before!) and closes on Thursday 14th. 

To be eligible for an award, there must be a brief explanation in the chapter end notes explaining how the prompt was satisfied, with a quote from the chapter to illustrate, if necessary. (This is so mods can easily see who’s playing by the rules. We don’t want to have to kick anyone from the event, but we also sadly don’t have the time to read every single submission to find the relevant parts ourselves.)

For the rest of the event, our homepage Featured Stories will feature a rotation of Mystery Fic-a-Thon submissions. If you’re interested to see how the challenges have been answered thus far, here’s where you can get started!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on July 05, 2022 01:00pm 10 Comments
Mystery Month 2022 | First Prompt

Here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! [Insert drumroll here.]

The very first prompt for this year’s mystery month is… a choice of three! 

Pick from: 

  • Obscure Location Prompt: a Vampire Drag Show (as suggested by Holly)
  • Side Character Prompt: Include Willow's parents (as suggested by Tuoshnell)
  • Season/Episode-Related Prompt: Someone(s) body swaps (as suggested by The Danish Bird)

To clarify, you DO NOT have to include all of these––but you could, if you really wanted to. 

You can start posting the first chapter of your fics from midnight (site time) on Friday 1st July, and it must be posted (or submitted for validation) by the end of Thursday 7th at the latest. 

***Please note that after July 7th, the option to join the event will be removed. This is a TIMED event with strictly enforced deadlines. If you don’t post your chapter within the posting window, your fic will be disqualified from the event.***

Prompt two will be announced Wednesday 6th July.

For your fic to be included in the official list of qualifying fics, you will need to tick a box that will appear when you go to post your chapter. Doing so will earn you a fun little icon beside your fic title, as displayed in the image below. 

You’ll also need to clarify in your chapter end notes how your chapter matches the prompt, with the relevant quote from your chapter included. Fics that do not have the qualifying prompt listed in the end-notes will be disqualified in real-time from the event. 

If you’ve used a beta or banner artist for your fic, please list them in the story notes at the beginning of your story. (Or tell us if you made your own art, so we know to give you the award.) 

Unlike past EF events, the Mystery Fic-a-Thon has a HARD cap at five chapters. In addition to fulfilling each week’s prompt, all fics MUST be complete by the event’s end in order to qualify for author awards and remain listed as an event fic with the icon. We know this will be difficult for some of you, especially since you don’t know what we’re going to throw at you next week, but it’s part of the challenge. And, we hope, also part of the fun.

Oh, and the special event skin is now live. 

As always, if there are any questions, comment below! 

--The Mods on June 28, 2022 01:11pm 8 Comments
New Category and Warning

Hi EF,

The written word is powerful, even transformative. It can also be extremely cathartic for creators who need a place to channel their feelings about current events into something constructive. With so much civil and political unrest occurring globally, we decided we would be remiss if we didn’t accommodate space on our archive for authors to express themselves.

We also understand that, for many, fanfiction is a point of escape from real-world anxiety and stress, and stumbling onto a fic with overtly political themes might be triggering. As a reader-first archive, our foremost concern is to promote an environment where readers can curate their ideal reading experience without worrying about stumbling into a story that causes stress or upset.

As such, we have created a category for Political/Protest, with the following definition: Stories with political or social themes, crafted in part with the intent of making a statement. We are also open to expanding our existing Warnings as needed based on suggestions from authors who wish to make use of this category to touch upon especially sensitive subjects, or readers with hard reading nopes. One such warning (Abortion) has already been added.

The addition of this category does not impact existing rules regarding political debates or proselytizing. If an author writes a story with which you have a fundamental political or philosophical difference, we ask that you do not engage. No member here should ever feel targeted, threatened, or unwelcome. Site Warnings will be issued as needed.

Thank you, and happy writing!

--The Mods on June 27, 2022 01:34pm 9 Comments
More Details about Mystery Month

If you missed the announcement about Mystery Challenge Month, you can read about it in the post linked here

If you already know what’s up but wanted a few more details, here is the post for you! 

The image above shows the custom awards for this event, as made by EllieRose101.

Prompt submissions close at midnight (site time*) on Wednesday 22nd––just under 24 hours from when this news post goes live. The link for the Google form is here. Reminder: prompts should be five words or less. 

*Site time can always be found listed under the shoutbox. 

The first prompt will be announced in a further news post on Wednesday 29th June, and you can start posting from 1st July. (The full timeline of the event is detailed in our previous blog post, linked above.) 

On 1st July, a box will appear when submitting a new story. If the story is part of Mystery Month, you tick the box. You’ll also need to copy the relevant part of your fic that meets the prompt into the story notes at the end of your chapter. Mods will be checking up on this, to make sure requirements are met and everyone can get shinies on their profile at the end of the event. 

Fics that are part of the event will appear in a list, will be featured on the main page, and have a little icon appearing beside the fic title to indicate their specialness. 

In the meantime, get your final prompts in. This is your last reminder! 

--The Mods on June 21, 2022 02:19pm 0 Comments
Event Announcement: Mystery Challenge Month 2022

That’s right folks, we’re running this again––but with a couple of changes from last year. 

If you weren’t around last year, or need a refresher, here’s the crux:

For the entire month of July (with a little spill over into August), participants will be writing fics that are five chapters long. Each chapter must respond in some way to a given prompt, and the fics must be complete at five chapters––no longer, no shorter––with said chapters posted within the relevant time windows (detailed below). 

Your fic can be a sequel to a mystery fic you wrote for last year’s event, but it doesn’t have to be. The only requirement, beyond what we mentioned above, is that it be a brand new fic, not an existing WIP, and written specifically for this event.

Last year, each Mod provided a different prompt, but this time, we are crowdsourcing prompts from you guys to allow Mods an opportunity to take part without giving us an unfair advantage.

LINKED HERE IS A GOOGLE FORM WHERE YOU CAN SUBMIT PROMPTS. They will be collected, put into a spreadsheet, and a random number generator will pick four––chosen one at a time on the day they are announced. The fifth and final prompt will be for the fic to end with a Happily Ever After/Happy For Now. Prompt suggestions close on 22nd June. 

Prompts can be the name of a character, an object, a location, a color, a number––pretty much anything you want, though we please ask that you limit your suggestion to five words or less

There will, of course, be awards for everyone who completes the challenge, as well as commenters, betas, and banner makers. (So long as beta readers and artists are credited in the fic notes or summary!) Commenters will need to leave a minimum of 15 comments in July that contain at least 5 words (for any stories here on EF, not just on challenge fics). 


  • Wednesday 29th June: Prompt One Announced
  • Friday 1st to Thursday 7th: Posting Window for Prompt One
  • Wednesday 6th July: Prompt Two Announced
  • Friday 8th to Thursday 14th: Posting Window for Prompt Two
  • Wednesday 13th July: Prompt Three Announced
  • Friday 15th to Thursday 21st: Posting Window for Prompt Three
  • Wednesday 20th July: Prompt Four Announced 
  • Friday 22nd to Thursday 28th: Posting Window for Prompt Four
  • Friday 29th to 4th August: Fifth and final chapters to be posted

If you have any questions, please comment below!

--The Mods on May 31, 2022 08:03pm 31 Comments
Features special edition

To celebrate the 37 new fics produced in the just-completed Challenge Event, the "Featured Stories" will be a bit different for a time. For the next 6 weeks there will be 6 stories featured, not the usual 5. They will change weekly instead of bi-weekly. Each of the stories that were part of this last Challenge Event will have a week in the sun. This should allow a spotlight for every story so all our readers can have a week to discover one they missed or enjoy again one they loved.

In 7 weeks Features will return to normal with mod generated choices but the last of the Challenge fics will be among that first batch as we resume.

As always, YOUR input is always welcome for recommending features! Just pm me & we'll look at a time and place to feature some of your favorites!!

Enjoy the pre-summer reading everyone.


Kathleen (and the Mod team... like the Borg, we are a collective LOL)

--pfeifferpack on May 15, 2022 06:22pm 5 Comments
New (Self-Administered) Account Registration Temporarily Suspended

Hi EF,

As we continue to wade through our email issues, the Mod team has made the decision to temporarily suspend the ability to register a new account through the site itself. We will, however, open new accounts manually. If you're new to this site and would like an account of your own, please email You are expected to know and abide by the rules and the TOS.

We will need to know the following:

  • Email (Must not be Yahoo! or AOL)
  • Desired Username

We will set your password for you. You are encouraged to change this once you have it.

Thank you for bearing with us as we work on correcting these issues.

--The Mods on May 13, 2022 03:03am 1 Comment
2022 April Challenge Month Wrap-Up

Hello, all!

Inexplicably, we find ourselves somehow in the second week of May, so it’s high time I wrapped up April Challenge Month. 

Over the course of 30 days, the site saw the addition of 37 challenge fics (including both parts of this year’s Exquisite Corpse), made up of 99 chapters, consisting of 248,317 words, and as written by 46 authors.

There were 28 banners made by 21 artists, of which a special shout out must go to irandamay, who made five!

There were 57 members who completed the commenter challenge, with 925 new comments left on the site in total; 1653 likes were given, and authors enlisted the help of 17 betas. 

Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whichever way you contributed. All of the participating authors, betas, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

And if you’re yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE

Until next time, happy reading!

--The Mods on May 08, 2022 09:28pm 8 Comments
Ongoing Mail Issues

Hi EF,

The Mod team is still looking into the ongoing mail issues, which as of now include lack of digest emails, comment notifications, update notifications, and even password resets. These issues appear to not be entirely global, as select members are still receiving some of the notifications for which they are subscribed. Yet some is not all, and this is a problem.

There is reason to believe this is a broader eFiction issue. In the course of investigating the problem, the Mod team learned that other eFiction archives are experiencing similar, if not identical email concerns. The issues were not entirely concurrent with EF’s issues, but close enough in time (two months) to warrant consideration. Part of this may simply come down to the fact that our software is old enough to be an antique, and antiques are easy to break and hard to fix. That doesn’t mean it’s not fixable, but we do ask for your patience as we dig deeper and troubleshoot possible solutions.

As of now, if you need your password reset, please reach out to members of the Mod team or email We can reset manually on our end.

--The Mods on May 04, 2022 04:54am 8 Comments
Challenge Month Reminder

Reminder: Challenge Month ends at midnight site time, which (thanks to that recent set of troublesome server updates we had) is currently four hours ahead of our usual timezone. Please bear this in mind if you're aiming to slip in and post as the event closes. We don't want anyone to miss out. (Site time is listed just under the shoutbox, if you're unsure.)

--The Mods on April 29, 2022 12:51pm 0 Comments
Email Error

The moderator team is aware of an ongoing issue in which some on-site comments are not triggering a notification email. If you think you might have been affected by this/feel you've been receiving fewer comments than you might usually expect, we recommend authors check their comments directly on their stories while we figure this out. Thank you for bearing with us.

--The Mods on April 23, 2022 07:07am 5 Comments
Stepping Down but not Out

Hi EF-ers! As the saying goes, the only constant in life is change. And while it's only been a few weeks since I jumped onboard as an EF mod, I know that my schedule is keeping me from committing fully to this position. So, after this week, due to the increasing demands I'm facing from work and home, I am stepping down as an EF mod. Although I'm on the site daily, I'm struggling to do more than check in - and forget about writing or reading or commenting (which are all the things I love best about EF). You are in great hands with Holly, Kathleen, Ellie, and Dark at the mod helm and I look forward to someday having the time to enjoy the site as an active member again, since I plan to stay with EF for as long as the site will have me. Thanks!

Kat aka kats_meow

--kats_meow on April 06, 2022 10:51am 12 Comments
Everything You Need to Know About April Challenge Month

Hello Elysian Fields,

We are somehow at the end of March, which means April Challenge Month is right around the corner. So let’s review what’s new, what’s old, and what all to expect as we enter our first major site event of 2022.

If this post doesn’t answer all your burning questions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment for the Mod team. We’re here to help.

How do I participate in Challenge Month?

To participate in the event, your story must be linked to one of the many challenges available on EF. More on how to link that below.

How and when do I post my story?

You may begin posting your stories at midnight on April 1st site time, which is currently set to GMT (you can check this under the Shoutbox). This is different from previous years, as the site time was reset by our host a couple of weeks ago during a maintenance upgrade. We are still working on correcting the site time to the standard US-Eastern, but this may not be fixed before the event commences.

In any case, do not stress about the time too much. Given the possibly (likely probable) confusion, we will be making allowances for people who slip in a few minutes early. (Just, you know, don’t take the piss.)

When you go to add a new story, you should see the following checkbox:


How do I link my story to an existing challenge?

Post the first chapter of your story by following the steps above. Then visit the Challenges page to find the specific challenge you are answering. At the bottom of the challenge details, you’ll see a link to respond to the challenge. Click that link.

From here, you will be directed to select the story that answers the challenge.

Though please make sure your stories have actual titles.

Does my story need to be complete?

No! Your story may be a WIP when you post. It doesn’t even need to be complete by the end of April. You don’t even need to start posting your fic until the end of the month if it’s not ready. So no worries if you don’t have something to go on April 1st. You have until April 30th to post any part of your fic, whether a chapter or the fic in total.

How do I know which fics are challenge fics?

All challenge fics have a little red umbrella beside the title.

You can also find them by visiting the site event page. All April Challenge Month fics can be located here.

I’m not an author. How do I participate?

Challenge Month is for all EF members, whether you’re an author, an artist, a beta, or a reader. You can be recognized as one, two, or all the above!

Authors, make sure you credit your beta reader and/or your fic artist in your story notes or summary. We won’t have any way of knowing who helped make your fic possible unless you tell us, and these folks really deserve recognition.

Readers: We will be awarding fic commenters who supply 15 comments containing 15 words or more over the month of April. Keep track of your progress by following our leaderboard.

Is there an event skin?

Yes! As a reflection of the recent administrative changes and this exciting new phase of EF, we are going to officially retire the old Challenge Month skin at the start of the month. The site default throughout April is titled kisses in the rain and it looks like this. Banner by the ever-talented kats_meow!

If you want to make it your site skin, visit your preferences page.

What about Featured Stories?

Throughout the month of April, you will be able to find responses to site challenges and this event where you normally see the mod-selected Featured Stories. These will be randomized, so if one looks interesting to you, make sure you bookmark it before refreshing or leaving the page, otherwise you might not find it again. 

How will our participation be recognized?

The wonderful and multi-talented bewildered has made awards for authors, commenters, artists, and betas. Participate in the April Challenge Month and you will find one of these pretties on your profile after the event is over.  


Anything else? 

Yes! As if that isn’t enough, we’ll be trialing writing marathons over on our Discord server. (Think writing sprints, but longer!) More details on that to follow, but please leave a comment below if you’re interested.

All right gang, that’s it! Let us know if you have any lingering questions and we’ll do our best not to confuse you too much. Otherwise, sit back and get ready for it to rain April Challenge fics!

--The Mods on March 25, 2022 08:37am 11 Comments
Welcoming New Mods & Rules Clarification

Hello EF,

So, there have been some pretty dramatic changes this month, and all of them unanticipated. This is going to be an epic “all-in-one” post to address the results of these changes and make new announcements.

First and foremost, we are beyond pleased to announce that DarkVoid116 and EllieRose101 have agreed to join the Mod team. Dark’s official position is the Social Community Mod, so he’ll be instrumental in managing the archive’s social extensions, Discord and the Shoutbox. He has also agreed to provide additional support on the tech side of things. In fact, he is the reason Elysian Fields regained chapter/story updates as quickly as it did, so we all owe him a hell of a big thank you for doing so much work even before his position had been officially announced.

Ellie’s official position is Event Management Mod, and as such, she will be the point person on all of EF’s major events following the April Challenge. She brings a ton of excitement and mad organizational skills to the role, which makes her beyond the perfect fit.

Secondly, in response to recent events, the Mod team reviewed the site's existing rules (which can be found here) to add clarity, address how warnings must be used, and most importantly, how the Mod team will approach stories found in violation of the rules. Previously, the wording found in the EF rules stated: “Submissions found to be in violation of these rules may be removed and the author's account suspended at the discretion of the site administrators and/or moderators. The site administrators reserve the right to modify these rules as needed,” which is how the archive has functioned in recent years.

The changes we have made offer an opportunity for communication about the issues that concern the Mod team, but still require the author’s full and respectful participation in the ensuing conversation.

The new procedure for dealing with rule violations is as follows:

  • Step 1: The author will receive notice from the Mod team informing them the story is in violation of site rules and may be removed. This notice will be issued both via the site Warning system and privately through EF’s email account. While under review, stories will be subject to manual validation.
  • Step 2:  After confirming receipt of the message (either through email or EF’s software, which will mark messages as read), the author will have up to three (3) days to address the concerns issued by the Mod team. This can be a discussion, by providing additional materials for the Mods to review, or however the author feels they can best address said concerns.
  • Step 3: The Mod team will have 24 hours to consider if the concerns have been satisfactorily addressed. This period may be extended to allow for further communication between the Mods and the author, if necessary.

A story will only be removed if the concerns A) are not satisfactorily addressed, B) the author is incommunicative, or C) the author declines to discuss or otherwise cooperate with the Mod team. In all cases, story removal is considered a last resort.

We’re hopeful that this new procedure will help alleviate concerns that stories might disappear without notice. To be clear, that will not and has never happened, but recent events have demonstrated that additional time to address Mod concerns should be factored into the decision to remove any story from the archive.

Thirdly, the archive functionality is not yet at 100%. The ability to issue a new challenge remains temporarily suspended and site-time is still wonky. We request any bug discoveries be sent to the site email ( so we have them all in one place.

That’s it for now, EF. Our next post should be all about fun stuff, like April Challenge Month. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Mod team if you have any questions or concerns you would like to share.

--The Mods on March 16, 2022 02:48am 30 Comments
Story Updates Live

Hello EF,

We’re not back yet to 100% functionality, but after a lot of work on the back end, we’re pleased to inform you that the ability to update stories and add suggestions has been restored.

The following features are still out of commission as of the time of this news post:

  • Ability to add new stories This is now live!
  • Ability to issue a challenge This is now live!
  • Ability to register a new account This is now live!

We’re also aware that site time has been knocked off as a result of the Stablehost update. This is, admittedly, at the bottom of the fix-it list at the moment, but it will be addressed once everything else is functional once more.

Thank you for your patience.

--The Mods on March 13, 2022 06:02pm 7 Comments
Story Updates and New Story Additions Temporarily Unavailable

Hello EF,

Our host, Stablehost, underwent some server upgrades yesterday that you might have noticed, namely because it affected accessibility to EF for many users. That error has been corrected. Unfortunately, other errors remain that will require your patience as we attempt to locate their source and correct them on the back-end.

Specifically, the ability to post a new story, update an existing story, or submit a suggestion is not available at the present. The Mods have been working on the other issues generated by the host update for the last 24 hours. We're kinda tapped out at the moment. The good news is we think we know what is causing the issue. The bad news is the back-end of this site is a veritable haystack and we're looking for the one needle we need to remove.

At the present, we're not certain how long the ability to post updates or new stories will be suspended. Hopefully, not long, but bear in mind we're a skeleton crew trying to read really old code on a really old website. We will post updates as we receive them.

In the meantime, continue to enjoy the site as readers. Comment ability seems to be working just fine.

--The Mods on March 12, 2022 09:41am 14 Comments
Status Update

Hi Elysian Fields Fam,

As an update to our last post, we heard you and your concerns and made the decision to reinstate the story in question, with apologies to the author for what we know was an upsetting day. The metadata, including the comments, summary, images, likes, and so forth have already been reinstated. The chapter content itself is a different recovery tool and generally takes more time, but we welcome Dusty to repopulate that without waiting for us. While we stand by the reasoning described in the initial post regarding our validation, selection, and hosting process, our first priority is the wellness of the community. 

Wellness of the community also means wellness of the Mod team. We are, after all, a part of the community. The tone of discussion should always remain civil, even if you don’t agree with a decision that has been made. Certain members of the Mod team received individual messages that were not only uncivil but downright abusive. These are messages beyond: “I disagree with what you did and here are the reasons why” or any similar grievances. These messages were personal and vicious, and as this behavior would not be tolerated if aimed at any one member, it will not be tolerated when aimed at the Mod team. You don’t have to agree with us and you don’t have to like us, but hate mail is never acceptable under any circumstance. In this case, it was also not without casualty, as OffYourBird has formally resigned her position as Mod and opted to remove her stories from the archive. She has also placed her name on the Do Not Distribute list, so we ask members to respect that decision.

Going forward, we will ask that authors do some due diligence with stories that require a heavy amount of disclaiming in addition to the provided warnings. This is not to say that every fic idea, premise, outline, or chapter needs to be run by the Mods—God, how we do not want that. But we also don’t want to be here again, ever, ever, ever. So, we’re asking authors to be cognizant of the rules and, if a story flirts with the limits of our submission guidelines, check in with us for what is and isn’t permissible. Many authors already do this, as we mentioned already. We do not delight in telling anyone “no” and are open to discussing with any author how to ensure their story meets and maintains the required qualifications that make them EF appropriate. We understand that not all authors know where their story is going and that’s fine, but as members of a community with guidelines like ours, the onus is on each author to verify that they are in the right place. This is also nothing new, but perhaps not widely known, and we thought it best to reiterate it here.

As of the time of this posting, we consider this matter closed. You are welcome to come to us privately with any comments, questions, or concerns, and you are welcome to leave a response to this post, but we will not permit discussion on EF or any of its platforms in any area.

--The Mods on March 02, 2022 01:27pm 76 Comments
Spuffy Posting Rules

As the Mod team just had the extraordinarily unpleasant task of removing a story by a popular and talented author, we thought it might be a good time to revisit a few fundamentals of Elysian Fields and the material we host.

Firstly, we are a Spuffy site. We always have been and always will be. As such, a Spuffy pairing must be prominent throughout the duration of the story, as is stipulated in our site rules. This means that Spuffy can’t just happen in a story at some point but must be prominently featured throughout the duration of the story. This can and has been done in a variety of ways, as many talented authors have demonstrated over the years.

Now, we do allow temporary /Other pairings and will continue to do so. Sometimes, it is essential in telling a Spuffy story, and we certainly don’t want to stifle anyone’s creativity. However, these pairings must be, by definition, temporary, and respect the Spuffy prominence rule. This had led to some confusion about the sort of material that is EF-appropriate, and we have been approached by authors who were uncertain if their fics were appropriate for the site. Particularly, fics that include or end in Spuffy, but in which Spuffy are side characters or fics that contain prominent explorations of other relationships. In these instances, we have decided that Spuffy endgame by itself does not meet the prominence guidelines and have told authors that we cannot host them on Elysian Fields. Whether a fic meets our guidelines is something we consider on a case-by-case basis, as no two stories, authors, or writing styles are alike. The Mod team is responsible for deciding what does and does not qualify.

This is not to say that you won’t find fics on our site that don’t strictly adhere to these guidelines. We’ve been around fifteen years and have, over the course of that time, experienced a varying degree of moderation from the active mod team. This has led to the inclusion of material that was not originally intended for Elysian Fields. For instance, when Elysian Fields was founded, stories containing threesomes were not permitted, as the space was intended solely for Spuffy material. Threesome fics became allowed due to lack of oversight and a lack of awareness by a new mod who hadn’t been apprised of the original rule. This is an occurrence the current Mod team does not wish to repeat, as it can subtly reshape the original framework of the archive. (Don’t worry—we’re not taking away threesome fics, though Spuffy must remain the focus and emotional heart of such stories).

Today, and for the last several years, moderation decisions are discussed among all moderators so that no one person is running the show. This has become essential as the archive has grown, particularly over the pandemic years. As we continue to grow, though, the Mod team is determined that the original intent of the archive be honored, which means saying no to certain fics, including those that are heavy /Other. We know many of our members have varying tastes (and that’s great!), but there are other places, most notably AO3, for these stories. Crucially, we must also remain fair to the authors who have asked us about similar works and been told that EF isn’t the right platform.

We also understand that it is difficult to gauge the suitability of a story that is in progress and can only issue our decisions based on the information we have. We are happy to reevaluate stories once they are complete to determine if they meet EF’s requirements. In no instance will (or has) an author’s work be removed without warning or explanation.

If you have questions about the applicability of material for the archive, please reach out the Mod team.

--The Mods on March 02, 2022 05:36am 42 Comments
April Challenge Month is Coming!

April showers bring May…. apocalypsi? (Or is it apocalypses?)

Either way, in the land of Elysian Fields, April is a month of rising to the challenge! The site challenge, that is.

While our October challenge event has a single, themed challenge, April is a “Choose Your Challenge” scenario, wherein you, the EF members, are all responsible for any potential challenge(s) an author may take on!

All such challenges can be found on our site challenge listing. You can do one or two or four! It’s entirely up to you! As long as your fic(s) meet the requirements set forth by the poster, you’re good to go.

You don’t need to sign up to participate. You just need to wait until 12:01am on April 1 site time (that’s Eastern time!) to start posting. Any fic which starts posting during the month of April and wants to be counted as part of the challenge event will simply need to check the box and link the appropriate challenge(s). In return, all event fics will get a lovely event icon and be included on the event page. We will also have awards for authors, commenters, artists, and betas. More details coming on all of that later this month!

In the meantime, we invite you all to start choosing your challenge!

--The Mods on February 11, 2022 10:46am 7 Comments
Elysian Fields Is Now on Discord!

Over 20 years later, and Willow’s words are still true! Here at Elysian Fields, we’ve always tried to keep up with the times, including keeping up with the main social media trends. For the last four years, we’ve had a vibrant discussion group on Facebook; however, Facebook has decreased in usability over the last couple years. It has continued to have issues which cause some significant hassle for the Mods and for our membership, and which we finally had to admit might never resolve. (We aren’t even going to get into the madness of Facebook’s algorithms.)

So, the Mods took a solid look around and started discussing the future of our social media here on EF. Then we started exploring some alternatives. Which leads us to now:

For the last couple weeks, the EF Mods have been beta-testing a customized and (if we do say so ourselves) rather spiffy Discord server with a small population of EF Facebook group members—all of whom have helped the server become even spiffier. We truly can’t thank them enough for their bravery and enthusiasm in beta-testing with us!

Which means, as of today…. the Elysian Fields Discord server is open to the entire EF community!

If you’re familiar with Discord already, this post probably requires little other explanation (but stick around anyway, because we have some important details about the server below). 

If you’re NOT familiar with Discord, imagine that all the best parts of 90’s chat rooms have been reinvisioned with modern sensibilities, neat options, and zero dial-up.

Trust us, it’s fun.

However, we also know that change can be hard and sometimes scary, which is why the Mods have been working very, very hard to ensure that every single member who joins the server has the support they need to gain their new platform legs. When you enter the server, you’ll notice an entire category labeled “UC Sunnydale Orientation.” That category is filled with helpful information, plus a student helpdesk staffed by some stellar “Orientation Leaders” who will be around to answer all your questions and help guide people’s interactions around the server.




If you don’t yet have a discord account, you can sign up for one at . (Discord also has detailed sign-up instructions at if you’d like them.)

Once you have a Discord account, you can join the server using the following link: 

IMPORTANT: Please read all of the server rules and review the channels map before interacting! You MUST have your server name set to your EF penname or you will not be admitted into the server. Instructions on how to change your server name are written out in the #rules channel.




So, what’s happening to the other social media accounts?

The FB page will remain as an official announcement platform, but the FB discussion group will be archived on March 15. So, if you’re currently a member of that group, you’ll still be able to view all the posts and comments after that date, but no one will be able to add posts or comments, and no new members will be admitted. We’re choosing to archive the group instead of deleting it because there’s a lot of history in that group which we want to preserve.

The EF LiveJournal account will also be closed on March 15. 

As we move forward, you’ll notice that the social media icons on the EF homepage will update to reflect these changes.

And that’s all for now!


If you have any questions, please let us know below. We look forward to exploring Discord with you!

--The Mods on January 22, 2022 05:19am 18 Comments
Welcome kats_meow to the Admin Team!

There came a point when the Mods realized we really didn’t have enough iterations of “K”-names on the team. So, we just had to add one more. (Holly is now honorarily “Kholly”, in case anyone is curious.)

In other words, the EF Mods are overjoyed to welcome our wonderful EF member and author kats_meow to the admin team! In addition to general mod responsibilities, kats_meow will be covering story validation with Kathleen (pfeifferpack), monitoring stories in general, and providing any updates to tags. She’ll also be around on the EF social media platforms keeping an eye on things with Katie (OffYourBird) and Holly, and will eventually be cross-trained on some back-of-site work so that Holly can have an extra hand. She will be a wonderful support for us all, and we know she’ll be a great leadership voice in the community.

Many of you may already know kats_meow, but just in case, we asked her to introduce herself officially to you all:

I'm Kathleen or, more usually, Kat. As a fan of the show, I watched Buffy from the beginning when the episodes aired live. I've since rewatched every season more times than I care to admit! I knew I wanted Spuffy Endgame from the moment Spike crashed through the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign in Season 2. As a reader, I started consuming fanfiction as soon as I knew it existed, whether it was on one of the many (at that time) Spuffy fic sites, LiveJournal, or I started writing in the Buffyverse in 2003, though I was super shy about sharing my stuff at first - and that's probably why I am so protective of writers and want to help create the safest and most welcoming spaces for them. I drifted away from the fandom-part of being a fan until 2019, when a little tale called The Darkling that I kept seeing on Ao3 finally pulled me under its spell. I've been on EF ever since and I'm happy to give our favorite couple a "happily ever after" with every one of my stories. I will read and write just about anything Spuffy-related, though I tend to veer away from the tragic kind of unrelenting angst, because my poor heart can't take it. I also love to dabble with banners and manips. On a personal note, I'm a wife of 20 years, a mom to 2 boys who are young teens, and a full-time marketing coordinator.


Please join us in welcoming kats_meow to the team!


--The Mods on January 19, 2022 04:03am 28 Comments
A Year in Review

With the holidays officially behind us, we have retired the Secret Santa skin as the site default (though it’s still available for selection) and exchanged it for a brand-new skin, entitled fierce, based on the amazing artwork provided by OffYourBird. To set it to your default, visit Account Info > Profiles and Preferences > Edit Preferences.

We held four site events—Challenge Month in April, Mystery Month in July, Called Challenge in October, and our second-ever Secret Santa Fic Exchange in December. The response was overwhelming, as the numbers will show.

In the second year of recognizing the milestone that is Completed Fics, we had 124 authors complete a total of 360 fics; that’s 14 more authors and 28 more fics than last year. Our goal in 2020 was to award the FIC COMPLETE award to more authors in 2021, and thanks to the efforts of our amazing authorship, we did just that.

All authors who completed a fic (one-shots count!) in 2021 have been issued this award:

The other award seeing its second year is the Challenge Complete Award. This was awarded to site members who completed any site event challenge in 2021 (that is, the challenge events that are overseen by the EF mods and come with spiffy thematic skins and stuff). The exception here being Secret Santa, which had its own participant recognition that everyone who completed their Secret Santa assignments should have in their profile.


P.S. If you haven't read the fics yet, you can find them all on their site event page, which is also accessible by going to Browse >> Site Events >> 2021 Secret Santa.

We also have issued awards to our most prolific members. These are chosen by the numbers.

In 2021, we added:

  • 11,462,167 words
  • 466 stories
  • 2,518 chapters
  • 1,726 new members
  • 105,541 new likes
  • 43,159 new comments to the archive (comprising 3,143,077 words)

That is a lot of content, all made possible because of you guys. Seriously, some of you wrote whole novels’ worth of comments for our authors, and we have the numbers to prove it.

Top 10 Commenters

  • pfeifferpack (521,165 words)* Recipient of Most Prolific Commenter Award 2021
  • swonderful (246,038 words)
  • magnus374 (218,907 words)
  • honeygirl51885 (131,144 words)
  • talesofstories (96,712 words)
  • bmerb (93,787 words)
  • All4Spike (85,185 words)
  • Green (76,662 words)
  • The Danish Bird (75,458 words)
  • Secretangel106 (67,481 words)

Top 10 Authors

  • Touchstoneaf (742,923 words)* (Recipient of Most Prolific Author Award 2021)
  • Holly (511,498 words)
  • Passion4Spike (481,088 words)
  • Dusty (475,855 words)
  • Violette-Milka (385,763 words)
  • Jws1993 (317,427 words)
  • violettathepiratequeen (300,416 words)
  • Sigyn (279,600 words)
  • MissLuci (259,570 words)
  • sweetprincipale (249,471 words)

If you are missing an award you should have received, please reach out to us ( and we’ll verify and get that corrected.

Guys, it was another rough year in the real world, and we couldn’t have made it through without you all helping make EF an extra special and bustling port in the storm. We have big things in store for 2022 and more announcements to come. Thank you so much for everything you give to our community. We know we wouldn’t be here without you.

--The Mods on January 07, 2022 03:34am 12 Comments
Administrative Changes

Welcome to 2022, EF. 

For a fandom of a show that will turn 25 in just a couple of short months, our archive is busier now than it has ever been. And thanks in no small part to the pandemic, we have had two back-to-back banner years in terms of community engagement.

As we look toward another year of continued growth, some changes are coming to the administrative team, among those saying goodbye to Elysian Fields founders angelic_amy and Megan. We are endlessly grateful for the environment they helped create and the many years they dedicated to the site, which included time, money, and labor. They will be memorialized on a forthcoming History of EF page and have been assigned Elysian Fields Founder recognition in a new profile tag. Incidentally, all members may now choose to associate as an Author, Reader, or Lurker. All you have to do is visit Edit Bio/Personal Information under Account Info. 

Amy drafted a letter to the membership for us to share. Please find it below.


To the Elysian Fields community, 

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Amy, and I am one of the Founders of Elysian Fields. A group of five of us had a dream of creating a place for Spuffy fanfic to be posted (when so many of great old archives were closing up), and to build an accepting community, something that we have strived towards ever since.  

To kick start building the archive, we sought and received permission to upload a back catalogue of fanfic from authors we knew personally, who were no longer active in fandom. This was an epic task, but one the few of us who did the uploading were proud of as it built the foundation of the site. And then we opened up to new submissions and the community was ‘born’.  

Our responsibilities were shared across a moderating team that changed over the years (with the exception of Megan and myself), but my main focus, my niche area of responsibility, has always been organising and running the site events. Something I loved and something our EF community has always embraced. I’m proud of that, and how the wonderful authors, artists, betas and commenters have collectively made these events so successful. 

It has been a great joy in my life to be part of our wonderful archive for the last 15 years. But all good things must come to an end. Leaving my position as admin is not entirely my choice, but I do so knowing the EF community has grown and thrived in small part due to my efforts, recent and past, and that is something I am proud of. 

Thank you to everyone who has offered support, kindness, or enthusiasm over the years, I cannot express how much it has meant. 

Yours in Spuffy,



If anyone has any questions or concerns about these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are, as we said, forever grateful to the many years both Amy and Megan have given us, and we wish both of them nothing but the best.

--The Mods on January 04, 2022 02:46pm 42 Comments
Everything You Need to Know About the 2021 Holiday Season at EF

The holiday season is in full swing here at Elysian Fields with our second Secret Santa event! To celebrate the occasion, OffYourBird created a special event banner and Holly made it into a beautiful site skin! This skin will be available from now through the end of December for everyone to enjoy. Change your skin to our holiday theme by going to Account Info > Edit Preferences > Default skin: secretsanta. (And if you’re looking for holiday merriment past Dec 31, our general Holiday skin is now available year round!)

We are pleased to announce that this year’s Secret Santa event is even bigger than the last, with 60 members participating! If you’re one of those 60, these details below are for you:


What are the Secret Santa participation requirements again?

For those of you giving Secret Santa gifts (officially signed-up members only), you will be able to post your fics starting at 12:01am ET (site time)  December 1, and will be able to post until 11:59pm ET on December 31. All fics MUST be one-shots. That is, they must be one chapter composed of 14,750 or fewer words. Rest assured, your summary, story notes, chapter notes, and end notes do not count against your word count.

When publishing your gift, be sure to mark the checkbox shown below:


What event information do I need to include in my story?

You must include the following information in your summary or story notes: This fic is an Elysian Fields 2021 Secret Santa gift for [giftee's name]"

It’s also recommended that you send your giftee a private message once you’ve published the fic, so they don’t miss seeing it!

Banners: If you're including a custom banner with your fic, it must have "Designed for the Elysian Fields 2021 Secret Santa" legibly added to it.


Does a gift writer need to reveal their giftee’s preferences?

You do not! As with a standard Secret Santa, no preferences have to be mentioned publicly. However, if you want to attach your giftee's preferences to your story, please do so in your story end notes.


How do I find the stories that are being added to the Secret Santa?

All gift fics will be merrily marked with a festive stocking icon, which looks like the example below:

Additionally, all gift fics can be found on the 2021 Secret Santa event page, and OffYourbird will be keeping a running announcement of fic gifts on the EF Facebook Discussion Page.


I forgot… What do I do if I realize I’m not going to be able to finish my gift fic by the deadline?

The last thing we want is for any member to end up giftless. While we have done our best to ensure that members are only participating with an understanding of their commitment, we know that life happens. So, if you find that you will be unable to write a fic for your giftee, you MUST reach out to OffYourBird (via or PM) by December 15 so that she can contact a rescue writer.


We’re looking forward to much merriment at Elysian Fields this coming month --- Happy Holidays from the Mods!

--The Mods on November 27, 2021 04:10pm 4 Comments
Called Challenge Wrap Up

Welcome to the delayed wrap up post for the Called Challenge.

First of all, the stats:

  • New fic – 62 – this is a new site event record! 
  • Chapters added – 157
  • Words added – 638,472
  • Banners created – 52
  • Comments received – 1,875
  • Likes received – 3,498

(For challenge fic only, and accurate at the time of the news item being posted)

If you have yet to read the many fic created for this event, all Called Challenge fic can be found here.  

As always, a huge THANK YOU goes out to the artists, betas, commenters and authors who contributed to this challenge – our site events wouldn’t be half as successful without all of you and your participation.

If you participated in the Called Challenge as an author, artist, beta or commenter, you should find some pretty awards as a thank you for your participation on your profiles. 

Banner artist and beta awards were delivered to all members acknowledged by the author in either the Story Notes for the fic or the Summary itself. I have double-checked through all of them so hopefully none were missed.

If you believe you should have an award(s) and you’ve been missed by mistake, please shoot a PM to me (angelic_amy) so I can sort it out.

The event skin is no longer the site default, but for anyone wanting to keep the Called skin it is still available. Skin preferences can be set via preferences in your account settings. 

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the 2021 Called Challenge—we hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.

And as always, happy reading!

--Amy on November 06, 2021 10:14pm 4 Comments
It's Fic-giving Time Again at EF!

As all children on a hellmouth know, Santa isn't up in the North Pole. He's a demon--no really! The "jolly old man" grabs them close, with deep booming laughter, and uses his claws to rip them asunder! But our hellmouth children are sly, you see, and stuff up their chimneys with flames and weaponry. And every Christmas Eve, they leave out treats by the hearth, not for demonic Nick, but for the Slayer and her sweetheart. And when Christmas has come, and the cocoa is gone, they rejoice for a day of merriment and fun.

In other words, it's time for Elysian Fields' 2nd annual Secret Santa fic-giving event!!! While Buffy and Spike keep the world safe from devious holiday demons, we'll be gathering around our virtual hearths and exchanging gifts of joy and Spuffy fic love.


Here’s how it works:

Everyone who signs up to participate in this event will write one fic and receive one fic. Each fic should be a “one-shot” size. That is, the fic must not exceed one chapter and it must be under 14,750* words in length. Fics do NOT need to be holiday-related in any way (unless your giftee requests it!). 

* While the chapter word limit is technically 15,000 words here on EF, variations in processor word counting created a lot of work (and many workarounds) last year for our dear Tech Mod Holly, so we're keeping it lower to assure there won't be any issues again this year.

There is no word count minimum to this event, as we don't wish to discourage alternative-format fics (poems, artwork inclusions, etc). 


What do I get for participating?

Well, the event itself is your biggest gift, because you'll end up with a brand new gift fic! However, you'll also get a shiny Spuffy badge for your profile:


(Note: you may have someone beta your fic or make a banner for your fic if you wish, but only those EF members who sign up to write/receive will be eligible for an event participation award for this event.)


How do I sign up?

You will sign up using the form linked below, and input your preferences for fic writing/receiving. OffYourBird will make best case matches from all the responses, and then reach out to each participant with the penname and story preferences of their giftee. Please remember that this gift-giving is confidential. Don’t share who you have for a giftee until you post your fic! Revealing that information ahead of time will allow demonic Santa to start his spree of terror early, and that would just be a bad time for everyone.

Can any EF member sign up for this event?

Any member, whether they've previously written a fic on EF or not, is eligible to partake in this event!

However: if you were a member who signed up for the event last year (2020) and did not complete your fic or did not complete your fic by the deadline, you will not be eligible to participate this year. You may participate again in 2022. Any ineligibility will be communicated to you by a Mod, if it becomes relevant. Otherwise, you may assume you are good to go!


What is the timeline for this event?

In order to ensure we can enjoy the Spuffy-given safety of a holiday free from demonic St Nick, all fics must be published to Elysian Fields by midnight (site time) on December 31, 2021. 

Here’s a full run-down of the timeline:

November 6 (today!) --- Sign-ups open. Find the SIGN-UP FORM HERE 

November 20 --- Sign-ups close at midnight site time

November 22-23 --- Writing assignments are distributed to participants

December 1 --- participants may begin publishing their fics. More details regarding HOW to publish your fic will be posted here in the news section at the end of November. Additional details will also be sent via email to each participant.

December 31, 2021 --- participants must have their fics published by midnight site time

No late sign-ups or publishing will be allowed. Please only sign up if you can commit to publishing your fic by midnight on December 31. Leaving a participant giftless will make Spuffy deeply sad, and we can’t have that.


How can I help ensure no one ends up giftless?

Whether or not you sign up to participate in the event itself, you can sign up to be a Secret Santa Rescue Writer! Either choose "yes" on the event sign-up form where it asks, or email OffYourBird at and let her know that you'd like to be on the volunteer Rescue Writer list. If she ends up with someone in need, she may reach out to you (by no later than Dec 16) to see if you can rescue a gift.


So, come and join the fun this holiday season with our 2nd annual Elysian Fields Secret Santa!

--OffYourBird on November 06, 2021 09:41am 11 Comments
Everything you need to know about the Called Challenge

Hello everyone,

We’re fast approaching the beginning of October, which means it’s time for a little Q&A about the Called Challenge.

Pull up a headstone and get comfy. This post should cover everything, but if there's a burning question you have or something else you're curious about, please let us know in the comments and we'll get back to you ASAP.

How and when do I post my story?
Starting at midnight on October 1 (site time, which is Eastern US time-it's listed under the shoutbox), you'll see a checkbox on the page where you add a new story.

As soon as you see that box, you're free to post. If your story is part of the challenge, check the box and you're good to go.
Reminder: Your fic DOES NOT need to be complete prior to posting. In fact, it doesn't even need to be completed during the event month. From a word count perspective, for your fic to be eligible for an author award you just need to have 1,500 words posted during October. So, any authors stressing about the timeline, please take a breath because you have the whole month to BEGIN your fic.

How do I find the stories that are being added to the Called Challenge?
Besides the note in the story summary, challenge stories will have an icon of a stake. Fitting, since it's a newly called Slayer's most used weapon. :) 

This icon will make it easy to spot Called Challenge fics. Also, don't forget that you can browse the site events page where you can view all the stories from previous site events, and all Called Challenge fics can be located here.

I'm curious... how many authors are participating?
49 authors have officially signed up for the event. 

I didn’t sign up, but I still want to participate. Can I still join in on the fun?
You sure can, you just need to make sure you follow the event rules which can be found here. You will not, however, be able to participate in the banner request process, as this has now closed.

Are there still banner requests needing art?
Yes, there is. You can find the requests here. Of the 27 requests we have 5 awaiting a sire (scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the fledglings). These claims are open to any interested new or existing artist (even those currently participating with 3 claimed requests). To claim a banner, follow the instructions on the banner request page.
All banner requests have now been filled. Thank you to all of our wonderful participating artists. hearts

What happens if I signed up for the event but I don’t get my fic posted during October?
Unfortunately, this means your fic will not be included in the event listing, and will not be eligible for any event awards. This also applies to the beta or artist you worked with (if you did) for your fic. So please, please ensure you pay close attention to the site clock.

Do I need to credit the artist who created my banner?
Yes! All artists must be credited for their wonderful works, and this is done simply through the Summary section when uploading your fic. The following text should be added to the end of all summaries that are part of this event:
Written for the Elysian Fields ‘Called Challenge'. Banner made by [artistname].

Here's a fictional example of what it should look like:
Summary: The phone call that cost her everything.
Written for the Elysian Fields ‘Called Challenge'. Banner made by Holly.

Hey! That summary has a picture. How do I add my banner to my story?
To add the banner to your story, you can upload the banner to your account in the Your Images section of your account info page, OR to an image sharing site (, etc...). You then enter the image URL (which should end in .jpg, .gif or .png - nothing should be after the file type) into the line marked "Banner URL".

What about betas?
If you have a beta that you worked with for your Called Challenge story, you must credit them in your story notes OR your summary in order for them to be counted as having participated in the event. If they aren't listed in your summary or story notes, we have no way of identifying that they were part of the event.

Is there an event skin?
You betcha. It will be the default skin for the site for the duration of the event. Look for called in the skins listing on the main page. Alternatively, you can set the skin as your default by changing it in your preferences page. Here's a sneak peak:

Will you be featuring regular stories while the Called Challenge is going on?
There won't be any mod-chosen featured stories in October. In the area where we usually have featured stories, we're going to begin the month by highlighting stories written in past years in honour of our 15th anniversary (the reason we hold events in October). Starting on the 1st, each day will highlight one year (1st-2006, 2nd-2007, and so on...), and will contain a random assortment of stories published in that particular year. Starting on the 15th, that section will change to feature a random assortment of fics that are part of this event.

This challenge celebrates the amazing authors and artists at Elysian Fields, but what about the readers?
Of course you guys are included! If you write at least 15 comments in October that contain at least 15 words (for any stories here on EF, not just the challenge ones), you'll meet the requirements of the commenter challenge! You'll see a link to the comment challenge leaderboard on the homepage under the Members of the Month where the all-star commenter list is usually located.

Besides an amazing sense of pride, do we get anything for participating in the event?
Of course you do! Awards made by Amy for the Called Challenge will be distributed during the first week of November. As always, there will be awards for participating authors, artists, betas, and commenters:


A final reminder, to ensure you are meet the eligibility requirements for the awards: authors MUST meet the minimum word count of 1,500 words (posted during October) AND add the fic to the event listing by checking the Called Challenge box, AND have the event tagline in the summary. Betas and artists MUST be credited by the author (see above for how), and commenters need to meet the minimum comment number with the minimum word count per comment.

That about covers it. If there are any additional questions, please reply to this post. And get ready for some amazing new stories!

--The Mods on September 27, 2021 04:28pm 4 Comments