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Thank you for the commenter of the month nomination, whoever it was, but I already won that a couple years ago! Thank you though! love
April 03, 2024 03:06pm

all choseny
Thank you to the kind reader who nominated me for Author of the month! I received that honor a few years ago, but I appreciate you thinking of me! <3
April 03, 2024 10:55am

partyHappy birthday to nicodemusfleur, CeliaR, StellanteNocte, & to Wtfjamie! Hoping all our fondest hopes & dreams are at hand & all needs met. May you be cherished & well gifted. May you have a yearfilled with every good thing & reward.
April 02, 2024 11:03pm

Thank you for the author of the month nomination! I already received that honor a couple years ago but the email is still so nice to see haha
April 02, 2024 03:16pm

I want to give a very grateful thank you to the reader who nominated me for author of the month. You warm my heart.
April 02, 2024 10:08am

Readers recently mentioned Anaross, so I reread her incredible fic My Life Closed Twice, and in her bio, her name and career as a professional writer/teacher. In an incredible coincidence, yesterday I saw a check I sent her in 2004--20 years ago--for her writing books! She's timeless. Great fics.
April 02, 2024 09:06am

WHOA oh my goodness. thank you!
April 02, 2024 07:22am

My heart pitter-pats in happy thanks to whomever nominated me for Author of the Month. It's so neat that someone thought enough of my writing to do that. heart
April 01, 2024 09:36pm

all choseny
Congrats MoTMs!
April 01, 2024 08:00pm

Congratulations MotMs!
April 01, 2024 06:11pm

Thank you pfeifferpack & loveisntbrains_ for the lovely birthday wishes! kiss
April 01, 2024 03:56pm

Congratulations to the new MotMs! applause
April 01, 2024 03:49pm

Congrats to the MotMs! yay
April 01, 2024 03:40pm

cheersCongratulations to the new MoMs: noctilucent, MrsBigPileofDust, and loveisntbrains cheers
April 01, 2024 01:34pm

partyHappy birthday to Hannora! Wish the most perfect day for you to be celebrated by all you love the most. May you have joy, love, laughter and tons of great gifts. May this year see you successful, accomplished, & content and in great health. May you be well loved.
April 01, 2024 11:41am

Thanks Holly!
April 01, 2024 11:16am

Thank you all for the nomination as AotM, it has been a lovely surprise! Congratulation to noctilucent and MrsBigPileofDust heart ...and Happy birthday to Hannora! party
April 01, 2024 11:03am

Congratulations to our new MotM! Well-earned all. <3
April 01, 2024 11:02am

@Joan963 - Our email is in the footer of every page via "contact us" but we're aware some stories are posting twice and are looking into it.
April 01, 2024 10:50am

@hostile17 - It can't be more than 15k
April 01, 2024 10:49am

Looked in FAQs but not seeing it. Is there a word count limit on one-shots?
April 01, 2024 10:24am

Okay, it's been fixed. Thanks!
April 01, 2024 10:03am

Thank you honeygirl51885! love
April 01, 2024 09:57am

I’m so psyched to read all the new things for challenge month! I was delighted to be greeted by all the little green umbrellas today!
April 01, 2024 09:56am

Congrats to the awesome and talented MotMs!
April 01, 2024 09:55am

for some reason Toxic is showing up twice on my Account table of contense and on the Most recent stories. I can't find the address to notify the mods. I don't want to try to delete one from my table of contense and loose a story again. Help!
April 01, 2024 09:53am

Congrats to the MotMs!
April 01, 2024 08:42am

Happy birthday Hannora!! party
April 01, 2024 08:17am

Congrats to the new MoMs: noctilucent, MrsBigPileofDust, and the so very talented loveisntbrains_!!! applause
April 01, 2024 08:14am

I got a Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition a while back and it's such a game-changer. I use Calibre, a flash-drive and a notepad app on my phone to manage my fanfic collection. I have a system and it works!
March 31, 2024 10:58pm