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Thanks @Joan963z and CC414, all the good vibes and hope are appreciated! Such a pain for Holly and DarkVoid, I'm sure!
April 11, 2024 11:04am

passion4Spike So sorry to hear your story disapeared. The same thing happened to me when I tried to delete a duplicate chapter. The Mods got it back. There is hope. Keep the faith.
April 11, 2024 10:08am

partyHappy birthday to Emrys92, MusicalSoul3000, & to BewitchedXx! May the day bring every person & gift you most want to you. May you have memories to warm the soul. May this year bring you joy, success, true friendships & love.
April 10, 2024 11:13pm

And OMG @Passion4Spike! That sounds like something I would do! I hope they can get it back for you.
April 10, 2024 09:00pm

Thanks for the shout out about SS, Holly. One less for me to do. smile
April 10, 2024 08:59pm

OMG Passion4Spike!!!! on my way to lightning some candles, Incense and alaigning my crystals to send all good vibes!!!
April 10, 2024 04:07pm

@Eazyworld -- she and DarkVoid are optimistic, it will just take a couple of days. PHEW!
April 10, 2024 03:55pm

@Passion4Spike OMG I hope Holly can restore it! Such an amazing story!
April 10, 2024 03:40pm

I finally got around to playing with the site skins! My goodness, so many lovely choices! I really like that there’s variation/options in the font to background contrast/brightness, too!
April 10, 2024 02:25pm

Thanks for the birthday wishes pfeifferpack! Hoping my fellow birthday buds, Joysmirror and NikaAlexandrov are having equally great days!
April 10, 2024 01:12pm

@all choseny Thank you! lighting incense or doing a hokey-pokey while shaking a gourd might help too!
April 10, 2024 12:53pm

all choseny
@passion4Spike... I just sent a watch and a vase to the PTB on your behalf. But seriously, fingers crossed. I just read the wedding chapter and planned on commenting on it today.
April 10, 2024 12:48pm

If you are looking for my story, LOVE LIVES HERE, I was trying to delete a duplicated chapter and ended up deleting the whole thing. Holly is trying to get it back. Fingers crossed she can work her magic!
April 10, 2024 12:15pm

partyHappy birthday to crazycanuck44, Joysmirror, & NikaAlexandrov! Hoping your special day holds every person & thing most treasured and that you are well celebrated & loved. May this year be the best yet with joy & success followed by more of the same. May you laugh often
April 09, 2024 11:38pm

Hi all! Seasonal Spuffy will open for its last season on LJ/DW on April 12! Encouraging EFers to sign up and show support for one of the fandom's longest-running institutions. I'll post the link here when it goes live!
April 09, 2024 06:44pm

Thanks @cd85! I actually have read that one before and it is good! Time for re-read!
April 09, 2024 06:27pm

Thanks for the birthday wishes from Sunday! I was out of town but always lovely to get them from EF. : )
April 09, 2024 06:26pm

@Eazysworld here’s another fun one that might be your cup of tea!
April 09, 2024 04:23am

I may have missed a birthday yesterday and if so I apologize. Know that all the good wishes were for you as well.
April 08, 2024 09:57pm

:patty:Happy birthday to AJ Hofacre, BobChang33, & Vardzaruk! Hope you all have the very best birthday so far with every gift most desired & every person you most loved there. May you be cherished, successful, content & well cared for every day this year.
April 08, 2024 09:57pm

@Eazysworld: Hi, I think you might enjoy these: Big Bad Boyfriend by bewildered Setting Up House by sandy_s
April 08, 2024 06:18pm

@geliot99 thanks! Loving your story so far! Waiting patiently for the next chapter
April 08, 2024 05:09pm

I'm also open to requests if you ever want to drop a message directly
April 08, 2024 04:57pm

@Eazysworld I'm so flattered you're shouting out for something similar of mine! If you want fake dating there's or if you're enjoying the poetry I'll be publishing a new fic this month with a lot more.
April 08, 2024 04:54pm

Hey everyone! I am really enjoying this idea for a story: Do you guys know any that are similar to this?
April 08, 2024 02:10pm

partyHappy birthday to bruskiboo, Avery, Era Dubois, & zzomba! Wishing the best memories from this day with all you love most cherishing & celebrating you and all the gifts you most want. May you have a year of blessings & joy, love & success.
April 07, 2024 12:06am

Congrats to the new MoM!
April 05, 2024 10:04pm

partyHappy birthday to Gemesies, SpindleKitten, & to Lady Orapma! Wish the day is all you most hope & all you need with everyone you most love there cherishing you. May you be well loved & gifted. May this year bring you joy, laughter, success, & contentment always.
April 05, 2024 08:39pm

Congrats MotM!!
April 04, 2024 02:49pm

Thank you for the commenter of the month nomination, whoever it was, but I already won that a couple years ago! Thank you though! love
April 03, 2024 03:06pm