Welcome cawthraven (Stiney) to the Admin Team!

It’s possible that you might have already noticed some site improvements that have been made over the past couple of months. If you haven’t, don’t worry—we haven’t formally announced them, though we are compiling a list to be shared at a later date. The only reason I’m mentioning it here is that these improvements were largely aided by cawthraven, working directly with me and DarkVoid116 (mostly Dark, if I’m being completely honest) to iron out kinks, improve functionality, and just overall enhance the EF experience.

In fact, cawthraven has been so instrumental in helping us improve the site that we all, independent of one another, started thinking the same thing. When we eventually shared our thoughts with each other and realized we were riding identical wavelengths, well, the only logical step was to see if cawthraven was interested.

We’re delighted to announce that the amazing cawthraven has joined the Elysian Fields Administrative Team. In addition to general Mod responsibilities, cawthraven will be assisting Kathleen (pfeifferpack) with story validation, monitoring stories in general, and providing any updates to tags. She’ll also be around on the EF Discord keeping an eye on things with DarkVoid116EllieRose101, and myself. She will also continue to help with back-end stuff, which is great news for everyone because the overall site operations are now a shared venture. Essentially, should one of us be hit by a bus, that person will have time to recover knowing that others can help keep the site running.

Seriously, guys, she’s already done so much and given so much time to EF, it’s crazy it took the rest of us this long to add her to the team.

Many of you may already know cawthraven, but for anyone stumbling across the site just today and wondering what all the fuss is about, here she is in her own words:

"I’m Christine but you probably know me as Stiney or maybe as "oh no it's the one with all the puns and cat gifs again." I had given up on the show after S1 when it was airing because it was so different from the movie, but thankfully a friend insisted I had to watch more of it. She showed me Once More With Feelings when I was in my 20s so that I would watch it (and so I'd be a Spuffy fan, she was smart and had good taste!) Anyway I did watch and was of course a Spuffy fan. But it wasn't until I rewatched in the pandemic that I became consumed with the need for Justice for Spuffy. I started mainlining fic in April 2021 and haven't stopped since. And then I wrote "just one" fic in February of 2022. 15 months later...I haven't stopped. I'll read most anything Spuffy but my favorites are HEA because I want them to get the happy ending they were robbed of in canon. I live in Boston where I stare out the window at Other People's Dogs and wish my lease allowed dogs, and also work in edtech from my couch."

Please join us in welcoming cawthraven to the team!

--Holly and the Mods on May 11, 2023 05:59am 23 Comments

Woot!  heart


-- yellowb on May 11, 2023 06:08am

Okay, that got larger than intended.


-- yellowb on May 11, 2023 06:08am

Congrats Cawthraven!!! heart

-- Electric Heart on May 11, 2023 06:46am

Thank you for everything you do here on and for EF Stiney and congrats to now being an official member of the Admin team!

-- Nightcandle on May 11, 2023 07:20am

This was good news.

-- magnus374 on May 11, 2023 07:38am

Congratulations! ❤️

-- Marlisea on May 11, 2023 08:17am

Joyous welcome!!!!

-- pfeifferpack on May 11, 2023 12:30pm

Congrats, Stiney!  You'll do an awesome job as a mod! applause

-- honeygirl51885 on May 11, 2023 02:05pm

Thank you, everyone! I will try to do a good job. <3

-- cawthraven on May 11, 2023 02:10pm

Congratulations Stiney!  Thank you for and all the mods for your hard work!

-- HebiC on May 11, 2023 04:16pm

Once again congrats, Stiney!!!

-- simmony on May 11, 2023 08:43pm

Awesome news!!

-- Hanaw on May 11, 2023 09:54pm

Congrats, Stiney!! applause Haven't been around for a while but even back when I was more active here you've always been super involved, I hope it keeps going great! 🎉🎊

-- MaggieLaFey on May 11, 2023 11:05pm

Congrats Stiney! It’s been an honor to know you, work with you, and read all your wonderful stories. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that you have so much to offer the Mod team. Thanks for all you do!!

-- the_big_bad on May 11, 2023 11:41pm

Really I meant to say it IS an honor… past tense was not my intention! (I need a beta for my comments!)

-- the_big_bad on May 11, 2023 11:42pm

Thank you CAwthraven, and thanks to all the mods, present and past, who make EF such a wonderful vibrant site after all these years.

-- swonderful on May 12, 2023 02:32am

Stiney is the bestest! Modgratulations mod team on your modspansion! 

-- HappyWhenItRains on May 12, 2023 02:36am

Wonderful news, and thank you cawthraven for joining the work in making this site the BEST place to be!

-- LovingWilliam on May 12, 2023 05:39pm

Congratulations Cawthraven,

Thank you ( and all the mods) for the work you do making this a wonderful place to post. 

I love the changes I've noticed, I'm looking forward to reading about the rest.  hearts



-- Joan963z on May 16, 2023 03:41am

I love your fics so muchhh!

Congrats and thank you hearts

-- Out4awalk on May 16, 2023 03:49am

🥳 Congratulations!

-- JustWriter on May 19, 2023 09:44pm

Congrats and welcome, Cawthraven!

-- slaymesoftly on May 20, 2023 06:39am

Thank you so much for all the work you have done in the past and for the future with this great Spuffy fanfiction site - Congrats and welcome.

-- nmcil on May 28, 2023 01:23pm