2022: A Year in Review

It hardly seems possible, but it is indeed that time of year again. That is, the start of a new year, and time to look back on the journey we have taken over the last 12 months.

I want to start by personally saying this was a challenging year in many ways. Elysian Fields experienced some turbulence, not aided by the host’s update in March of 2022, which upset a lot of our systems for a good amount of time. We have not entirely recovered from that and are continuing to explore our options to avoid repeats. That said, with whatever we faced, we (the Mods) are endlessly thankful to you (the membership) for your support, encouragement, and patience.

Here are some things to come in 2023:

  • New and/or reshaped events, courtesy of the irreplaceable EllieRose101, who was a force of nature as Events Mod over the course of her inaugural year in the role. 
  • The registration of EF as a non-profit. This will allow us to recommence site donations (and thank you so much to everyone who has reached out, asking why donations were discontinued last year)
  • More information about SpuffyCon 2024
  • Continued site improvements and additions, including the History of EF page

As stated above, 2022 was a challenging year. We said goodbye to two Mods. While kats_meow was not a Mod for long, she made an indelible impression on the team and her absence has been strongly felt (though we understand work comes before play, much as we would wish it otherwise). And of course, OffYourBird, who founded, initiated, led, or managed many of the features that make EF, well, EF (including but not limited to the weekly sprints, the Friday check-in, the Secret Santa Event, watch parties, the Discord server, and the Facebook group before that) stepped down as Mod. I think it’s especially important to recognize the enormous contribution she made to EF, and how even though she has moved on to other things, she set into motion and enhanced so many of the aspects of the community we enjoy today.

Suffice it to say, it was not easy filling these shoes, yet we ended up with a successful, joyful year, courtesy of DarkVoid116 and EllieRose101 who joined the Mod team in March 2022. They have been irreplaceable additions to the Mod team and are directly responsible for the wonderful state of the archive today, working both behind the scenes and taking center stage. If you enjoyed your time at EF in 2022, you have them to thank. I, personally, will never stop.

We made some additional changes in 2022, including the retirement of site skins (many of which had been with us since our founding) and the addition of new site skins with art provided by some of the most talented, active artists we have in the community. We also rolled out the inclusion of artwork-only submissions for storytellers and artists alike—the more ways to tell Spuffy stories, the better.

Then there were our four site events. Challenge Month in April, Mystery Month in July, Road Trip Challenge in October, and our third Secret Santa Fic Exchange in December. The response was overwhelming, as the numbers will show.

So it’s time to start issuing awards.

In the third year of recognizing the milestone that is Completed Fics, we had 110 authors complete a total of 387 fics; that’s 27 more fics than last year. 

All authors who completed a fic (one-shots count!) in 2022 have been issued this award: 

2022 Completed Fic Award

The other award seeing its third year is the Challenge Complete Award. This was awarded to site members who completed any site event challenge in 2022 (that is, the challenge events that are overseen by the EF Mods and come with spiffy thematic skins and stuff). The exception here being Secret Santa, as finishing the fic is baked into the challenge itself.

 2022 Completed Challenge Award

And speaking of Secret Santa, we have some numbers to share.

We had 47 event stories, which garnered 1,196 likes and 581 comments. And as a last-minute addition to the awards this year, we also awarded commenters who provided more than 15 story comments comprising 15 or more words with an award as well. So all participants who completed their fics should now have their participant award on their profile; those commenters who met the requirements should also have an award.


P.S. If you haven't read the fics yet, you can find them all on their site event page, which is also accessible by going to Events >> 2022 Secret Santa.

We also have issued awards to our most prolific members. These are chosen by the numbers. 

2022 Top Ten Most Prolific Author 2022 Top Ten Most Prolific Commenter

In 2022, we added:

  • 9,820,415 words
  • 488 stories
  • 2,586 chapters
  • 1,641 new members
  • 89,909 new likes
  • 32,741 new comments to the archive (comprising 1,628,229 words)

That is a lot of content, all made possible because of you guys.

Top 10 Commenters

Top 10 Authors

Our most prolific author for 2022 was scratchmeout!

2022 Most Prolific Author

Our most prolific commenter for 2022 was magnus374

2022 Most Prolific Commenter

If you are missing an award you should have received, please reach out to us ( and we’ll verify and get that corrected.

Guys, it was a hell of a year. We are so thankful to the members who make up our wonderful community. Thank you so much for your contributions—fic, art, betaing, commenting—and your company. We look forward to a great year ahead.

--Holly and the Mods on January 04, 2023 12:13pm 12 Comments

Congratulations Scratchmeout and Magnus! 

-- Dynamite on January 04, 2023 12:32pm

These EOY awards are so awesome!  Thank you so much for issuing them and congrats to everyone for an amazing Spuffy year! applause

-- honeygirl51885 on January 04, 2023 04:42pm

The mods should get awards for overseeing and facilitating all this wonderful participation and content! Thank you to each one of you…we know we don’t the half of what goes on behind the scenes to keep things running so effectively!

and thank you to all the authors, commenters, artists, readers, and Spuffy-loving community here on EF. You make my life better and I appreciate being here with all of you!

-- the_big_bad on January 05, 2023 12:05am

Thanks mods for an incredible Spuffy year. I’ve found a place I can call my online home. And ofcourse congratulations to Scratchmeout and Magnus! 

-- Teuntje on January 05, 2023 06:11am

Thank you wonderful mods for bringing joy and facilitating even more joy!  May this year bring happy times!

-- HebiC on January 05, 2023 12:28pm

Thank you mods for a wonderful year filled with Spuffy and thank you to all of the authors that continue to give us new Spuffy stories!! Here’s to another amazing year in 2023!! party

-- Stephaniem191 on January 05, 2023 12:50pm

Thank to all our awesome Mods and the writers, commentors and artists who have made 2022 one heck of the great year for all our members and Spuffy fans to love and enjoy on this most outstanding site.  

And great big thanks for adding the new category for Artwork Only - as a Spuffy fan of many years who can only expressed her love for the Spuffy relationship visually, I very much appreciate this new category.

Wish all our members and Mods a great 2023.

-- nmcil on January 05, 2023 05:51pm

Thank you mods (current, future and past) who give so much of their time and Spuffy spirit to make EF so special. We appreciate you!

-- smuffy on January 05, 2023 08:47pm

I usually don't write the longest comments so I am a bit surprised on how much I won with🙂 There has been a lot of chapters during the year though and numbers do add up.

Thanks for the award and thanks everyone for their contribution to the site.

-- magnus374 on January 06, 2023 09:32pm

Congrats everyone! Also Glad I got 3rd in top authors! Happy to see something good come out of my life recently.

-- Jws1993 on January 10, 2023 02:21pm

This is so cool and I have zero chill, so I'm very excited about this! I do think it's a fluke and I can feel some of you breathing down my neck for this year ;) This is such a lovely community to be a part, full of encouragement and support. I can't believe I only joined last March and how quickly I was welcomed and made friends. Thanks to all the mods, authors, commenters, and lurkers who make this archive so great!

-- scratchmeout on January 17, 2023 10:11am
-- M G-W on February 12, 2023 09:13am