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Behind Blue Eyes
Susan: thats awesome. Also, I agree with him, it sounds better coming from her. Lol!
February 13, 2014 05:18pm

I'm not making any social or political comments with this, but I was watching The Daily Show yesterday, and a really unexpected reference showed up. See 6:08 in:
February 13, 2014 11:47am

Ditto on the recommendation for Sweetprincipale's 'Sex and Candy' trilogy
February 12, 2014 07:09pm

I hear you Dear. I enjoy any fic that has Spike showing up those two. Dreamweaver is always good for a little Angel bashing, but her fic Pitch Hitter gets both. Slaymesoftly's Its a Crummy World is pretty good and Sweetprincipal's Sex and Candy and Uncontrolled series stick it to Riley.
February 12, 2014 06:04pm

Anyone know of any good Angel and/or Riley bashing fics? XD Feel the need to feed my hate/dislike for the two xD
February 12, 2014 05:31am

Behind Blue Eyes
PH: Thanks for the reminder of Chatzy. I had completely forgot about it. *hanging head in shame*
February 11, 2014 08:35pm

Behind Blue Eyes
AGriffinWriter and Waddi: Thanks ever so for your suggestions. And no Waddi, I don't think you hate me. :)
February 11, 2014 08:34pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Puddin: Yeah, my own personal Michiko Kakutani is thiiis close to being bound and gagged. And not with that cutesy duct tape with mustaches or duckies. Oh no. Head to toe silver.
February 11, 2014 08:33pm

BBE, even best-sellers have those thoughts often. I find duct tape works wonders on that asshat of an inner critic of mine :)
February 11, 2014 06:56pm

Friendly reminder that we have a chatzy room where you can hang out and get all your writerly angst out, bounce ideas, and more.
February 11, 2014 06:08pm

Ok - I'm not saying I hate you Behind Blue Eyes. I'm sure you know what I mean. lol. I'm just tired.
February 11, 2014 05:30pm

I really hate that Behind Blue Eyes too. Sometimes I find if you take a break from it and go back later things fall back in place.
February 11, 2014 05:29pm

Behind Blue Eyes, that happened to me on a chapter that was 250k words into a story; everything fell to pieces in the most horrible angsty way. I saved it as a separate doc and started that chapter over, in case I ever had a use for it.
February 11, 2014 05:07pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Sorry to vent, but have you ever had the feeling everything you write isn't worth a damn? That you should just delete the whole thing and start all over? Man, I hate that. :(
February 11, 2014 04:12pm

Thanks for the feedback, jadefrost & SoaringClaws! SC, I saw what you meant about the categories page, nice catch, I hadn't noticed that. I changed things around a little so that things will show in the right order. It's a little smushed, but I think it's better.
February 11, 2014 10:04am

To clarify - the categories page when you browse by category.
February 11, 2014 09:23am

I'm digging the new mobile view. Stories are much easier to read without having to fuss with resizing. One note - the categories page looks a bit weird. Nothing is lined up right. Love!
February 11, 2014 09:22am

The new updates work great for me. I really like the changes.
February 10, 2014 11:03pm

I can see it properly, and I prefer it, but that doesn't really matter if it doesn't work for anyone else, or if you all hate it. If nobody likes it, I can change it back to the way it was. Let me know.
February 10, 2014 10:42pm

Thanks, Dear :) . @all, I changed some code to try to fix the missing mobile menu issue that some were having, so you may need to refresh again if an extra menu appears on your page. BTW, the question below wasn't rhetorical... Are there people who have the proper working mobile view who like it?
February 10, 2014 10:41pm

I'd like to thank you, Susan, for all your hard work and your generous help! <3
February 10, 2014 04:48am

Ok. At this point, are the mobile versions showing up correctly for anyone but me? If you're having problems, it's hard for me to diagnose them or help with a 300 character shout. Please email me with specifics like your device type and screenshots of what looks wrong.
February 08, 2014 09:51pm

Sorry, I looked on some things and when I backed here my shout was posted 2 more times.
February 08, 2014 07:17pm

This looks good on my tablet, but on my mobile the text doesn't fit into the screen. I tried the mobile skin, but then the text got so big that there was only 2 or 3 words on each line, and I didn't like how that skin looked. I guess that my old mobile can't handle the future, too bad.
February 08, 2014 07:14pm

This looks good on my tablet, but on my mobile the text doesn't fit into the screen. I tried the mobile skin, but then the text got so big that there was only 2 or 3 words on each line, and I didn't like how that skin looked. I guess that my old mobile can't handle the future, too bad.
February 08, 2014 07:12pm

This looks good on my tablet, but on my mobile the text doesn't fit into the screen. I tried the mobile skin, but then the text got so big that there was only 2 or 3 words on each line, and I didn't like how that skin looked. I guess that my old mobile can't handle the future, too bad.
February 08, 2014 07:12pm

@Susan cleared the cache restarted the browser then phone and its still not working. In mobile skin the options are there but the text is too stretched out to read.
February 08, 2014 10:43am

dashuria embel
since i don't know what i'm doing wrong, i just changed the skin to "mobile" from my fave "not w/out a fight"....thank you susan for your patience...😘
February 08, 2014 10:41am

dashuria embel
thank you susan!... 😘
February 08, 2014 08:58am

Also, make sure you're hitting the word menu, not the banner picture. The picture doesn't bring up the menu.
February 08, 2014 08:13am