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... he was anymore. He feels too much to be a monster, but his violent instincts preclude him from being counted as a man. The soul was a way for him to forge an identity that fit, imho. Existentialism, yo.

March 09, 2014 01:33am

Also, I never viewed his getting a soul as primarily a 'protect Buffy from himself' thing, although there was certainly an element of that, but as a way for him to define himself in a way he could understand. The scene with Clem in his crypt, it's so painfully clear he just doesn't know what ...
March 09, 2014 01:30am

I doubt it was the writers' intent, but for me the attempted rape underlined just how different Spike was. The viewers are shocked and disappointed by it, even though as a soulless vampire such a thing should be expected of him, and he himself feels remorse for it.
March 09, 2014 01:25am

Because angel always separated his demon and the soul spike didn't have that problem because angel always blamed his other half he couldn't control and I'm glad Joyce didn't really like him unlike spike she did like
March 09, 2014 01:19am

for the aborted (by him) attempted rape? Made no sense to me at all.
March 08, 2014 08:22pm

Yes Puddin. It was Marti Noxon who was also running the show at that time. She role reversed something from her own life and it came across quite differently. I always wondered why people had no trouble forgiving Angelus (no soul) trying to MURDER Buffy but couldn't forgive Spike (also no soul)
March 08, 2014 08:21pm

And.... um... vampire! At Angel's worst, he murdered people close to his victim. Nobody bats an eye.
Rape is bad. Murder is bad. Vampires are bad

March 08, 2014 07:58pm

I may be shallow, but I think the rape thing is over analyzed. I saw and interview in which one of the writers (female) confesed she'd done the same thing to hold onto an ex lover. But switching genders made the whole thing seem more rapey, unexpectedly
March 08, 2014 07:56pm

I know I read one time that the rape was an attempt to show that Spike needed a soul to be a good guy. Viewers had stopped seeing him as evil no matter what he did, so the writers got extreme. A weak excuse to ruin a character in my opinion, but they were trying to stay consistent about souls.
March 08, 2014 07:40pm

I think the attempted rape was the show trying to say retroactively "look he tried to rape her she was right to treat him like that!" just like they turned Willow's need to control into a drugs are bad thing . Tara didn't seem to have that problem.
March 08, 2014 01:49pm

That's true. He did feel remorse
March 08, 2014 12:32am

no, the count from seaseme street is my childhood. and like i said earlier, i don't think she could say it aloud without people accusing the show of rape apology?
March 07, 2014 11:27pm

I would have really like to hear the words I'm sorry but that's my opinion
March 07, 2014 10:31pm

I think the closest Buffy got was when Spike said something about how he understood her actions weren't about him or something like that and her response was you're just now getting that!?
March 07, 2014 08:46pm

@Behind Blue Eyes I just loved that Angel was beaten by the Muppet Count, I wonder how the puppet Angel would fare against the Muppet Count.
March 07, 2014 04:42pm

Did Buffy ever tell spike she was sorry for the way she treated him in s6? In season 7 she was atoning but did she actually feel bad for her actions?
March 07, 2014 12:33pm

Is that where all the muppet sailors go to pick up muppet hookers?
March 07, 2014 11:37am

Behind Blue Eyes
Damn auto correct! Not Seaman Street! Sesame!!!
March 07, 2014 07:11am

Behind Blue Eyes
Thanks TSL! Not surprised Spike is #1. Did anyone else find it hilarious that Angel took third, not only losing to Spike but to the Count from Seamen Street?
March 07, 2014 07:10am

Hey guys Spike is the Top TV Vampire chosen by WatchMojo
March 06, 2014 10:00pm

yay, scooby codependency!
March 06, 2014 08:21pm

feelings about tara hidden for months. she thought her friends wouldnt approve of her newly found sexuality.
March 06, 2014 08:20pm

Xander and Willow kinda do the same thing. Xander's relationship with Cordelia and Anya suffered severely because he really stand up for either of them against Buffy and Willow. He was scared too much of what they thought about them. Willow had anxiety about Oz being a werewolf, and kept her
March 06, 2014 08:19pm

I think Buffy overestimated how much her cared about "normal." Like Xander is dating a vegenence demon. willow had a werewolf boyfriend, and has a wicca lesbian lover. Like how could she think her friends would judge her?
March 06, 2014 08:16pm

after seeing Spike was alive, Parker after seeing him with Harmony and Riley after the MWBD spell. Willow I think was more into Angel being Buffy's love than Buffy was, Parker was human and therefore automatically ok after the Acathla/Angel fiasco , and Willow actually picked out Riley and kept sett
March 06, 2014 07:12pm

In a way I see Buffy running to approved of arms as a combo of her friends seeing it as true love , approving because he was human , and approving because Willow picked him out after she saw Spike . Kind of like he tripped her motor and she ran to the approved of to finish off. She slept with Angel
March 06, 2014 07:11pm

So that kinda makes her feel like she might be just a tad fucked up, so dates Riley to rectify it?
March 06, 2014 06:41pm

"Pushed her into Riley and Angel's arms" Like, of course, she encouraged her, that is what good, supportive friends do? But I don't think it was just that, like when Buffy is talking about how passion comes from pain, Willow just looks utterly confused and doesnt know what to say?
March 06, 2014 06:40pm

Willows arc could have been great if they had addressed her control issues where she tried to control others with and without magic. She pretty much pushed Buffy into Angel and Riley's arms and she was using magic as a fix when she was cheating with Xander,She didn't want to do it right just quick.
March 06, 2014 06:24pm

But, hey! Welcome to Buffy where everyone is abusive and just kind of a rapist! Like tbh, I would never want to be friends with Buffy's friends.
March 06, 2014 06:22pm