Anita by alittlemoretime NC-17
Buffy needs to turn her brain off for a bit. Luckily for her, Spike has just...
Shh, Love by MillennialCryBaby NC-17
No one in town has a voice but the two of them have found their own...
Watchers’ Wrestling Entertainment by Amina PG-13
Buffy “the Slayer” Summers is a once-in-a-generation talent in the...
Walking Vision by honeygirl51885 PG
Buffy gets ahold of Andrew’s camera.
Tension by ClowniestLivEver R
Some nights, Buffy needs a little help.
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I watched that episode today! :)
April 14, 2014 03:54pm

I'm buying season seven episodes for instance first date season seven is my favorite
April 14, 2014 02:38pm

Also D'Hoffryn gets creepier for each time. Gone is the benevolent uncle from the wedding, replaced by a ruthless - well, pimp I would say. It's brilliant.
April 14, 2014 10:04am

I'm just rewatching Season 7, and for every time I watch it, Andrew grows even more on me. Wonderful performance in every little detail. :)
April 14, 2014 10:02am

Is it 'Facing the Mirrors' by Rabid1st?
April 14, 2014 03:54am

Dee Bradfield
Looking for an older Spuffy story where the energy of the sexcapades between B/S draws other demons to tunnels under the crypt and a sort of peep show gets set up. Any ideas? It's bugging me to death...
April 14, 2014 02:03am

But I pick spike any day of the week that's just me i don't really like Db
April 13, 2014 06:12pm

Yeah your right you would think smg would pick spike doesn't matter if her and James marsters had issues were only talking about the fictional characters lets leave personal matters aside
April 13, 2014 06:10pm

I don't really know. I try not to read that stuff, because it ruins shows for me.
April 13, 2014 05:07pm

cathmarchr, the links are in the shout archive, it was me who posted them so look for my username :)
April 13, 2014 04:27pm

I meant *filming the bathroom scene. ;)
April 13, 2014 01:54pm

@mii22y..I heard about her and DB dating, but I thought she and JM got along well. The only thing I remember is the trauma of the bathroom scene(yuck, Joss) is that what you mean by issues?
April 13, 2014 01:53pm

@midnight4spike: smg is biased because i think she dated boreanaz, and her and jm had issues.
April 12, 2014 10:26pm

Where can I find "Take Five, Everyone" and "Perils"?
April 12, 2014 09:44pm

I just read somewhere that smg picks angel over spike I don't get it is it the nancy boy hair gel? Or the huge forehead I can't understand it lol
April 12, 2014 07:16pm

Thanks a lot.
April 11, 2014 04:01am

Sometimes you may have to go back and forth on the date navigation bar for the individual stories but it's pretty good.
April 11, 2014 03:26am

try this

April 11, 2014 03:24am

Hi, there! If that's not o.k -not sure about the etiquette in removed stories- please let me know but I literally caught death in the middle of one of evenstar's stories. My luck, I just noticed Susan's warning. Is there a way to find 'scorched' and its sequel?
April 11, 2014 03:18am

DITTO -- plus the ever-thickening smoke is so funny!
DITTO -- plus the ever thickening smoke is so funny!

April 10, 2014 02:21am

Dailies from "Gone" - TOO adorable!
April 08, 2014 10:27pm

Thanks too to jhiz re: Buffy's birthday
April 07, 2014 03:17pm

Thanks Susan for the info on Buffy's birthday, it's a great help and clears up all my confusion. You're brill.
April 06, 2014 06:53pm

Hey everyone, evenstar asked me to take down all her stories, so I wanted to give a heads up in case anyone wanted to save some of them. I'll be deleting them in a few days, so if you want copies, get them now before they're gone.
April 06, 2014 04:26pm

her birthday must be between January 17th and 20th. However, these false dates might have been the work of Moloch. Joss Whedon eventually decreed that her birthday was January 19th."
April 06, 2014 04:22pm

Queenfish, from, "In consecutive scenes, Buffy's birth date is shown on computer screens presumably showing school records. Neither date—5/6/79 or 10/24/80—is correct. Buffy was born in 1981 and, as a "Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius" (cf. "Doomed")...
April 06, 2014 04:22pm

Hi, does anyone know Buffy's correct birthdate. In I Robot, You Jane her school profile says 10/24/80 in one scene and in the very next one says 5/6/79 and on her gravestone at the end of The Gift it says 1981-2001. Can anybody help please?
April 06, 2014 07:58am

It's true. I once went on a rant to my husband about how some of these crazy smutty things are not realistic. 'And then they had amazing hot sex 10 times and she lost count of her orgasms, and then they woke up and did it some more and they were never sore or less than perfect together'. Right...
April 04, 2014 12:27am

ITA 3hours. Real sex includes embarrassment and the occasional laughter and I enjoy scenes that smack of reality.
April 03, 2014 09:11pm

I believe that one was a response to someone wondering why sex scenes in fic are always perfect. She wanted to see more realistic sex, where it's sometimes awkward and not very good and just... real :)
April 03, 2014 09:05pm