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That actually just made me more interested. :) One just have to pick the right moment for which fic to read. ;)
April 02, 2014 05:26am

She has some heartbreaking stuff too, so just be careful what you grab if you aren't ready for a sob fest. Always glad to help! =)
April 02, 2014 04:10am

Thanks for the tip! William Summers, Vampire Hunter was both sweet and funny and also very much true to character. I absoutelty must read more by PrettyPoppy.
April 02, 2014 02:45am

And on that note, anything by PrettyPoppy on that site is pretty hilarious. William Summers, Vampire Hunter had me laughing so hard I cried.
April 01, 2014 11:43pm

If you don't mind jumping ship temporarily, kittenofdoomage has some stories on worth reading. I particularly liked Lacrymosa.
April 01, 2014 11:40pm

Do any of you ever feel at a loss and feel like have you have read fic on this site twice already? I'm at that standstill. Anyone have any that are underrated, or good ones not everyone's read?
April 01, 2014 10:24pm

April 01, 2014 07:51pm

I'm in the same boat. When I first watched the show I had an affection for sweet, goofy, misguided Riley. And then season 5... And then season 6... I just didn't like how he was with Buffy. I can take uber soldier puppy dog but not bad boyfriend Riley. I was glad to see him go after everything.
March 31, 2014 11:23pm

tbh, I kinda liked Riley, but right off, I knew it wasn't gonna work out and nobody seemed to acknowledge he had serious issues (i.e. getting bit by vamps, pulling a gun on angel, freaking out on buff for associating with demons)? No, he was always mister right! Like honestly, what?
March 31, 2014 06:22pm

Also yes, I hated how Buffy moped over Riley's sorry ass. I wish she had her cookie dough epiphany back then. And ugh, in As You Were when she treats him as the one that got away. And when he twists him getting bit as her fault was like abusive behavior.
March 31, 2014 06:18pm

Ugh, I'm so behind with movies, and havent seen Sea of Monsters. ASH and Fillon are so fab. It feels like blasphemy not having seen it already.
March 31, 2014 06:13pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Totally had a little fangirl flailing, ASH is in the new Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters movie. He is very Gile-esque, if you can look past the long hair, eyeliner, and that he is a Centaur. Nathan Fillion is also in the movie, as Hermes.
March 31, 2014 10:01am

Yes, my site is down. It'll be back up as soon as I figure out how.
March 30, 2014 10:42pm

Quick! Buffy is losing the vote to Xena! That cannot be allowed!
March 29, 2014 08:21pm

I think that they had it where Xander was mostly talking about Anya. Unfortunately he picked one heck of a bad time to do it.
March 27, 2014 09:57am

So in summary, I understand your pain.
March 27, 2014 03:03am

It also seemed out of character to me that Xander would tell her to go after him, because he kinda seemed to agree (or at least not disagree) with Riley when they had the talk about Buffy not loving him. So, yeah, forced would be a good word for it. Especially since it then had no real impact
March 27, 2014 03:02am

Hence, why I hate that she listened to Xander. I think she would have held onto the anger a wee bit longer otherwise, right?
March 27, 2014 02:14am

Thank goodness others feel the same way. I mean, she does some doozie dumb stuff but that one for some reason just really sets me off and it seems just, I don't know, almost forced? Does that make sense?
March 27, 2014 02:13am

Yeah, it always struck me as one of Buffy's dumber moments. 'Hey, I've felt nothing for this guy and keep pushing him away but now I'm going to chase after him because he might be the one'. Ummm... WTH, Buffy? Riley could be seriously dense and even he knew she didn't love him.
March 27, 2014 02:09am

I really wish she had held onto her conviction that she was right. It makes me sad to think she felt that running after a "cheater" was good for her. Makes me mad. Grrr, now I am grumpy.
March 26, 2014 11:17pm

I am happily re-reading one of my favorite fanfictions of all time and I am struck the extreme need to say... God I wish Buffy had held onto her indignant self righteousness instead of listening to Xander's passionate bit of scuttle.
March 26, 2014 11:15pm

Just a heads up... Our host will be doing some server maintenance tomorrow. The site may or may not have a bit of downtime because of this. Plan accordingly. Thanks :) .
March 26, 2014 08:13pm

LOL Puddin...Congrats EF!!! Best Spuffy site on the web! ♥♥♥
March 24, 2014 01:53pm

I suddenly have the inexplicable urge to sell you these spiked uggs! (And congrats EF!!)
March 24, 2014 01:21pm

Whoa, now have over 11,000 members (and none of them want to sell us Uggs :) ). Thanks to all our members... the readers, the writers, the lurkers, the newbies and the old, er, classic Spuffies! You all have made the site what it is and you continue to inspire us.
March 23, 2014 08:24pm

AMA stands for "Ask Me Anything" - you can comment with questions :)
March 23, 2014 07:21pm

Kristine Sutherland who played Joyce is doing an AMA on reddit right now:
March 23, 2014 07:20pm

I agree totally with that ladycat. Just for Twilight alne she should NEVER wanna see his face again :( But everything will be fine now that Giles is back and Angel was the awesome amazing vamp that brought him back *sarcasm*
March 22, 2014 05:44pm

Buffy never hates Angel's guts like she should for any significant period. In her own way she's as broken as Dru, just without obvious insanity,
March 22, 2014 04:00pm