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partyHappy birthday to Meli Melou! Wishing every thing & person you most want there making for the best day ever. May every memory bring joy & warmth. May you have a year of being cherished & accomplished, may you be blessed.
June 06, 2024 10:59pm

party Happy birthday to marimari81 & to clsquirt! May your fondest wishes come true. May you be surrounded by all you most love & be cherished & well gifted on your day. May you have a year of success, love, joy, & blessings.
June 05, 2024 11:07pm

Hannora, as always, you rock!
June 05, 2024 09:22pm

@Eazysworld: Hi, look up the Tutorverse by Holly and Dark Kisses by Sigyn you can search stories with the warning "cheating" too. smile
June 05, 2024 07:37pm

Does anyone have suggestions about like a Buffy and Spike sneaking around Riley or Angel's back? I am reading Angel Doesn't Know and Riley Doesn't Know. But anymore like this?
June 05, 2024 06:08pm

all choseny
*Runs into the shout box* after seven long months, Early One Morning finally has a completion check next to it! I'm so happy!
June 05, 2024 10:10am

all choseny
Woke up to another nomination email! Thank you to the member who nominated me for artist of the month! It is much appreciated, and I am touched.
June 05, 2024 09:30am

all choseny
I was checking my email when I got a notification that someone nominated me for author of the month... Thank you for the nomination. I received that honor a few years ago, but thank you for thinking of me!
June 04, 2024 09:39pm

partyHappy birthday to sportsmom3! May this day be a glorious celebration of you with all you hold most dear and most long for at hand. May this year bring blessings, joy, & genuine love daily.
June 04, 2024 08:38pm

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
June 04, 2024 09:59am

@ihaveatheoryitcouldbebunnies: I Remember You by DeamonQueen have Buffy forgetting the last 18 years and thinking she's still in S4.
June 04, 2024 04:58am

@ihaveatheoryitcouldbebunnies: In "Just a Teenage Crush" by Addie Logan Willow does a forgetting spell on S6 Buffy and Buffy forgets everything post being the Slayer and thinks she's 15.
June 04, 2024 03:37am

Can someone help me remember this story? All I seem to remember is that Buffy loses her memory and thinks she's back in, like, season 4-5ish time and I'm almost positive it's Willow that does a spell to make her lose her memory. Maybe to forget being resurrected? I think she did the spell on me lol
June 03, 2024 08:16pm

@Hannnora That's it, thank you so much!
June 03, 2024 11:21am

partyHappy birthday to KiraKay! Wishing every good thing & person on your special day and that you be treated like the star you are. May this year bring contentment, achievement, joy, & great memories.
June 03, 2024 06:26am

@EnchantedWillow: Hi, It might be Need a Second to Breathe by Axell The auction happens in chapter 39.
June 03, 2024 04:32am

Can anyone help me remember the title to a story? The only scene I can truly remember is they use germs to defeat the Mayor. They are having an auction I believe of the Amara treasure and all get sick to kill the mayor. Xander pees on his shoe lol
June 03, 2024 12:07am

Happy birthday acb6293! party
June 02, 2024 03:08pm

Thank you to whoever nominated me for author of the month! smile
June 02, 2024 12:06pm

all choseny
Congrats to the new MoTM! All well deserved!
June 02, 2024 07:23am

cheers Congratulations to the newest Members of the month! Joan963z, LovingWilliam, & the brilliant nmcil! Each so deserved. cheers
June 01, 2024 09:37pm

partyHappy birthday to acb6293! Wishing you a day dedicated to celebrating you with every peron & thing you most want right there, filled with love & laughter. May this year bring success, blessings daily & may you be well loved.
June 01, 2024 09:35pm

Congrats to all the MotM!
June 01, 2024 09:13pm

Shout out in the shoutbox to amazing artist @nmcil and all the June members of the month!
June 01, 2024 08:30pm

I'm humbled and surprised, thank you for the "commenter of the month" title/award. hug heart And happy Congrats to Joan963z and nmcil! party
June 01, 2024 05:16pm

In Mortal
Congratulations to the new members of the month!!! Well deserved!
June 01, 2024 04:54pm

So happy for the members of the month! Congrats!! Sending lots of hugs!
June 01, 2024 04:51pm

Congratulations to the new Members of the Month! heart
June 01, 2024 04:35pm

Congratulations Joan963z, LovingWilliam and nmcil!!! applause
June 01, 2024 02:28pm

Congrats to Joan963z, LovingWilliam and nmcil!
June 01, 2024 12:49pm