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And thanks to the Admins for taking my suggestion and running with it! I see Slavery is now listed in the warnings!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
June 15, 2024 08:36am

Oh no! I'd put that one on my reading list! Things like that are why I love that download feature, btw.
June 15, 2024 08:35am

@Marshmallow17 - The author voluntarily removed their works from the archive.
June 14, 2024 11:09am

I was reading 'Early One Morning', and was a couple of chapters feom the end and it seems to have vanished....
June 14, 2024 10:29am

partyHappy birthday to Citrix & to StrangerEmotion! Hoping you have all you most want & are surrounded by all you most love through a day of great memory making. May this year see you content, accomplished, joyful, & blessed.
June 13, 2024 10:15pm

partyHappy birthday to Jdog23 & to claudia1375! Eishing you the best day all celebrating YOU. May everyone you most love shower you with love & gifts. May this year bring you closer to (or achieving) your hearts desire & daily blessings.
June 12, 2024 11:54pm

A hug and a giant thank you to whoever nominated me for Author of the Month! I'm humbled and grateful that you thought of me. love
June 12, 2024 11:56am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my amazing friend and beta RavenLove12! Can't wait to post your presents for all the encouragement, all the pep talks, all yes ands. You're the best!
June 12, 2024 04:01am

partyHappy birthday to BewareTheKiller & to RavenLove12! May you be perfectly celebrated and gifted on your special day. May you have wonderful memories of a day full of love & joy. May this year bring blessings, success & all needs met.
June 12, 2024 12:16am

partyHappy birthday to Amber61, TheHousekeeper, & to Nostromo! Hoping your special day brings you everything & everyone you most desire & that every memory will be brilliant. May you have a year with joy, success, fulfillment & blessings.
June 11, 2024 07:14pm

Yes, Loving William. I was reading Breaking the Habit. I only had 4 more chapters to read.
June 11, 2024 01:46pm

Vote for Spike.
June 11, 2024 01:02pm

@Holly Thank you heart
June 11, 2024 08:39am

@LovingWilliam - It was removed by the author. We'll reply to your email as well (this happened while most of us were asleep, so we're just catching up).
June 11, 2024 07:45am

I was reading a really great fic here on E.F. and suddenly it disappeared without a trace. I send an email to the mods about it, but was wondering if anyone else has had that happen? From one chapter to the next, POOF - gone!
June 11, 2024 01:56am

@pfeifferpack Merci énormément pour tes paroles aimantes et tes vœux bienveillantes pour mon anniversaire, je suis si heureuse que tu y est pensée
June 10, 2024 02:20am

partyHappy birthday to Fluffypuppy, Violette-Milka, JackJames, & to BlueEyedShirt!
Joyeux anniversaire! May you all be well celebrated & gifted with all you most desire. May you have a day filled with joy & love & laughter. May this year bring blessings on blessings & success in all you attempt.

June 10, 2024 12:27am

I'd say in the age of AI it's totally true that it's best not to feed the trolls. It's just more fodder.
June 09, 2024 08:41pm

But they're asking for clicks. It's clickbait. Best not to feed to trolls, isn't it? (I've heard conflicting views.)
June 09, 2024 05:11pm

you can serch 15 TV Shows Ruined by One Character and go give the artical a thumbs down. You and also write a comment. This writer said said arrow was about the Flash. so the whole thing was bad.
June 08, 2024 11:23pm

@maryperk What? If that had been the case Joss would have killed him off when he planned to. Spike was so popular he not only became a regular, he made it through the whole show and then became a fan favorite on Angel... wtf?
June 08, 2024 12:20pm

@maryperk what fans?! Probably the Buffy boards on Reddit is the source cause there’s no way haha especially with how popular James is at cons and on cameos lol and of course fanworks! SMH well we know the truth hug
June 08, 2024 10:35am

My MSN newfeed had a story called 15 TV Shows Ruined by One Character, It had Spike down as the character that ruined Buffy and that fans hated the show because of him, clearly the author has no idea
June 08, 2024 10:20am

@Thatsmeonlyshirt thank you. I'm very happy because I've been looking for it for about a month and couldn't find it! ! I hope you continue to meet wonderful spuffy! !
June 08, 2024 12:50am

@kuzuyanp3228 I just read that! It's Drive by Holly. Super good one.
June 08, 2024 12:44am

I'm looking for a title for Buffy and Spike singing the Barbie song in Caritas, but I can't find it, can someone help me?
June 07, 2024 11:06pm

partyHappy birthday to ThreeofSwords! May this be a day filled with love, laughter, every gift most desired and great memories. May this year bring blessings, success, confidence & joy
June 07, 2024 09:56pm

Thanks, @WilliamMyBeloved - hope you and everyone has a great weekend! cheers
June 07, 2024 08:48pm

Happy Friday everyone! heart
June 07, 2024 09:32am

partyHappy birthday to Meli Melou! Wishing every thing & person you most want there making for the best day ever. May every memory bring joy & warmth. May you have a year of being cherished & accomplished, may you be blessed.
June 06, 2024 10:59pm