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hmm, I have never been a fan of the demanding and holding chapters hostage for reviews but I can understand the asking for them. You spend a lot of time on the words and you post them because you want feedback.
June 17, 2014 01:56pm

Yes, Legen, YES! It's totally an ego thing and really annoying.
June 17, 2014 12:12pm

Omg its beautiful! :';) scorpiogirl
June 17, 2014 03:32am

so, i know reveiws are the only way and auther can know if they are doing well or not. but am i the only one that cant stand when every chapter or so you get an a/n requesting/demanding/begging/ threatening to not continue if they dont get reveiws?
June 17, 2014 01:57am

Heh. I've got 4 tabs open right now, plus 2 fics open on the ereader.
June 16, 2014 06:07pm

Here's a pretty Spike manip. *drools*
June 16, 2014 02:18pm

Dark Rapunzel
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does the multi-tab reading :D
June 16, 2014 09:26am

Tell me about it.I was hoping it wasn't just me :';) knightowl
June 16, 2014 08:08am

Knightowl: I kinda recognize that situation...
June 16, 2014 05:47am

you know your a spuffy addict when ..... you have five tabs open and they are all spuffy stories.
June 16, 2014 03:37am

Thank you! I'm reading Dawn of a New Age at the moment but I haven't checked out Impossible yet. Appreciated :) Mia Vaan
June 16, 2014 02:00am

so. that show is not available on streaming. so i have to wait for the dvd. sad face. now i have to do homework
June 14, 2014 10:37pm

Mia Vaan
In response to the_bronze, there's "Impossible" by bitterness & "Dawn of a New Age" by tempestt. There's probably more, but I'm still working my way through them (pretty sure there's a category specifically for baby fics).
June 14, 2014 05:05pm

speedo you say.....*ignoring school work, booting up netflix*
June 14, 2014 02:43pm

It is longish and finished. (about 20 or so chapters if I'm remembering it properly)
June 14, 2014 02:27pm

I think that Holly has a Good Vamp Buffy story. Needlework (?). She is such a good writer.
June 14, 2014 02:25pm

I have come across a few Good Vamp!Buffy stories but as my luck would have it they were indefinate WIP's.
June 14, 2014 02:03pm

member of the Scourge or is suffering forever as their slave/sex slave, tortured, brutalized and raped for the rest of her unlife.
June 14, 2014 02:01pm

Just a suggestion to consider. Where it concerns the warnings when it comes to Vamp!Buffy stories, make Evil Vamp!Buffy and Good Vamp!Buffy
It would help me to decide whether or not to read it, especially if Angelus is in it. I tried to read some in the past and either Buffy is like the newest

June 14, 2014 02:00pm

Legen, Anthony was in a show in 2008 in England called The Invisibles and man he was pretty hot in it! I watched it on Netflix. He looked pretty damn good in that speedo!
June 14, 2014 11:49am

haha, yes, knightowl, the only two reasons I watched PJ: Sea of Monsters were Anthony Stewart Head and Nathan Fillion. ;)
June 14, 2014 10:04am

Im really loving Spuffy baby fics at the moment(yeah I know I'm a sucker for them) but I don't really like completely AUAR ones. Does anyone know of any that go AU in the actual series or Post series? Doesn't matter what rating.
June 14, 2014 07:43am

watch the latest Percy Jackson movie, he hasn't aged the badly.
June 14, 2014 05:27am

so. im ashamed to say i havent actually watched and eps of btvs in yrs. just watched omwf. i totally forgot how hot anthony stewert head was. omg
June 14, 2014 02:55am

looking for spuffy videos if you have any plz contact me @
June 13, 2014 10:42pm

Tempestt's challenge is an Author's Choice set after becoming. which I think would put Dawn at about 11 years old. you should read the challenge it's self because there are so many ways to go with it.
June 13, 2014 08:42pm

I started on FF :) NonMeaCulpa
June 13, 2014 06:22pm

I'll probably keep on editing that poor piece of story until the end of time. ;) There are some passages that I can't stop brooding over. Who would have thought that *kissing* would be the hardest part to write.
June 13, 2014 03:23pm

OMG! Yes Knightowl. I can't wait to read it! I'm so excited. I forthsy the CupcakeCute and BeneficialAddiction love. And yes, Nonnikkie writing porn can be very hard, but oh so rewarding. For everyone!
June 13, 2014 02:32pm

(and also CupcakeCute)
June 13, 2014 02:05pm