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tempestt I hope you take up the idea of a Joyce going back to when Buffy was called it seems like a good premise . I know you have several WIP's going but maybe when you are ready to try something new that will be it. Good luck to you William Fox the more the merrier.~
May 16, 2014 04:41pm

Cherry this is probably the most active multi author Spuffy site there is. You have found Nirvana!
May 16, 2014 04:15pm

William Fox
Tempestt, I have a couple of ideas that I hope to one day actually write down but this is my first attempts at fiction and I am not all the good at it so far! I think Dru could play such an important role!
May 16, 2014 08:17am

They appeal to me too William. I just love fix-it fics! They make me all giddy. There aren't enough ones with the scoobies going back to fix things. I think Joyce going back to when Buffy was called would make a great fic.
May 16, 2014 01:22am

Yep. Very much so.
May 15, 2014 09:02pm

Is this site still active?
May 15, 2014 08:43pm

Wow author count was stuck on 499 for a while, but as soon as it hit the 500 mark it gain speed and just today two new ones!! Congrats!!
May 15, 2014 08:12pm

William Fox
Thanks tempestt . . . that might be the one that I am thinking of. Time travel appeals to the geek in me!
May 15, 2014 10:34am

I just read "Crave" for the fourth time. It gets better every time I read it.
May 15, 2014 03:13am

I think there's a couple like that, but I remember this one specifically Do-Over by hulettwyo
May 14, 2014 10:57pm

William Fox
I am looking foe the title and/or author of a story where Buffy goes back in time into the scene in the bathroom where she taunts Spike, season 4. I started it, was loving it and forgot to bookmark it. Help please. :)
May 14, 2014 10:36pm

May 14, 2014 08:29pm

We have author #500! And it's Foxstarreh, who is awesome! Hurray! I've now hit my allotted number of exclamation points, so I'll be going now.
May 14, 2014 07:55pm

I like Nauti (who doesn't, she's wonderful) but I haven't read Crave, maybe I'll make an exception and give it a try.
May 14, 2014 05:59pm

Behind Blue Eyes
I agree, juggler. Although I like well-written all human stories (Crave by Nauti is my all-time favorite) I like my canon believable and plausible.
May 14, 2014 04:42pm

I like original stories that are cannonish. I usually don't like all human stories. I love stories where relationships that develop are plausible like a strong Tara Spike friendship seems reasonable, at least to me.
May 14, 2014 03:24pm

I third Charms of the Clarion by Eurydice being an awesome, awesome fic :) Love original stories!
May 14, 2014 09:34am

No problem! I love recommending fics. And I will totally fangirl about all of Eurydice's stories, just as a rule.
May 13, 2014 09:58pm

Thank you, thank you. I love longer fix's and Charms of the Clarion is already one of my favorites. Thanks!
May 13, 2014 09:53pm

OMG! Touch Me by Kantayra if you like funny and AH. Spike and Buffy are best friends. I think I need to stop now or I'll have recommended the whole site. You can message me if you want my full list.
May 13, 2014 09:16pm

Psh.. Okay, just check out my favorites list. The friendship aspect is important to me, so most of my favorite fics have it on some level. Indigo Overture is one that was recommended to me when I asked the same question. It's awesome if you like AH.
May 13, 2014 09:14pm

If you're in for a longer piece, I like Charms of the Clarion by Eurydice. Sabershadowkat's School Day series also has great Spike and Buffy friendship and romance. Black the Sun by sangga has some good Spike comradery, though Spike isn't with the group for most of the story.
May 13, 2014 09:12pm

wondering what to read next ? I just finished reading Drowning in You then Remember When, both WIP's with strong Spike friendship themes , which I enjoy ( I like a little smut now and then too) any ideas what I should read ?
May 13, 2014 07:15pm

I think Dorian's Kitten also contributed to that anthology :)
May 12, 2014 04:17pm

Or changed hosts.
May 12, 2014 08:02am

Since you changed servers all my email from EF was being marked as phishing. But today I got an update email and the message about phishing was gone. So whatever you did seemed to fix the problem.
May 12, 2014 08:01am

Congrats, Minx!
May 12, 2014 04:56am

Minx's story is awesome, squared. You should check it out!
May 11, 2014 05:40pm

thank you Susan!
May 11, 2014 05:39pm

not gmail's, so I'm trying a different email address. From now on emails you get from the site will come from elysianfields(at) I'm not sure if this will help, but it's worth a try. Phew. Now off to enjoy a quiet mother's day by lying in bed and watching Property Brothers (I have the best husband ever).
May 11, 2014 05:00pm