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I think that'd be fair, though 2-3 months is a bit short compared to other sites.
May 28, 2014 11:20pm

Would it be helpful if I made it so people wouldn't show up in the active beta list if they haven't logged on to EF in a while (2 or 3 months?)? I'd guess that if they have been away that long, that they aren't interested in beta-ing for stories that would be posted here.
May 28, 2014 11:15pm

I'm currently doing some beta work and can take on more. I'll fill out the beta profile so people can find me through the beta page.
May 28, 2014 11:02pm

Hi and a question to all of you who have allowed your names to be listed offering Beta help. Are you still willing to Beta for writers here? If you need your name removed (or wish to volunteer your services), please let us know. There is at least a couple of writers who have been looking for help
May 28, 2014 07:27pm

Second the request to put Sex and Candy on EF!
May 28, 2014 04:08am

The Sex and Candy trilogy is wonderful Midnight, they sound like what you were looking for. Enjoy~
May 28, 2014 01:55am

I'm a big girl Mea :) I'll survive as long as I get my regular dose of spuffy goodness.
May 28, 2014 01:24am

Okay those stories sound great ill check them out
May 27, 2014 11:49pm

Sweetprincipale....speaking of your Sex and candy trilogy, why haven't you shared those delightful tales with your EF audience? I'm sure there are readers here who aren't aware of your vast talent.
May 27, 2014 11:19pm

Hi Midnight4spike- could it have been the Sex and Candy trilogy? That happens in one of the stories, either See You on the Flip Side, or Should Have Known Better.
May 27, 2014 10:10pm

Hiya maryperk...long time no see..literally...LOL Got stuck in reality-land for a long while and is now trying to get back to work, unable to find any of my pre-written chapters, so is having to start over as well...not a bit happy bout it either! It's nice to be back amongst ya'll again though :D
May 27, 2014 08:25pm

If anyone knows this story thank you
May 27, 2014 08:09pm

Does anyone know a fix I read it a while a go where spike in the episode into the woods where spike tells buffy what Riley is doing but instead they do it
May 27, 2014 07:52pm

Minx DeLovely
If you do, please e-mail me.
May 27, 2014 05:39pm

Minx DeLovely
Does anyone have a copy of a story I wrote called "Blood Oranges?" I lost it.
May 27, 2014 05:39pm

lol, well, when you have as many WIPs as I do, sometimes the brain goes blank for a minute or two, or worse, you lose all the ideas you had because your computer needed a brain wipe and your folder didn't get saved right
May 27, 2014 05:25pm

Mary, you just broke knightowl's heart
May 27, 2014 04:12pm

that moment you reread one of your own stories to figure out where you were going, you get to the cliffhanger on the last chapter posted, and have no clue what to do next. lol
May 27, 2014 10:18am

that moment when you get to the cliff hanger ending of the last chapter posted and realize that the writer hasn't written anything since 2006.
May 27, 2014 04:09am

That moment ur like, oh ill go reread that cause I member it being awesome but can't member how it ends. Only to rerealize it was never finished, and thats y u dont member the ending. Me=heartbroken right now.
May 26, 2014 09:09pm

Maryperk you're my hero. :)
May 26, 2014 12:55am

Also, to knightowl, I am currently concentrating on five of my WIPs, and Kissin' Cousins is one of them. So, keep an eye out. Right now the writing schedule is Hank Summers Gets His Comeuppance (last chapter), The Seraph, and Kissin' Cousins.
May 25, 2014 09:18pm

Yay. :) And I like that idea, too, 3hours.
May 25, 2014 10:06am

Hmmm... Good ideas, 3 and Ellie. Let me see what I can come up with.
May 25, 2014 08:59am

How about a voting system for challenges? So authors could see which ideas are popular/wanted? Not sure if it'd be possible, but it would be cool.
May 25, 2014 04:15am

I can ask Susan about that. That's an interesting idea.
May 25, 2014 02:43am

I was just meandering through the Challenges section and wanted to "bookmark" a couple to do later on when I realized that option wasn't available. :/ I was wondering if anybody knew why and if maybe it could be thrown into the pool of suggestions for a future update. :)
May 24, 2014 09:07pm

knightowl, I know what you mean. She meant to add more to the oneshot, but she no longer writes Spuffy.
May 24, 2014 08:38am

TheOldestOne, I just reread Chosen After Death by Jackofspikes. Buffy has extra power, Super Slayer power, in it.
May 23, 2014 08:56pm

On another note maryperk I'll be your best friend forever if you write some more of Kissin' cousins.
May 23, 2014 02:07am