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Mia Vaan
I have also received a nomination for 'Author of the Month'. A big thank you to whoever it was :D
July 01, 2014 06:29pm

Thank you to whoever nominated me for 'Author of the Month!' You've made my day <3
July 01, 2014 05:54pm

Oh Pfeifferpack - Haunt of the House - I'd almost forgotten that one and another is Brave New World by Kimberly Colbary and Chazzman both stories left in such cliffhangers.
July 01, 2014 03:50pm

their work that cannot be reproduced. It's not fair to a new author, either. Some fics will stay unfinished, and I mourn it, but as a reader, I respect it.
July 01, 2014 10:19am

I have tons I wish would finish, and I'm always sad when an author appears to have abandoned a fic; however, I try to keep in mind that I don't know what caused it. RL, tragedy, illness, etc. Sure, I would like them to finish, and I have many author friends. They are unique and have subtleties in
July 01, 2014 10:18am

Pfiefferpack...Haunt of the House...Hi 5! That was one of my first fics and it only had one chapter to go :(
July 01, 2014 07:38am

Yes. I need to finish loading castaway. Also, thank you Niamh. Couldn't have said it any better. I still hope to continue mine.
July 01, 2014 07:36am

queenfish just to let you know RipeWickedPlum has more chapters of castaway on her website.
July 01, 2014 01:06am

Ita Queenfish...those are some of my "most wanted" stories too along with Haunt of the House by Jericho (tracy) and most of the stories by Helga Von Nutwimple. But, as you say the writers have the sole right to their babies. WIP's are still worth reading when well written like these.
June 30, 2014 11:12pm

I totally uphold writers rights over their stories, but I must confess to looking wistfully at some WIP's; Strawberry Fields by Ameeya, Castway by RipeWickedPlum, Cold Loving Las Vegas Style by BloodshedBaby, Buyer Beware by Just Sue and lots more and wishing they were finished.
June 30, 2014 09:31pm

(whenever it's ready)
June 30, 2014 06:59pm

Niamh - very much looking forward to reading the rest of GBoF :)
June 30, 2014 06:58pm

And as soon as I buy a new computer, it'll be posted. That and the other two stories I have hanging around. But there are no promises when that'll happen.
June 30, 2014 03:32pm

I'm not speaking for anyone but myself, so if some other author wants to put their story up, that's on them. But you will never find one of mine up there. And if you do, it wasn't put there by me. And, in case anyone's wondering (or even cares anymore) GBoF is nearly finished.
June 30, 2014 03:31pm

playing god and dictating to them. . . if you do that, you generally don't get real character development and you can, and often times, do, end up with a mess. (And yes, I'm looking at the comics as well as some of the seasons. . . )
June 30, 2014 03:28pm

I don't use an outline. Frankly, any time I have used an outline has caused more of a problem . . . and I've only used it once. But another writer might find using an outline easier. Personally, I like the idea of the characters taking over and letting the story follow their dictates, rather than
June 30, 2014 03:27pm

It isn't up to the reader to decide what the author's situation or motivations are. To assume that a story is abandoned is. . . well, we all know what assume means.
June 30, 2014 03:26pm

Stress, ill health, RL issues are all reasons for writer's block. Bad reviews, people taking shots. . . all reasons for a writer having a bad run. But for a reader to assume that the author - any author - has abandoned a story because nothing's been posted in a while is wrong.
June 30, 2014 03:25pm

Writing, for any author, is a highly personal thing. Some of us can just sit down and have it all at our fingertips, without much plotting/planning or what have you. Some authors rely on outlines; that is their choice. Some do not; also their choice. Writer's block strikes for various reasons.
June 30, 2014 03:23pm

re: Abandoned Stories/Adopt-a-Fic and other sundries I haven't really posted about. I'm against the adopt-a-fic idea. And while I haven't been as active as I once was, I do not intend to completely abandon any of the stories I've started. They will be finished -- only a timetable of their own.
June 30, 2014 03:21pm

Thanks pfeifferpack!
June 30, 2014 03:21pm

Rabbit_moon1 if it isn't Spuffy it isn't archived here (or shouldn't be). However RipeWickedPlum still has her website with the story on it Here's the link to the story there hope that helps!
June 29, 2014 11:18pm

I can't seem to find RipeWickedPlum's Into the Darkness here...Would love to read it.
June 29, 2014 08:27pm

Glad to help, and save you from madness! It's actually the only OC story I've ever save to my hard disk. It's very good.
June 29, 2014 05:37pm

@ JewelsP Thank you, thank you, thank you, you've saved my sanity that IS the story I was looking for. I was starting to think I'd imagined it. Ah! the perils of growing older, losing your eyesight, your teeth and then your mind. Sorry everyone else it's not a Spuffy story though it is a good one
June 29, 2014 01:08pm

Dark Heart
Just letting anybody who's curious know, TSR is back up.
June 29, 2014 01:07pm

Dark Heart
Darkprincess, you're not alone, TSR isn't working for me either. I get an "account suspended message as well. I wouldn't worry though, Pari's pretty damn quick when it comes to sorting things out. :-)
June 29, 2014 12:36pm

Spuffy Realm is working for me. Maybe it was just a temporary glitch?
June 29, 2014 09:09am

i'm reading Into darkness it's good not spuffy but I just change the names in my head and bingo blind buffy. :)
June 29, 2014 04:56am

i can agree with that thought. Stolen innocence would appeal to the demon.
June 29, 2014 01:32am