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OMG! Yes Knightowl. I can't wait to read it! I'm so excited. I forthsy the CupcakeCute and BeneficialAddiction love. And yes, Nonnikkie writing porn can be very hard, but oh so rewarding. For everyone!
June 13, 2014 02:32pm

(and also CupcakeCute)
June 13, 2014 02:05pm

Yay BeneficialAddiction!
June 13, 2014 01:55pm

I'll second (third?) the CupcakeCute love, can't wait to read more by her. Speaking of great authors who first posted stuff on and are now posting here ... read everything by BeneficialAddiction. Seriously, she's amazing.
June 13, 2014 12:33pm

What's the name of the challenge? Sounds fun! Knightowl
June 13, 2014 11:42am

I think it was me :) No worries! It's an amazing fic isn't it? :) MrsTattooedButterfly
June 13, 2014 11:40am

hey tempest I'm strongly looking at doing your spike and dawn road trip challenge. oh so many ways to mess with spike's head mwhahaha.
June 13, 2014 03:02am

I'm not sure who was talking about Found by CupcakeCute on here, but I've got to thank you because I'm loving reading it, and probably never would have even seen it if not for the Shoutbox, so Thank You!!! <3 :D
June 12, 2014 06:09pm

and the Angel invasion is gone....
June 12, 2014 04:02pm

I'm just the tech mod. Megan and Kathleen are the ones who make sure stories get validated and content is appropriate. Their hard work makes this a Spuffy haven :) . In an unrelated note, I'd pay good money to read your One Direction/Breaking Bad crossover, Puddin.
June 12, 2014 02:57pm

Hey y'all. We do know about the non-Spuffy stories. When I got a message about them earlier (the author has auto-validation, so they weren't seen by an admin first), I let Megan and Kathleen know the situation, and they are working on an reasonable resolution. Even though I tend to be the loud one..
June 12, 2014 02:55pm

I'm sure it will be resolved amicably. I just wanted Gillian to know of a few posting sites where AtS stories would be happily received. Would be terrible to have no place to post them. It's like my Breaking Bad/One Direction crossover! ;)
June 12, 2014 12:53pm

We'll see by the end of the day. I know Susan was contacted about it. She may not have gotten the messages on it, yet. When I pointed it out in the chat room last night, the few there checked it out and said they sent a message to her about it.
June 12, 2014 12:50pm

Nowhere on the level of E.F. it's the best fan fic sites no matter which show, anime, etc out on the web.
June 12, 2014 12:46pm

Trying to help non-spuffy authors here: is a great site for posting and has a Buffy sub-category. Also the old
June 12, 2014 12:45pm

Says she has a ton of stuff posted all over the web, why can't she post it on one of those sites, there are Angel fan fic sites out there, too.
June 12, 2014 12:44pm

If you read Gillian's profile she says she has nowhere to post them and is hoping she will be an exception to it here. I sent her a polite PM and let her know she can post them on, under the AtS section.
June 12, 2014 12:43pm

What's with the Angel Infusion? No Spike. No Buffy. Is it Opposite Day and nobody told me?
June 12, 2014 12:30pm

I see someone slipped some Non-Spuffy stories on here. Urgh! Their AtS stories, too.
June 12, 2014 12:14pm

Also I should have waited a week longer before I published, because I've been editing a lot since Monday, should anyone be interested in re-reading.
June 12, 2014 07:50am

I mean, I know what I want to tell, but finding the words to make the reader feel it - even harder than I thought.
June 12, 2014 07:48am

Writing porn is incredebly hard. :P This is a case of "easier done than said".
June 12, 2014 05:46am

Okay peeps. We've got some totally awesome challenges going, so all you incredibly awesome authors lets snatch them up and write some Porn! *cough* I mean Spuffy *cough*
June 12, 2014 03:43am

*laugh* figure, not fingers *shakes head at typing skills*
June 10, 2014 08:34pm

if the stick fingers are doing something naughty or funny, I vote for them... they can be amusing *grin*
June 10, 2014 08:33pm

3. I am working on something for the site, and I need some help from someone who has advanced graphic design skills. If you're artistic, and willing to help with a small project, please let me know. If no one offers to help, you all will be stuck with awful stick figures created by me.
June 10, 2014 04:04pm

2. Did you notice we recently passed 70,000,000 words total for all the stories housed her at Elysian Fields? 70 million!?!
June 10, 2014 04:00pm

A few quick notes to clog up the shoutbox :) 1.Some people mentioned being confused about where/how to put up a story banner, so I added a section in the add/edit story page just for banners. Just enter your banner URL there. No additional HTML is necessary.Hopefully this will make it a bit clearer.
June 10, 2014 03:55pm

looking for a spuffy video done by cybermintz and happyme called 'The Spike Who Loved Me...anyone have this stashed away on your hard drive somewhere?
June 09, 2014 03:59am

I'm glad you guys were talking about it because the summary never sounded great but your description caught my interest. Im so glad it did. It was a great story
June 07, 2014 05:14pm