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Ah! Thank you! I passed by the one so many times because the summary didn't sound familiar, just skimmed through it though and it is the one! Again thank you!
June 05, 2014 09:57pm

it's by the enemy of reality, I think. Christmas rage
June 05, 2014 09:22pm

middle of nowhere*
June 05, 2014 08:20pm

In the other world they stay at a cottage out in the mind of nowhere. They end up growing closer. They aren't able to get back until they realize their feelings for one another (I believe that is how it went.) I think it was set in Season 5, but not sure. Not a short story, but not too long either.
June 05, 2014 08:20pm

Hey I am looking for a story and can't seem to find it. Help! :) I don't know if it was on this archive or another one. It was a Christmas story, but not a usual one. Spike and Buffy trade places with another Spike and Buffy from a different world/universe. In the other world they have a kid...
June 05, 2014 08:17pm

Now it's behaving itself. I don't know what the problem was before.
June 05, 2014 02:41pm

I just checked all chapters of Love Triangle, and they all showed up fine, Ladycat. Knightowl, if you are reading a multi-chapter story that has the last chapter(s) unvalidated, when you're on the last validated chapter, it will show a next chapter link, but the chapter won't be viewable yet.
June 05, 2014 02:13pm

I've had the problem that the last chapter posted is blank a couple of times. :(
June 05, 2014 01:11pm

Its appearing for me. I'm not sure what the problem is : ladycat713
June 05, 2014 09:29am

Anyone else having this problem ,? The story Love Triangle won't show up for me. Other stories do but not this one.
June 05, 2014 09:06am

William Fox
I completely agree the_bronze!
June 04, 2014 07:04pm

I'm loving Found by CupcakeCute at the moment! Unlike any post Chosen/NFA fanfic I've come across! Keep it up! ;)
June 04, 2014 01:15pm

Just reread maryperk's Christmas comes early. :)
June 04, 2014 01:42am

just a question .... does anyone know what happened to passionfish?
June 04, 2014 01:40am

Wow, did that make me feel old. LOL!
June 03, 2014 09:11pm

so. recently had a wild hair and thought i would actually look up billy idol, as i am slightly to young to be very aquanted with him. and good grief i wish i was older!! first off i can totally see why spike was compared to him, in so many ways. second, when he was young he was effin hot.
June 03, 2014 08:31pm

You're welcome, Juggler!
June 03, 2014 07:21pm

Oh,Oh,Oh.... Sex and Candy ! Thank you Sweetprincipale, so good.
June 02, 2014 12:59am

Yay! Sweetprincipale just started posting her Sex and Candy story, if you haven't already read it your in for a treat!!!
June 01, 2014 10:20pm

That's an interesting in idea. It would mean the hell dimension wouldn't be told in order, especially by keeping it related to the current chapter.
June 01, 2014 10:36am

Aderyn Du
You could also do short chapter prologues of the time spent in the hell dimension; followed by the normal chapter text. Just be sure to keep the chapter prologues relevant to the main action of each chapter.
June 01, 2014 02:29am

Oh geez. I don't know what to do! O.O I really want readers to understand what happened in the hell dimension and thought of basing the entire story on the return home, but am unsure of how to cover such a large time frame. It will be roughly 900+ years. Obviously jumping years would be required.
May 31, 2014 10:32pm

This also allows for a discontinuous narrative. Think Tarantino style. This can be a dangerous approach and you really want to make sure the entirety of the story is tightly plotted, but if done well it can be very gripping. Good luck!!
May 31, 2014 08:30pm

Flashbacks are iffy. They can really interrupt the flow of a narrative. If the flashbacks of hell are extensive you can try alternating chapters. Hell dimension one chapter aftermath the next and tag them at the beginning so the reader knows what to expect.
May 31, 2014 08:26pm

Good point. I tough of doing flash backs then writing thE hell dimension bit as a prologue story for people who may be interested. Hm?
May 31, 2014 08:07pm

I think it depends on the story you want to tell. If its about the experiences of the hell dimension, that should be the concentration, but if the story is the aftermath and how the experiences effect character behavior then perhaps the hell bits should be told in flashbacks or dialogue & action.
May 31, 2014 06:16pm

Here's a quick question for anyone willing to answer. If your hashing out a dimension story, where the time spent is over 500 years, how would you go about it. Write the time spent in the dimension as one story then the return as another or with flash backs?
May 31, 2014 06:00pm

oops not your story moonmoth's (knightowl turns bright red and hides in the corner.)
May 30, 2014 09:41pm

I know your sequel got me to read fin amour. I love a happy ending so I'm looking forward to yours. :)
May 30, 2014 09:38pm

Knightowl....if you want the story of Fin Amour to be continued (with authors permission) in a wonderful way check out the new WIP The Soul Lies Down by the_moonmoth. It will be featured soon but promises a happier sequel while faithful to the original.
May 30, 2014 08:48pm