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tempestt, that is a brilliant way to put it, and I totally agree. I actually never wrote fanfic before becoming a btvs fan and wanting to fix the bittersweetness that was 'Chosen'.
August 08, 2014 11:14pm

My muse died too Mia. Then Spike sauntered in and my hormones sat up and did a little dance. Now I have pregnant plot bunnies coming out of my you know where, and like 8 wips on my laptop. There's just not enough time in the day to fantasize about Spike. Ya know?
August 08, 2014 08:34pm

can someone write buffy going insane because of psychic ability? some how make it a spuffy?
August 08, 2014 07:39pm

Always the way!
August 08, 2014 05:18pm

Mia Vaan
-is more reasonable and knows that if I try, RL will get in the way and they'll all end up unfinished. To think, before I discovered Buffy my fanfic muse had pretty much died. xD
August 08, 2014 03:50pm

Mia Vaan
Inspiration Overload pretty much sums it up. Problem is, I've also got titles and even summaries (the short bit on the front page before you click on the actual story) for these ideas - and not just mine, but for other challenges, too. Part of my brain wants me to write them, while the other half is
August 08, 2014 03:49pm

Maybe try again, the_bronze? (Assuming you're still interested in the story, that is. Haven't had many reviews on it, so not sure if people are liking it.)
August 08, 2014 02:25pm

Wow, Mia Vaan, I thought *I* had serious inspiration overload.
August 08, 2014 02:23pm

Mia Vaan
*realizes she has posted 53 challenges before being consumed by vengeful plot bunnies*
August 08, 2014 02:06pm

I'm sure I favourited it Susan. Maybe it didn't work..
August 08, 2014 01:07pm

So. Just watched turner and hooch (one of the best movies ever) and young Tom hanks reminded me of jm, with more chest hair and green eyes.
August 08, 2014 05:32am

@the_bronze, I just looked, and Slayer Unleashed isn't one of your favorite stories. There's no reason you should have gotten an email telling you there was an update. Favoriting an author only tells you when they add a brand new story.
August 07, 2014 12:55pm

yip I got it
August 07, 2014 05:28am

Did anyone else get an email update for Slayer Unleashed by EllieRose101? I had to look on the Most Recent page before realising that it had an update..
August 07, 2014 01:43am

Don't know if you need or want confirmation - but Mia is correct, it's "Where the Wild Things Are". Just referenced it for my WIP, so it's fresh in my head :-)
August 06, 2014 06:44pm

Mia Vaan
*Legen. Damn laptop...
August 06, 2014 03:51am

Mia Vaan
@Legan That would be Season 4's "Where the Wild Things Are", I believe.
August 06, 2014 03:50am

alright ladies, need some help. what is the eps that the gang "catch" giles singing at..i think its the espresso pump???
August 06, 2014 12:51am

the best thing to do is email me with as many details as possible.
August 04, 2014 10:34pm

As far as site issues, I get email notices when the site is down, and I have not gotten any emails in the last few days. When I've logged on, I haven't had any problems. If you're having problems, I need specifics (is it certain pages that don't load? certain times of day). When issues arise...
August 04, 2014 10:33pm

beta is to note how great they are in your chapter notes.
August 04, 2014 10:30pm

As awesome as betas are, I have to agree with Magnus on this one. I think it's so difficult for a reader to know what a beta has done for a story, and if it's only authors nominating their beta, then the most votes will just go to whoever betas the most. I think the best way to acknowledge a good...
August 04, 2014 10:29pm

I'm not sure how to make if fair for betas. The most amazing one could be known to just one person, since it just the writer that can see the work they do. They deserve to be known, not sure how though.
August 04, 2014 07:11pm

On another note: is any one else having trouble loading this site? The past couple of days I've been needing to refresh some of the pages like three times before they display properly.
August 04, 2014 07:00pm

What if you could only put forward people who you've worked with?
August 04, 2014 06:42pm

Yeah, your right. That makes sense. The idea just popped up in my head lol
August 04, 2014 06:41pm

That's a fair point. How we would do it without voting? Magnus374
August 04, 2014 04:16pm

Showing appreciation for the betas is good of course, but I don't think we can vote between them. When I read a story, I have no way to tell if the beta is good or not, only the writer can know that, and they can't know how good other writers betas is. So beta of the month must be without voting.
August 04, 2014 04:04pm

That's a great idea! EllieRose101
August 04, 2014 03:15pm

Ooooh, can there be a beta of a month category? To show appreciation for those who help the authors out.
August 04, 2014 11:23am