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Her name could easily, if for some reason it wasn't just Buffy, be Bethany. My young cousin and my niece and nephew call me auntie Buffy and my name is bethani(with an I). But that's just between us.
August 21, 2014 01:11am

We see legal papers with Buffy's name on them during the custody issues with Dawn I believe, and they have it as Buffy. And her school papers also have her as Buffy. Her name isn't Elizabeth. It's a fanon thing that unfortunately spread to the point where lots of people think it's her 'real' name.
August 21, 2014 12:30am

Blade Redwind
I do know Buffy is a nickname for Elizabeth. But, maybe you're right xD.
August 20, 2014 09:32pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Don't know if it's been said but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMES!!!
August 20, 2014 09:29pm

Well, Buffy does say during 'Something Blue', "My mother gave me that name." I think the 'Elizabeth' trend is Spike's fault, because he teasingly calls her "Betty" during 'Superstar'... Cripes, my nerd is showin', in't it. ;)
August 20, 2014 08:55pm

Blade Redwind
Either way, doesn't matter. I mean, you'd think if her name was Elizabeth her mother would have said so at some point--maybe even Giles. A school official. We shall NEVER know. Well, until someone asks Joss. Ha.
August 20, 2014 08:00pm

Blade Redwind
It might have been that her name was Elizabeth, but they put Buffy on her tombstone because her friends has it made and that's how she was known to them. -shrugs- Although, if I ever see Joss at a con, I will ask him for sure.
August 20, 2014 07:55pm

They were only trying to hide her death from cps and her father. And neither tried too hard to check on Dawn . Cps only tried after Dawn missed a lot of school.
August 20, 2014 04:52pm

of course... how come she had a tomb stone if they were trying to hide her death??? I mean, buffybot was being her so why have a tomb that shows her dead?
August 20, 2014 11:42am

I feel the same way on the name thing. Her tomb stone said Buffy and that is so a place where a real name would be
August 20, 2014 11:42am

I have to say... it drives me nuts when I see it. Can completely ruin a perfectly good fic when its used. Its like an insult to both the character of joyce and joss whedon. Maybe its cause ppl always pronounce my name wrong and im anal ab correcting them. Even if its a mundane situation
August 20, 2014 07:17am

Nope, it's just in fan fiction.
August 20, 2014 05:27am

Is there anywhere in canon that actually states that Buffy's "real" name is Elizabeth?
August 20, 2014 05:19am

I would've avoided it if I had known it was going to turn into a Vamp!Buffy fi.
August 18, 2014 08:25pm

Only grouching about it because it happened to me last week and I feel I got played on it. Not one hint, it was going to go where it went to, at the end. I feel so cheated on it.
August 18, 2014 08:24pm

It's one of the biggest reasons why on EF I love there are so many tags available on here. But not enough different tags on FF. Though I openly admit I do wish for Evil!Vamp!Buffy! and Good!Vamp!Buffy tags on EF.
August 18, 2014 08:22pm

Yeah, BtVS on FF is very broad, indeed. One of the few things that can bug is, where I read a pretty good Spuffy fic on FF and out of the blue. Buffy is suddenly vamped and becomes the happiests, newest, most evil member of the Whirlwind. I felt like I was bait and switched on it.
August 18, 2014 08:19pm

I found out about E.F., through FF, because someone mentioned in their summary and at the top of their first chapter, their Spuffy fic was a E.F. Challenge fic. I looked it up, out of curiosity and joined E.F., that same night.
August 18, 2014 08:11pm

I started out on FF because a lot of people had told me to start on there because it was a well known site. However, I discovered EF was better because there are just Spuffy fans here and I tend to get more hit counts. FF is too broad as it were
August 18, 2014 05:44pm

valerie21601, Thanks !
August 18, 2014 02:49pm

the_bronze, it's why I sometimes encourage some writers on here to post their fanfics on FF, so I can nominate them for the SunnyD Awards. Which I have already done, btw. :) I tell them up front I want to nominate them, but they need to post it on FF, LiveJournal or another open fanfic site.
August 18, 2014 02:39pm

Congrats to all who got nominated at the SunnyD Fanfic Awards! Great stories all!
August 18, 2014 01:36pm

Oh okay. Thank you :) EllieRose101
August 18, 2014 07:11am

You can't nominate fics on this site because you need to be a member to access the ones with 'adult' ratings. As for nominating the website itself: when you click the list of past nominees it says EF won previously and is no longer eligible.
August 18, 2014 07:06am

Regarding SunnyD fanfic awards, I recall someone mentioning that we can't nominate stories from this website for some reason. However, are we able to nominate EF for 'Website Nominations'?
August 18, 2014 05:05am

very glad I don't need a smear for a while valerie, but do think it's a good story. Love any story were buffy has to see the grey in life.
August 18, 2014 04:01am

Here's the direct link:
August 18, 2014 02:47am

I'll just say, if you have ever had a pap smear test, you're going to wish, a really painful, vicious death for Dr. Walsh, when you read it. It's not too detailed, but it sure scares the s##t out of you.
August 18, 2014 02:47am

juggler, there is a WIP on, by Annamonk, Personal Demons, where Buffy's Slayer and Spike's Demon chose to mate/claim each other and so far leave Buffy and Spike to deal with it. Be wary when you read the first chapter. It's rather intense, especially from a woman's point ofview.
August 18, 2014 02:41am

Thanks to whoever nominated my story "Found" at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards :)
August 18, 2014 12:03am