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MaryPerk is nominated for Best Comedy, too.
August 25, 2014 02:38pm

I see EffulgentEllie and BeneficialAddiction were nominated too. Congrats!
August 25, 2014 02:36pm

I've barely been reading. And I'm still unpacking! I promise I'll started reading and reviewing soon! And to anyone out there still interested in reading my stories I'll be writing again soon. I hope.
August 25, 2014 02:34pm

Hi everyone. Sorry I've disappeared for almost a year. Things have gotten crazy. My youngest went through a crazy faze and got herself in some legal trouble and now she's 4 months pregnant. My oldest was diagnosed with Lupus. And to top it all off we had to move. So I haven't been writing.
August 25, 2014 02:33pm

@magnus, you can still be nominated, but as stated in the rules, that nomination won't be counted when tallying the results. @the _bronze, the banner link is only for banners. Add your SunnyD button with the insert image button (looks like a tree) in the text editor.
August 25, 2014 11:04am

I've been nominated for Best Author in the SunnyD Awards! So happy! :)
August 25, 2014 10:11am

Beautiful Enemies has been nominated at the SunnyD Awards! This is crazy! Thank you!
Does anyone know how to insert one of the buttons? Do you use the banner link box?

August 25, 2014 01:06am

Yep I've been aware for weeks haha. I didn't think I could get the program in the UK but I've found a channel thats airing it fortunately. Mollydolly_11
August 25, 2014 01:04am

Ok, I never write on here but I just wanted to share this.... Just had a really awesome surprise watching Witches of East End tonight... James Marsters had a guest starring role! Not sure if anyone else knew about it or not I had no idea.
August 25, 2014 12:04am

Wow. I'm in awe from my nominations at the SunnyD Awards. Thank you so much!
August 24, 2014 07:19pm

Thank you for the lovely nominatiosn for Stupid Things and Beautiful Words or Blood Orange at the Sunnydale Memorial Awards!
August 24, 2014 06:30pm

Thank you for nominating Dawn of A New Age at Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards! It's so very kind!
August 24, 2014 06:15pm

The only thing I remember out the plot Bronze was his burnt hands and the misunderstanding between Buffy and Spike, I'm certain it's not Sweetprincipales, though I just adore that series. It's driving me nuts, I really want to reread it.
August 24, 2014 06:14pm

Now I'm with tempestt, wants to read it too! Oh, anyone know what fic ended up with Spike and Buffy having wings and being able to shape shift, knows that it's a baby fic, claim as well, thinks it's set after she's brought back. Wants to kick my PC that decided not to work anymore, all was saved :(
August 24, 2014 06:12pm

I agree with your assessment Valerie. Angel needs a kick in the pants and Cordy was just made for that no crap attitude.
August 24, 2014 02:45pm

making his life far more interesting, in the long run. She would kick Angel's but for not letting her make her own decisions, call him out for trying to decide what she wants and needs, read him the riot act for not talking to her about decisions they should be making as a couple and not just him.
August 24, 2014 01:55pm

In my eyes, when it comes to Angel. Buffy is the woman he WANTS, but Cordy is the woman he NEEDS. If they were in a domestic situation, Buffy would eventually yield to what Angel wants her to be and he would give her what he thinks she wants and what he thinks she needs. While Cordy would be...
August 24, 2014 01:52pm

The best thing when I come across a well written Cangel story is the way Cordy calls Angel out on the carpet on the stuff he pulls, doesn't put up with his excuses and isn't afraid to give him a piece of her mind.
August 24, 2014 01:49pm

Valerie21601 - I was about to recommend sweetprincipale's Cangel fic Avoiding Perfection: And Tempestt, the one you're looking for might be 'See You on the Flip Side' also by sweetprincipale :) That one is posted here.
August 24, 2014 12:23pm

Valerie21601- I don't know if this will help, but I did write two Cangel fics, they're on FF though since this is a Spuffy only site. Also if you go to Buffyworld and check the author list, there is a list of pairings the authors write .
August 24, 2014 08:25am

Magnus your right you can only win once
August 24, 2014 08:06am

I have been nominated again, thanks for that, but I thought it wouldn't work since I've already won once.
August 24, 2014 05:28am

temopestt Ooh I recognise the plot. Does Riley beat up and torture Spike in his crypt by any chance? If so, I definitely recognise the fic
August 24, 2014 04:41am

You Google Spuffy and all these fanfic websites come up. You google Bangel and no joke, one fan website comes up.
August 24, 2014 04:40am

I like Cangel. For one thing Cordelia didn't let Angel get away with things like Buffy did.
August 24, 2014 03:25am

Need help finding a fic. It's a Fool for Love rewrite. Riley throws Spike out of the house the next morning. Angry Spike goes to the magic box thinking Buffy sent Riley to throw him out. When she gets there she wants to know how he burnt his hands. Sound familiar? Really want to reread it. Ta!
August 24, 2014 03:20am

I can't seem to find much good Cangel fanfics out there. Compared to other BtVS fanfics, non of the other couples, have a fandom following as the Spuffy one does.
August 24, 2014 02:21am

Also, from what I seen, over the years the pro Spuffy crowd is a great deal more organized. Do their best to maintain the best Spuffy fanfics on the internet. Between E.F. and T.S.R., no other couple advocates of the BtVS is as well organized. No Bangel, Cangel, etc.
And I'm a huge Cangel fan and

August 24, 2014 02:19am

Thanks, I don't mind that route, sometimes a couple need to go the platonic route for awhile and rebuild their relationship from the ground up. In a few relationships I've personally seen, they stopped the sex and re-learned how to be friends again. Before becoming a couple again.
August 24, 2014 02:14am

You guys." Although the writers haven't gotten them romantically involved, andvimnnit sure that they will, I would say that they're very close friends.
August 24, 2014 01:38am