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party So many birthdays! Happy birthday Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy!
July 19, 2024 06:54pm

@enchantedwillow - We have a whole channel devoted to helping plot on our Discord!
July 19, 2024 09:28am

Happy birthday Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy! party
July 19, 2024 06:41am

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed trying to wrangle my plot blush . If anyone who has read the first two chapters has any (kind) suggestions or would (prays to the heavens) like to help me out, I would love a PM!
July 19, 2024 12:32am

partyHappy birthday to Passion4Spike, IsaSasu13, kalirena69, & FluffySpuffy! May you be lavished with love & gifts and have memories that bring a lifetime of joy to relive. May you be richly blessed this year with all needs met, dreams coming true & with the respect & love of all who matter to you
July 18, 2024 11:59pm

I'm meant to be giving myself a break from arting to catch up on reading but you all are KILLING ME with these ren fair stories! I'm just picturing Spuffy in ALL the medieval costumes and it's calling to me so badly. Amazing prompt resulting in amazing stories! applause
July 18, 2024 02:15pm

partyHappy birthday to mattson718, sarcasm_for_free, VampyricRose, & to Itspundslikeaway! May you be richly celebrated on your special day with every person & gift wanted. May your year ahead bring dreams in reach, joy & blessings daily and genuine love from all around you.
July 17, 2024 11:07pm

partyHappy birthday to Srta Elena & to CrimsonAngel569! Hoping your special day brings you every person, memory, gift & joy you most yearn for. May you enjoy every minute and in the year to come may you have continued love & joy as well as every success.
July 17, 2024 04:44pm

Congrats RavenLove12! yay
July 17, 2024 02:04pm

Hey guys! I just wanted to let anyone interested know that The Witch's Gift is officially Finished!!! party
July 17, 2024 11:49am

@Tasha: Enjoy! It's lots of fun!
July 17, 2024 06:35am

Oooo ... that looks like an amazing story. I'm going to read that one later. I'm glad you were looking for it @All4Spike
July 16, 2024 11:56pm

@All4Spike: Glad it was the right one. smile
July 16, 2024 05:08pm

@Hannora... Yes! Thank you, that's it! squee
July 16, 2024 04:16pm

@All4Spike:Hi, It sounds like Offers You Can't Refuse by sweetprincipale
July 16, 2024 03:06pm

Contd: Then confusion reigns when someone tells friend that 'Giles' is there with a pretty young wife (so probably Buffy rather than Dawn) Maybe it's the COW after Buffy? Help?
July 16, 2024 02:08pm

Looking for a story - and as always, can't remember title or author. I'm even vague on details. Someone is after Buffy (or possibly Dawn) and Giles has the bright idea of getting Spike to drive her to a friends cabin somewhere that there's lots of big trees...
July 16, 2024 02:05pm


July 15, 2024 09:28pm

Happy birthday, Dusty! You are a giant ray of sunshine! I adore your work!
July 15, 2024 09:27pm

Congratulations @bewildered for finishing the quarantine story! Loved Buffy learning about all the rude words and phrases in Shakespeare! It's a great story.
July 15, 2024 05:07pm

<3 Thank you guys! I'm so glad you all stuck with me through the Quaranfic madness!
July 15, 2024 04:52pm

Thank you Bewildered for the most heart stealing OC ever in that fic too. Michael will ever live in my brain.
July 15, 2024 01:26pm

Congrats to my beloved @bewildered for finishing her epic. squee
July 15, 2024 11:47am

Congatulations Bewildered! I'm so glad you stuck with it. It is a great fic.
July 15, 2024 08:49am

Happiest of birthdays to Dusty, Relishmonkey, & dragonwings_703! party
July 15, 2024 06:34am

@Sigyn wa-hoo!! “What Happens in Quarantine” is one of my favourites too. So happy to see bewildered managed to finish it and while doing an entry for mystery month too. :flowers :flowers
July 15, 2024 03:25am

“What Happens in Quarantine” is done. I repeat, this is not a drill, bewildered’s exquisite fic “What Happens in Quarentine” is complete! Can we get a wa-hoo.
July 15, 2024 02:50am

partyHappy birthday to Dusty, Relishmonkey, & dragonwings_703! May the day hold nothing but joy & love and the makings of great memories. May you have a year of blessings.
July 15, 2024 02:04am

It also says you updated it July 14th. So, you should be good.
July 15, 2024 01:06am

When I just checked your stories, @EncantedWillow, it showed two chapters
July 15, 2024 01:06am