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@maryperk What? If that had been the case Joss would have killed him off when he planned to. Spike was so popular he not only became a regular, he made it through the whole show and then became a fan favorite on Angel... wtf?
June 08, 2024 12:20pm

@maryperk what fans?! Probably the Buffy boards on Reddit is the source cause there’s no way haha especially with how popular James is at cons and on cameos lol and of course fanworks! SMH well we know the truth hug
June 08, 2024 10:35am

My MSN newfeed had a story called 15 TV Shows Ruined by One Character, It had Spike down as the character that ruined Buffy and that fans hated the show because of him, clearly the author has no idea
June 08, 2024 10:20am

@Thatsmeonlyshirt thank you. I'm very happy because I've been looking for it for about a month and couldn't find it! ! I hope you continue to meet wonderful spuffy! !
June 08, 2024 12:50am

@kuzuyanp3228 I just read that! It's Drive by Holly. Super good one.
June 08, 2024 12:44am

I'm looking for a title for Buffy and Spike singing the Barbie song in Caritas, but I can't find it, can someone help me?
June 07, 2024 11:06pm

partyHappy birthday to ThreeofSwords! May this be a day filled with love, laughter, every gift most desired and great memories. May this year bring blessings, success, confidence & joy
June 07, 2024 09:56pm

Thanks, @WilliamMyBeloved - hope you and everyone has a great weekend! cheers
June 07, 2024 08:48pm

Happy Friday everyone! heart
June 07, 2024 09:32am

partyHappy birthday to Meli Melou! Wishing every thing & person you most want there making for the best day ever. May every memory bring joy & warmth. May you have a year of being cherished & accomplished, may you be blessed.
June 06, 2024 10:59pm

party Happy birthday to marimari81 & to clsquirt! May your fondest wishes come true. May you be surrounded by all you most love & be cherished & well gifted on your day. May you have a year of success, love, joy, & blessings.
June 05, 2024 11:07pm

Hannora, as always, you rock!
June 05, 2024 09:22pm

@Eazysworld: Hi, look up the Tutorverse by Holly and Dark Kisses by Sigyn you can search stories with the warning "cheating" too. smile
June 05, 2024 07:37pm

Does anyone have suggestions about like a Buffy and Spike sneaking around Riley or Angel's back? I am reading Angel Doesn't Know and Riley Doesn't Know. But anymore like this?
June 05, 2024 06:08pm

all choseny
*Runs into the shout box* after seven long months, Early One Morning finally has a completion check next to it! I'm so happy!
June 05, 2024 10:10am

all choseny
Woke up to another nomination email! Thank you to the member who nominated me for artist of the month! It is much appreciated, and I am touched.
June 05, 2024 09:30am

all choseny
I was checking my email when I got a notification that someone nominated me for author of the month... Thank you for the nomination. I received that honor a few years ago, but thank you for thinking of me!
June 04, 2024 09:39pm

partyHappy birthday to sportsmom3! May this day be a glorious celebration of you with all you hold most dear and most long for at hand. May this year bring blessings, joy, & genuine love daily.
June 04, 2024 08:38pm

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
June 04, 2024 09:59am

@ihaveatheoryitcouldbebunnies: I Remember You by DeamonQueen have Buffy forgetting the last 18 years and thinking she's still in S4.
June 04, 2024 04:58am

@ihaveatheoryitcouldbebunnies: In "Just a Teenage Crush" by Addie Logan Willow does a forgetting spell on S6 Buffy and Buffy forgets everything post being the Slayer and thinks she's 15.
June 04, 2024 03:37am

Can someone help me remember this story? All I seem to remember is that Buffy loses her memory and thinks she's back in, like, season 4-5ish time and I'm almost positive it's Willow that does a spell to make her lose her memory. Maybe to forget being resurrected? I think she did the spell on me lol
June 03, 2024 08:16pm

@Hannnora That's it, thank you so much!
June 03, 2024 11:21am

partyHappy birthday to KiraKay! Wishing every good thing & person on your special day and that you be treated like the star you are. May this year bring contentment, achievement, joy, & great memories.
June 03, 2024 06:26am

@EnchantedWillow: Hi, It might be Need a Second to Breathe by Axell The auction happens in chapter 39.
June 03, 2024 04:32am

Can anyone help me remember the title to a story? The only scene I can truly remember is they use germs to defeat the Mayor. They are having an auction I believe of the Amara treasure and all get sick to kill the mayor. Xander pees on his shoe lol
June 03, 2024 12:07am

Happy birthday acb6293! party
June 02, 2024 03:08pm

Thank you to whoever nominated me for author of the month! smile
June 02, 2024 12:06pm

all choseny
Congrats to the new MoTM! All well deserved!
June 02, 2024 07:23am

cheers Congratulations to the newest Members of the month! Joan963z, LovingWilliam, & the brilliant nmcil! Each so deserved. cheers
June 01, 2024 09:37pm