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Angel and angelus are two sides of the same damn coin turn it anyway you want still the same coin
March 06, 2014 10:04am

And going back to the angel/angelus whatever he wants to call himself how old was Buffy when they first did it?
March 06, 2014 10:03am

But, of course, they address that in one episode like four years after Anya and Xander start dating, and then everyone promptly forgets it ever happened and isn't remotely utilized for character developement
March 05, 2014 10:26pm

So I think it says something about both Buffy and Xander's character? One of Xander's biggest personality flaws is, even if he's hurting people, he rather skip over the gory details because it's easier. Buffy, because she's the Slayer, doesn't have that luxury.
March 05, 2014 10:25pm

Buffy on the other she can't let herself forget what Spike and Angel have done and emotionally suffers for it.
March 05, 2014 10:25pm

Really the only double standard amongst the characters is between Anya and Buffy's undead honey's. She, soulled, choose to become a demon. Anya's killed more man than the both of them combined, and is proud of it! But, nah, it's just a silly personality quirk!
March 05, 2014 10:24pm

Spike's a flawed character who admitted he's flawed. Angel OTOH never seemed to do that. One of the reason I prefer Spike . I only like Angel around non possessed Cordelia .
March 05, 2014 06:12pm

Keep's 56%-43% now..
March 05, 2014 04:46pm

Behind Blue Eyes
I'm a Spike lover through and through, but I never excused or justified the wrongs he had done. He's an extremely flawed character, but this is the reason why I'm drawn to the character.
March 05, 2014 02:17pm

Behind Blue Eyes
but I'm from the belief of 'for one, for all'. People shouldn't be given a free pass or excused for inexcusable behavior. But time and time again this is what happens. Don't get me wrong, I love the world Joss created, but these inconsistencies irk me.
March 05, 2014 02:13pm

Behind Blue Eyes
See? A double standard. I feel the writers used Spike as the proverbial scape goat/whipping boy. His choices and behaviors were never excused nor were justified, even if another character had done the same. I'm not saying he should get a free pass or exonerated for his misdeeds (especially in SR)
March 05, 2014 02:11pm

Look at all of the awful things that Willow did. She couldn't deal with something...fix it with magic. It didn't matter if it blew up in her face or how bad she hurt long as she got what she wanted.
March 05, 2014 02:10pm

When she had sex with Spike and the Chaos demon (and others except possibly the Immortal we don't know what his deal was, he could have had magic or thrall) was by her choice .
March 05, 2014 02:08pm

And even if we didn't see Angel rape Dru , he broke her mind in such a way that she was unable to refuse him sex, thus he took away her consent.
March 05, 2014 02:08pm

Also what Willow did to Tara with her magic memory roofies. If erasing a memory of an argument is followed by sex that wouldn't have been had if the argument was still remembered than that is rape.
March 05, 2014 02:04pm

Not to mention what Angel/Angelus ,whatever the f*** he calls himself, did to poor Dru. :(
March 05, 2014 01:39pm

Calling Spike a disgusting rapist is total bullsh*t, especially considering all of the games that Buffy played with the poor guy. He didn't go through with it, he stopped. I'm with BBE, Xander did the same exact thing AND Giles helped him cover it up?!
March 05, 2014 01:15pm

I just don't understand why the Bangel shippers have such a hard time with that concept. He creeped around in the dark after a 15 year old girl. And he never went out of his way to help her or her friends, he just sort of lurked around, or wasn't around at all.
March 05, 2014 01:12pm

The Bangelsa re rallying! Spuffy needs you to keep voting! Spike is down to 60%!!!
March 05, 2014 01:06pm

Behind Blue Eyes
I call BULLSH*T on that crap. *stepping down*
March 05, 2014 12:03pm

Behind Blue Eyes
While I'm on my soap box, the other thing that drives me nuts is the whole Angelus/Angel thing. His demon isn't separate, it's part of him--always. Just like every other vampire. I hated how they put this stress on this split personality. That somehow this exonerated Angel for what Angelus did.
March 05, 2014 12:03pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Yet this was brushed aside, not only by the characters themselves (this includes Giles), the writers, and viewers alike. Xander never had to redeem himself nor did the writers have him seek redemption. THAT is what drives me nuts.
March 05, 2014 12:00pm

Behind Blue Eyes
how certain characters on the show seem (for some) to have a free pass for inexcusable behavior. Going along the same lines of some Bangel shippers calling Spike a rapist. If this is true, why isn't Xander the same? If you remember, Season 1 The Pack, Xander also attacked and tried to rape Buffy
March 05, 2014 11:58am

Behind Blue Eyes
We don't know for sure what Angel nor Spike did prior to what Joss showed us. We can ASSUME, but we never know truly. However, we do know what happened in Seeing Red. And no justification can change nor excuse what Spike tried to do. Period. However, the issue I have is this...
March 05, 2014 11:55am

But we know for sure that Angel raped Dru after systematically destroying her mind and breaking her spirit.
March 05, 2014 11:50am

A lot of Bangels compare souled Angel to Soulless Spike and don't seem to get why their arguments don't make sense. We don't know for sure that Spike ever raped anybody. He stopped with Buffy and when he said he had raped girls like Dawn he might have been trying to get her to kill him.
March 05, 2014 11:50am

People just don't get that cyber arguments are completely pointless, do they? Although, on that page 'spuffy93' pretty much sums up everything that's great about Spuffy, so kudos to that shipper
March 05, 2014 10:35am

are out calling Spike a disgusting rapist..Typical.
March 05, 2014 09:19am

I think the dating DB has a lot to do with it...but I always thought that JM and SMG got along fine, I've seen interviews where they say they were like brother and sister. I think SR had a lot to do with bad feelings later on I think :( I was just over on the poll site and the Bangels
March 05, 2014 09:19am

Didn't SMG date DB? and they obviously maintain a friendship. IMO I am sure her choice was influenced by that since it seems, from Q&As JM has done that their relationship wasn't all that friendly.
March 05, 2014 07:02am