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Just a quick reply to Susan: I usually use my tablet on here and I find everything works nicely - can't think of anything that needs improving :) Also, IveDiedTwice, I wish I could buy that! So awesome!
February 05, 2014 04:18am

Ahhh! Thank you IveDiedTwice! I just ordered one!
February 05, 2014 12:33am

You all might want to head over to today (February 5th)--today's shirt features Buffy and Spike. (No, I have no affiliation. I just bought this one immediately myself.)
February 05, 2014 12:13am

Do you frequently access EF from a mobile device (phone, tablet, soup cans with strings...)? If so, I could use some help. I'm trying to make the site more mobile friendly and I'd like some feedback on what I've done so far. Email me at and I'll give you the details. Thanks!
February 04, 2014 08:21am

Thanks for the rec by the way, Griffin <3
February 04, 2014 06:36am

AGriffenWriter, welcome to the fandom then and the wondrous world of fanfiction! <3
February 04, 2014 06:34am

great to see Arabella is back in action liliachigh -
February 04, 2014 02:23am

So great to see that note from one of my favorite writers from long ago when I first started reading FF - Cousinjean.
February 04, 2014 02:22am

Sorry if a bunch of edits just went through on one of my fics. I was trying to add a banner to the story notes and couldn't get the html to work. My bad.
February 04, 2014 12:28am

Thanks pfeifferpack! :) I appreciate your response, that helps a lot!
February 03, 2014 09:21pm

That was at a time LOL. I usually check the queue for validation (those not manually validated) daily or every other day. I don't usually validate more than three chapters of one story at a time because it could overload the reader and put them off.
February 03, 2014 06:43pm

Not a silly question. I don't really know actually. When I'm writing I tend to post when I have it done and sometimes two or three chapters at a tie. I know others prefer a decent schedule and that is popular. Week days seem to have more traffic with readers. No set rule.
February 03, 2014 06:42pm

oops! did not mean to send that twice. I refreshed and it resent.
February 03, 2014 06:17pm

I'm just curious, and this may be a totally silly question buuut... is there a day of the week that is better to update a WIP than another? How do some of you other authors update when you have a couple of chapters saved up?
February 03, 2014 06:16pm

I'm just curious, and this may be a totally silly question buuut... is there a day of the week that is better to update a WIP than another? How do some of you other authors update when you have a couple of chapters saved up?
February 03, 2014 06:00pm

DearDeadDeer I'm brand new to the fandom (like, within a year) so I might be outside the "practically everything" you've read :) And sweetprincipale has some new awesome fics!
February 03, 2014 12:42pm

No problem! Recently read it again myself. Great story!
February 03, 2014 11:25am

Yes, I think that's it! Thanks so so much! <3
February 03, 2014 10:18am

At Your Service by dampersandspoons?
February 03, 2014 07:53am

It's AU
February 03, 2014 04:33am

Hi guys, I have a quick question - I've read a fic where Buffy kinda makes a pact with devil (aka Spike) - anybody remember what it's called? OwO
February 03, 2014 04:32am

I haven't read fanfics in years cuz I've read practically everything but am getting into it again OwO I'll be sure to leave comments to show my love for you all! <3 Thanks again! You feed my Spuffy fix!
February 03, 2014 04:05am

It seems my chapters are getting automatically validated now. Sweet!
February 02, 2014 11:07pm

YES! That's it. Thank you!
February 01, 2014 07:48pm

Megan, I think it might be A Man From Time Past by Callie8M
February 01, 2014 01:22pm

Help! There was a fic about Buffy and Spike being sent back to old time London thanks the Gem of Amarra. Buffy's working in William's house while Spike's looking for the ring so they can get home. What fic is it??
February 01, 2014 08:27am

So true, Behind Blue Eyes. Joss and team gave us a fantastic, versatile sandbox to play in, writers and readers alike.
January 31, 2014 05:00pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Lets not forget the amazing world and characters Joss created!
January 31, 2014 03:15pm

Behind Blue Eyes
DearDeadDeer: not speaking for other writers but its the readers and the reviews they leave that keeps the writers going. So thank you.
January 31, 2014 03:14pm

I cannot tell all of you wonderful fic writers how happy I am that you're still writing, even after so long! <3 You give me something to return to for Spuffy goodness when the series isn't enough, having seen it too many times. I wholeheartedly thank you all! <3
January 31, 2014 01:05pm