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Ah, that's okay. Was just wondering :)
February 28, 2014 07:31pm

@EllieRose101, if you want a long answer, feel free to email me, but the easy shoutbox answer is that it's probably not going to happen. It would require a huge amount of new code, and I don't really have the time to work on something like that right now. Sorry I can't be more help.
February 28, 2014 02:42pm

Is Chatzy being a brat for anyone else?
February 28, 2014 01:08pm

Is it possible to add the feature of being able to 'like' story reviews?
February 28, 2014 06:17am

Living Conditions by sweetprincipale that SoaringClaws recommended is fantastic. And so is everything that sweetprincipale writes in general. Especially the AU seasons 4-5: the Uncontrollable, Unmentionable, and Unknown trilogy.
February 28, 2014 01:02am

*blushes* Thank you all for the recs, guys. *goes back to lurking*
February 27, 2014 03:56pm

Thank you very much! *_* Yes, I've read West of the Moon.
February 27, 2014 03:48pm

Not My Reality - dawnofme (Buffy is attempting to seduce someone else, but Spike decides he wants her. Funny), In League with Serpents - WeyrWolfen (Season 6, so Buffy is moody and hatey for a long time), and if you haven't read West of the Moon, it has everything, so do it! Hope this help!
February 27, 2014 11:55am

I have a couple, though varying in comedy and Buffy hatred: A Way to You - Dorians Kitten (Buffy is engaged to someone else, but becomes friends with Spike), Living Conditions - sweetprincipale (more mutual hatred, funny though), Changing Lives - Mabel Marsters (makes me cry, but brilliant)
February 27, 2014 11:51am

All human or canon. It's the same. I just can't read another story in which she falls in love with him at the beginning! :D :D
February 27, 2014 05:02am

Have you got recommendations for fics with Spike hitting hard on Buffy, and she simply doesn't considerate him for a long time? Like "murphy's law" by I'm_bloody_english, but more comical stuff? Something like "Crave" by Nautibitz, if you read that one.
February 27, 2014 05:00am

Hi :) You girls are a wonderful resource!
February 27, 2014 04:55am

*way, not essay
February 26, 2014 08:46pm

I haven't read Indigo Overture, but I love the other two so if it's on par with those I will for sure read it. Thanks! I'd love to hear other recs too if anyone has them (I go through stories essay too fast).
February 26, 2014 08:46pm

If you haven't read West of the Moon, East of the Sun, fix it. Fix it now. It is amazing, pure and simple.
February 26, 2014 08:44pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Soaring claws: Indigo Overture, Promise of Frost, and West of the Moon, East of the Sun. They are all amazing stories. Enjoy!
February 26, 2014 08:12pm

I'm craving some new fics. Anyone have recommendations for stories with a strong Spuffy friendship/comradery before they have a relationship (ex. Drowning In You)? I love reading their playful snark fests... =)
February 26, 2014 07:45pm

/done with my spam
February 26, 2014 06:16pm

A lot people seen to characterize him as the unrealistic image of the bad boy who's gonna change for you, but it's so much much more? The Ambiguity of the Soul is is one of the finest if not the best aspects of Buffy. Also, his personal struggle and growth fits so well in a show about growing up.
February 26, 2014 06:16pm

And yep, Spike hate is definitely something I steer clear of. I understand it. I had many moral qualms liking him myself, but without him, Buffy would been no where near as a great a show.
February 26, 2014 06:15pm

Spuffy, however, I feel, after all the pain and nastiness, ultimately achieved true love . They trust, understand, believe in depend on, seen the best and the worst of, and ultimately bring out the best in each other. I think Angel and Cordelia achieved something similar
February 26, 2014 06:15pm

I agree, and it's just a matter of what personally appeals to you. I can't buy into Bangel. I viewed it as a puppy love, which I accepted in a show I was cautioned would be a little whimsical at the beginning but I began to scrutinize their relationship as I watched their characters grow.
February 26, 2014 06:14pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Exactly, Susan
February 26, 2014 04:14pm

don't like it, but reading their misery is no fun. I mean, I wouldn't click an article titled, "I Have an Awful Rash and Now I Hate Life." That's how I feel looking at their recent recaps.
February 26, 2014 04:10pm

I used to really enjoy the Snark Squad BtVS recaps, but I just can't read them anymore. I have no problem with the fact that they hate Spike. Even if I don't agree, I understand their reasons. What I don't like is the fact that they seem to hate watching the show. It's fine if they...
February 26, 2014 04:10pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Well, they just finished covering Season 4 of Angel...say no more. I just can't wait till Spike shows up in Season 5!!
February 26, 2014 03:42pm

of both shows.
February 26, 2014 03:23pm

I've been following Snark Squad and yeah the ladies hate Spike. They are covering AtS and don't have much to say positive at AtS right now. But they really hate Spike. I try to stay out of it. I don't comment much because the blow back can be swift and brutal. But I enjoy reading their recaps
February 26, 2014 03:23pm

Behind Blue Eyes
No worries, I am now done blowing up the shout box. :)
February 26, 2014 02:05pm

Behind Blue Eyes
They cover all the Seasons of Buffy and Angel, and they totally bash Spike left and right. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed their take on 50 Shades, I'm beyond annoyed how they cover BTVs.
February 26, 2014 02:04pm