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will somebody write something new and different story!!!! will someone write a spike's sister a slayer story or any of the other challenges!!!
September 04, 2014 04:42pm

MrsTattooedButterfly Would be happy to :) What sort of ideas did you already have in mind?
September 04, 2014 02:44pm

I'm full of ideas, just don't have the patience to write em myself lol, I'd be happy to be your springboard :)
September 04, 2014 02:39pm

While I've been waiting for my other PC to be hooked up and searched for WIP's I'm also scribbling notes down of possible story lines, old and new. Would love to have someone to bounce ideas with, anyone willing to or even interested in?
September 04, 2014 02:33pm

Congratulations to the nominee's!!!
September 04, 2014 02:29pm

Thank you for the author of the month nomination! It would be nice to win, but just knowing someone nominates you month after month is actually a pretty awesome feeling in itself!
September 03, 2014 10:13pm

why thank you, the_bronze. :)
September 03, 2014 08:42pm

You do give some really great reviews :) TieDyeJackson
September 03, 2014 12:10pm

Thank you to whoever gave me the nod with the nomination for reviewer of the month. I wish I could write on here a lot more but I get ADD too quickly with my ideas so I stick to reviews and challenges :D.
September 03, 2014 11:27am

Thank you so much for the very kind nomination for author of month.
September 02, 2014 06:43pm

Thanks for the warm and fuzzy feelings, whoever nominated me for reviewer of the month! As I don’t read and comment on a lot of ongoing stories at the same time, I very much doubt that I ever will be elected, but the nomination made me feel appreciated. :)
September 02, 2014 11:38am

@valerie thank ya very kindly; i never bothered myself to look those sort a stories up and after reading your input i think i'll continue with my "choice of negligence" if you would :)
September 02, 2014 10:45am

BeneficalAddiction , congratulations, love your writing glad to see you won Author of the month. Congratulations to ginar369.
September 02, 2014 10:20am

You deserve it, Ginar. And congrats, BeneficialAddiction.
September 02, 2014 10:00am

Thank you to whomever nominated me for reviewer of the month! And thank you for the win! I'm touched. Especially since I've been so busy with RL lately that I have been lax in my Spuffy reading! LOL
September 02, 2014 09:21am

Wow! Congrats to BeneficialAddiction & ginar369! Way tah go!
September 02, 2014 05:36am

when will someone start writing new challenges response
September 02, 2014 01:05am

@Blade Redwind Congrats on your SunnyD Awards nominations!
September 02, 2014 01:04am

It's the way it comes across to me.
September 02, 2014 01:03am

things go right and wrong. Help Buffy when she needs a positive serious talk or when she needs to get knocked down a peg or two. All while they feel and express passion, love, anger, and every emotion in-between.
September 02, 2014 01:03am

Spike wants the whole package with Buffy. He accepts and embraces the warrior side of her. He understands and has no problem with her being in charge, making the decisions for herself and fight by her side. Spike sees her warts, smells her b.o., bad breath and feet. Equally tells her when...
September 02, 2014 12:58am

When it comes to Spuffy, it's about fiery passion, they challenge each, fighting like guard dogs going for the throat, they kick each others ass and earn each others respect, over time.
September 02, 2014 12:54am

The BIGGEST difference I can tell is with Bangel, is innocence, purity, a touch child-like and her needing to be cared for, sheltered and protected from the world and someone to make the main decisions for them. Where Angel wants to put her into a Rapunzel ivory tower and keep her safe up there.
September 02, 2014 12:51am

Usually, almost all of the Bangel, I can read completely through are the All-Human fanfics.
September 02, 2014 12:46am

Or maybe it's just the way my luck went. When I surfed the net looking for Bangel fanfics to read and compare to Spuffy fanfics, out of curiosity, a couple of times.
September 02, 2014 12:45am

...there will be hope, eventually happening in the story, but it never appears. I feel, too often where it concerns the Bangel/us stories I have come across there's been a bait and switch tactics used to get me to read it.
September 02, 2014 12:43am

@agriffenwriter I totally agree with on Angelus. What I forgot to include was the way too often the pro-Angel/Angelus/Buffy crowd didn't properly tag their stories. Like suddenly Angelus pops out with no warning or the slash stories aren't properly labelled as violent or phrase the summary like...
September 02, 2014 12:39am

Blade Redwind
I just want to say a super big thanks to those who nominated Enemy Mine for SunnyD Awards. I really wasn't expecting it and it made my day.
September 02, 2014 12:20am

But honestly, that is Angelus's character at his core - violent, sadistic, brutal, etc, etc. I just re-watched Angel season 4, and whew! He is one guy you do not want to have around, unless you have every weapon from Axe to Ze Other Axe.
September 01, 2014 11:28pm

with fanfics like those types, I can easily see why there are so few Bangel fanfic sites with fans like those.
September 01, 2014 11:18pm