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i mean the worst of humanity, not curse?
September 06, 2014 01:58am

when will rebirth be update? when will curse of humanity be update? please new challenges story please!!
September 06, 2014 01:56am

Laurence Quill
Ah! Well...after I've shut down the computer and tried again stories are popping up!...I break technology.
September 05, 2014 07:17pm

Laurence Quill
I'm in the advanced search, the very bottom bar at "search term"
September 05, 2014 07:14pm

Laurence, are you remembering to change from "penname" to "title"? Because all of those things bring something back in the search when I try....
September 05, 2014 05:21pm

Laurence Quill
Nor does "curse"
September 05, 2014 04:29pm

Laurence Quill
"Harsh Light Day" doesn't pull anything up either.
September 05, 2014 04:25pm

Laurence Quill
I'm just complaining that the search doesn't actually find the key terms I am looking for. For ex: Gem doesn't produce any search results even though I KNOW "Gem of a Soul" is on this site.
September 05, 2014 04:19pm

looks for your search term in the entire text of the summary and the title.
September 05, 2014 11:09am

@LQ and snowflower, the site already has both of those things. If you're browsing or using the advanced search, you can choose International Fics as a category to include and it will show all the foreign language fics. Also, if you search on the homepage sidebar or in the advanced search page, it...
September 05, 2014 11:08am

To those of you who've offered to help, Thank You!!! I'll send a message from here after I've had some sleep, LOL! Is very appreciative of your help!! :D!!!!! Y'all are awesome, and I mean every single one of you!!!!
September 05, 2014 01:25am

Laurence Quill
The search should actually search for keywords in a summery or title.
September 04, 2014 10:35pm

this site should have a languages separator, so you can separate foreign languages apart when looking for other story.
September 04, 2014 10:26pm

Laurence Quill
Doing that now!! I'm sitting here typing it out going..."does anybody think this is a good idea for a challenge?" then realize I just typed it up already, why not just post it into the challenge page you idiot. Then proceeded the shake my head at myself.
September 04, 2014 09:21pm

why not make it a challenge? i'm not much of a writer. i'm more of a reader. Laurence Quill
September 04, 2014 09:15pm

Laurence Quill
...the worst mother and Slayer ever to have to depend on Spike for help. Through stubbeorness alone, Spike manages to work around the interfeering Scoobies to provide Buffy some money and slowly learns to help give care to months old baby Dawn.
September 04, 2014 09:14pm

Laurence Quill
Buffy's own stubbornness weighing her down. The Challenging part of this is to leave alot of the past action up to the interpretation of the reader and to really show Spike having to struggle with wanting to help, but being buffered from both the Scooby Gang and Buffy feeling she must be ...
September 04, 2014 09:11pm

Laurence Quill
...With the loss of her mother, boyfriend, debt, school, heartbreak from Angel being an asshole, moral issues of having to kill Ben to defeat Glory, being a new mother, PMD, and a Slayer's Death Wish. She is refusing to rely on others, and Spike rages at the blindness of her friends and...
September 04, 2014 09:09pm

Laurence Quill
The story starts from Spike's point of view several months after Glory has been taken over and he gives the audience a quick back story as how Riley left after learning the magically assimilated baby wasn't his (though he tried to be supporting. Failed.) And now Buffy is struggling.....
September 04, 2014 09:05pm

Laurence Quill
I was gonna try and write it myself, but I'd like to tackle only one subject at a time; in addition, I feel I don't have enough experiace to write the plot with enough true detail. The challenge is a baby fic with a bit of a more...Normal life issues then supernatural.
September 04, 2014 09:03pm

Laurence Quill
To Snowflower and Wonder of Ashe: That situation was great! I wasn't paying much attention to the posts, just "Give me five minutes." and the next thing I knew... BAM there it was on the recent page!
September 04, 2014 08:59pm

hope other writers do more response to challenges. i hoe someone response to one of my challenges. to see how creative they can get.
September 04, 2014 08:58pm

Laurence Quill
jhiz: YES I AM!! THANKYOU!!!
September 04, 2014 08:57pm

thank for writing it Wonder and Ashe
September 04, 2014 08:56pm

Laurence Quill: are you looking for Awake by betty cratchit?
September 04, 2014 08:35pm

Laurence Quill
AH! Never mind, I am told that is what a "Beta" is and there is a very convenient tab right there on the menu bar! How clever!
September 04, 2014 08:20pm

Laurence Quill
Long time reader, very first time writing, where do I go to find someone to help edit/bounce ideas off of so I can start creating my own fan fiction?
September 04, 2014 08:11pm

Laurence Quill
The search claimsit can't find it, but what is the title of the story where Spike is cursed by Harmony where he wont be able to sleep and begs Buffy to help him?
September 04, 2014 08:10pm

@snowflower, there are lots of new and different stories and chapters going up every day. The challenges are up for author inspiration, not as requirements. Be patient and maybe an author will write a story based on a challenge you like.
September 04, 2014 05:44pm

Wonder and Ashes
@snowflower Give me five minutes...
September 04, 2014 05:06pm