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Hi guys, just passing the word along. One of the hallmarks of this event is the community vote on the banners. Please find them at DW and LJ and vote for your favorite!



May 08, 2024 05:15pm

I can imagine it turning up in Rome and after that in the Catholic Church and so on
May 08, 2024 04:14pm

My headcanon about the Council is that it moved through empires and the British empire was simply the last one where it made a difference. Now you can easily move through the world without the backing of an empire and that's why they still are in England.
May 08, 2024 04:06pm

But local traditions being most of Slayer help until that era and then an erasure of those traditions and institutions makes sense too
May 08, 2024 03:56pm

@weallhavedemons yeah the origins are unaddressed. I’ve always suspected that the Council existed in some form but in different locations throughout history, only landing in Britain with the rise of colonialism and imperialism perhaps.
May 08, 2024 03:55pm

@Hannora yay, glad I could help! smile
May 08, 2024 02:22pm

@though_you_try: Yes this is the one! With Joyce running away with hippies and all. Thank you so much! kiss
May 08, 2024 02:16pm

The Verin Suicides
I agree that is fascinating to think about. The origins of The Council of Watchers isn’t discussed in the comics. Not even in Tales of the Slayers or Vampires. It isn’t answered in canon, but considering the pervasiveness of colonialism it could be a very,very, compelling story.
May 08, 2024 02:08pm

anyway, really fascinating to think about. in my memory, this isn't answered in show canon, but i am not sure about the comics.
May 08, 2024 01:26pm

@cawthraven Does canon say when the Council (as we know it- British ponces) was formed? If not, maybe it was formed when some Brit colonizer came across a slayer and her shadowmen and decided that the Brits should be the ultimate authority on slayers...and so the council was formed. Because control.
May 08, 2024 01:23pm

@Hannora can it be These Violent Delights by Touchstoneaf? I'm pretty sure it happened in that one.
May 08, 2024 12:53pm

Hi, does anyone remember a fic where Buffy confronts her mom about being send to a mental institution back in LA, Buffy learns that her mom had slayer dreams too when she was younger because she was a potential but not knowing it she thought she was suffering from mental illness. Ring any bell?
May 08, 2024 09:14am

@ Holly: love
May 08, 2024 03:20am

partyHappy birthday to Aurellia & to Lil Minx! Wishing all you most want on your special day. May you have every gift and person you most want there. May every memory be wonderful. May this year bring joy, love, laughter, and may you be well loved.
May 07, 2024 10:49pm

Let's steer clear of discussing common errors in stories. These conversations can be disheartening. Our creators gift us with free entertainment that keep us engaged in Buffyverse, and that's precious.
May 07, 2024 10:32pm

partyHappy birthday to sleepysue! Hope you have been well loved & celebrated. May this continue through the year with all your needs met, many joys & success and genuine love.
May 06, 2024 09:06pm

@swonderful it sounds cool, you should let us know if you find it again!
May 06, 2024 07:56pm

@Sigyn, I'm so glad you sent me to your shared story. That was similar, but not what I read. It was just a few lines of text, and I think it was a stand-alone. Someone should do the same thing with viciously and viscously. I see that a lot, too, usually Spike doing something viscously.
May 06, 2024 07:46pm

2024 April Challenge Month Wrap-Up News Post:
May 06, 2024 03:56pm

But I gotta tell you, the hilarity did not continue, so you might be conflating it with someone else's story, or someone else told the same joke.
May 05, 2024 09:56pm

@swonderful, I don't know, but I did do an exquisite corpse chapter like that once. It was in... let me look.... exquisite consequences, part William.
May 05, 2024 09:56pm

Thanks to whichever kind reader nominated me for Author of the Month. It's such an ego boost it's got me revved up to work on my (last year's) challenge fiction again. big grin
May 05, 2024 09:36pm

Does anyone remember a hilarious short story, maybe a drabble, where someone is forced to face the demon hoards, and rather than facing an army, is instead innundated with treasure? It was a play on hoard/horde.
May 05, 2024 07:50pm

Or, you know, good ol' fashioned kidnapping of Potential children. But the Council wouldn't do that, would they? Would they? WOULD THEY?!? (They would.)
May 05, 2024 06:44pm

There is of course a possibility that the Shadowmen sent their own out to travel the world and sow the seeds of knowledge about Slayers. That knowledge would of course change over time depending on the culture of the regions. That's actually fascinating now that I think about it.
May 05, 2024 03:46pm

@cawthraven. In order for these traditions to develop, multiple Slayers would have to appear in a short enough time. So it would probably demand big nations/empires or religions in a place to form those.
May 05, 2024 03:41pm

It does make me wonder about how people around the world might have supported slayers before colonialism, too. What was lost? What traditions and knowledge are still there but ignored because they don’t come from the “right” authority?
May 05, 2024 12:39pm

@swonderful yeah I’ve thought about that too—a Slayer called in Australia or Hawaii or the Americas before the 16thc would have been cut off from the Council. Maybe even later sometimes, with travel so much slower and more dangerous.
May 05, 2024 12:36pm

@Sanco Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. wink
May 05, 2024 11:02am

...The CoW would have been searching for potentials constantly, but once foundthey'd have to take her or gain control of her. In most cases they'd be seen as lunatics or evil if they tried to explain the mission.
May 05, 2024 10:18am