2024 April Challenge Month Wrap-Up

The Mod Team would like to thank everyone who took part in April Challenge Month.

The site saw the addition of 58 new fanworks for the event, including 2 that were exclusively artwork and 3 that wove a narrative and artwork together. The works created and shared for the event were made up of 183 chapters, consisting of 505,242 words, and written by 45 authors.

Also, 27 artists and 36 beta and sensitivity readers got an award, while 58 members completed the commenter challenge, with 1,236 comments left on event pieces during April, not to mention 2,571 likes!

All awards are now issued, but if you are missing one, or something seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

If you have yet to check out any of the brand-new challenge works, you can find them all linked here

Until next time, happy reading!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on May 06, 2024 03:55pm 0 Comments