Skins Update

Hello EF!

The Mod team has hit you with a lot of information recently, and we’re about to pile on more, for which we apologize but hey, it’s all good stuff.

Those of you who were active last year might recall that we retired a number of skins, including some that dated back to EF’s launch in 2006. These skins were replaced with a selection of new skins created with the support of some of the amazing artists that comprise our current membership.

While perfectly functional, there were a few glitches in the new skins resulting from inherited issues from older programming and the shift in border size for desktop users. Lucky for us, these kinks were ironed out in mid-2023 by cawthraven with the creation of the Drabblemania skin. One of our goals was to implement the improvements to all the 2022-era skins before the end of the year. As of today, that has been done. Members who are using a skin developed in 2022 might notice small changes upon flushing your cache, but the result should be an improved user experience.

We have likewise added five new skins: two by cd85, and three by bewildered, one of which showcases the logo we had commissioned earlier this year, and another that uses the same main color scheme of the retired skin not without a fight* by popular request. These banners have also been added to the rotating banner for our 1,000 authors celebration.

The new skins are:

Thank you to our artists who keep Elysian Fields beautiful with your artwork. We are so lucky to have such amazing talent within our community.

--Holly and the Mods on January 05, 2024 12:36pm 11 Comments

Beautiful new skins!  Thanks to all the talented artists out there creating all these lovely images!

-- honeygirl51885 on January 05, 2024 12:53pm

The skins are beautiful! Thank you to the artist for taking their time to make them for us to enjoy! 

-- all choseny on January 05, 2024 12:56pm

Love the new skins, especially cd85's Little Romance one. Very talented.

-- Tahkaullus01 on January 05, 2024 02:09pm

Beautiful new skins and fantastic artwork! hearts

I especially like the color scheme of "date night". smile

Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making these new skins available to us and fixing glitches in previously launched ones! (I'm very happy about the update made to my favorite skin.)

-- Nightcandle on January 05, 2024 02:42pm

Gorgeous additions! We have the most talented fandom EVER.

-- scratchmeout on January 05, 2024 04:54pm

I am in awe of such beauty!! They are all lovely!!

-- loveisntbrains_ on January 05, 2024 06:20pm

Amazing and beautiful work all! I hope we get to keep the rotating option to enjoy all of the skins! ?

-- the_big_bad on January 06, 2024 07:32pm

@cd85 I said this in the shout box but the manip for "Date Night" is so gorgeous I'm just going to stare at it for the rest of the day. flowers

-- NautiBitz on January 07, 2024 12:26pm

@the_big_bad we are strongly considering it!

-- cawthraven on January 10, 2024 04:11pm

I may actually change my skin ?. A Little Romance is SO PRETTY and easy on my old person eyes!

-- Lady Emma on January 12, 2024 02:36pm

I would also like to say that the rotating option is nice and hope it will continue.  So many beautiful skins now.

-- nmcil on January 29, 2024 03:35pm