Wrapping-Up Drabblemania

When the idea of an event focused around drabbles was first discussed, some members were skeptical. There was a little uncertainty about how it would work, and even more uncertainty if anyone would like it at all. So we asked you guys, and while you let us know that you didn’t want to lose Mystery Month forever, you also said you’d give this new event a shot.

Well, guys… it’s fair to say you did a bit more than that.

For this brand new event that no one was quite sure about, we had 64 writers participate who earned themselves a bronze award. 53 of those writers also earned silver awards, 23 earned gold awards, AND we had 6 super enthusiastic members who went ahead and completed a triple blackout, writing a drabble for every single prompt!

Big round of applause for those six: Amina, BewitchedXx, cawthraven, Julikobold, Jws1993, and MaggieLaFey!

In total, an incredible 513,309 words were written during this event, across 143 stories consisting of 1,593 total drabbles (yes, you read that number right).

But of course that is not all! 41 artists* and 37 beta readers took part. Meanwhile, 470 members left a combined 10,628 comments and 21,768 likes during the event, with 273 of those members leaving 8,184 comments and 15,025 likes on event-qualifying stories, and 66 of those members earning a commenter award.

(*Banner artists and participants who made artwork-only or mixed media works.)

While we’re on the topic of commenters, our very own magnus374 left a whopping total of 1,627 comments of five or more words during the 31 days of July. (He also broke 30,000 total comments on the site during the month of July!) And so, in his honor, we have made a brand new, ‘Epic Commenter’ award––pictured here:

Going forward, you can earn this award by following Magnus’s amazing example and leaving a minimum of 1,000 comments in a single month. (Anyone who would have achieved this in the past, had it existed before now, will be retroactively awarded the epic commenter badge.)

Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whichever way you contributed. All participating authors, betas, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

If you’ve yet to check out any of the brand new drabbles, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on August 08, 2023 01:49pm 10 Comments

The Magnus Award! 

Congratulations magnus, what an achievement, and thank you to the mods for a super fun event!

-- Geliot99 on August 08, 2023 11:10pm

Such lovely awards for such a lovely event!  Thanks for putting it together, mods! hearts

-- honeygirl51885 on August 08, 2023 11:50pm

This was a good surprise😊 I feel honoured.

-- magnus374 on August 09, 2023 12:18am

This was a great event! Thank you all who participated, being as organizers, authors, artists, betas, commenters or 'like' lleavers!

And way to go Magnus! You've more than earned that special award! 🥇

-- Nightcandle on August 09, 2023 06:11am

Oh, I'm so pleased that Magnus got a special award!  Congratulations to all.


-- yellowb on August 11, 2023 06:09am

Wonderful that you've given Magnus his special award - so well deserved.  

Thanks for this nice end of event summation and acknowledgement for all the mods and participants.  Super Spuffy - Elysian Fields event. 

-- nmcil on August 16, 2023 06:36am


As my drabbles are on the Find Them All Here list I'm wondering why I didn't get an award. Or am I just to dumb to find it?

-- To Be Hers on August 23, 2023 02:26am

@To Be Hers: Sorry about that. Should be fixed now!!

-- EllieRose101 on August 25, 2023 04:01am

I think it’s safe to say this event was a hit! I know I had a lot of fun with it, both reading and writing!

-- RavenLove12 on August 25, 2023 05:32am

Oh, thank you! I got two awards! (Excited hopping around ensues.)

-- To Be Hers on August 25, 2023 06:30am