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Goldenusagi has two great fics (one is a one-shot and another is a very long fic), both of which I think have a good Spike characterization, but they're both AU, so if that's not your cuppa, then I guess there's nothing for it.
Prospect Avenue by Vanilla - has a pre-slayer Buffy meeting with Spike

August 05, 2013 10:13am

Well, here's a few off the top of my head (sorry about the lack of linkage, out of the country and on my cell right now!):
A Terrible Thing by Herself - pretty much anything by herself is great.

August 05, 2013 10:11am

@tempestt (if you're still looking here!)
Hi, I saw that you asked for some recs. I just read one of your WIPs and I'm really liking it, by the way. Hopefully if I've got time tomorrow I can review it :)

I'm drawing kind of a blank right now on the recs... I just assumed you meant canon, yeah?

August 05, 2013 10:08am

To anyone looking for the promised update to my story Spirit Indestructible today ... SORRY!!! RL kicked me in the teeth this week and there won't be one. Will have more just as soon as I can. I'm really sorry! xo
August 04, 2013 11:20pm

okay. That sounds about right. Thanks everyone!
August 04, 2013 03:52pm

If I remember right, Buffy came in from Cleveland, so it would have lasted more than a few hours realistically speaking. At least a day.
August 04, 2013 03:11pm

I'd say it was a day in the alternate reality, Gina, because didn't they have to get Buffy to come from out of town. It has been years since I watched that, so forgive me if I'm wrong.
August 04, 2013 02:17pm

It seemed like Giles figured it out in a few hours right?
August 04, 2013 01:21pm

I need a best guess from you guys about something. In The Wish about how long do you think the whole alternate dimension thing lasted?
August 04, 2013 01:21pm

She is going to be the host of the show too.
August 04, 2013 01:20pm

There's a new series called Surviving Evil starting on the 28th on ID that has Charisma Carpenter as one of the survivors telling thier story. I don't know if she's on the first ep though she's shown in the commercial. The wikipedia page for her tells the story about why she's on there.
August 04, 2013 01:12pm

Did you read it here on EF or could it be on other sites as well?
August 04, 2013 12:54am

those are the only details- I know it was well done- very sexy/smutty. It probably ended with Buffy admitting she loved Spike. I can't remember if the ending was changed or just filled in the scenes. But directing me to any at that time would be helpful!
August 02, 2013 01:38pm

Thank you :)
August 02, 2013 12:41pm

From memory, there are several fics like that, crazyviledru :/ Any more details?
August 02, 2013 12:04pm

I'm looking for a spuffy fic set in the last episodes of season 7 with the spuffy sleeping scenes... The nights they spent together and it got smutty. It took the scenes we saw in the show and added more. extremely well written. anyone know it?
August 01, 2013 04:17pm

And that's not foreboding at all, scorpiogirl.
July 30, 2013 02:11am

Lol ladycat. And there's somethings no one should see or hear;p
July 29, 2013 01:42pm

Fuschia just remember once you see you can't unsee
July 29, 2013 01:08pm

Hi Fuschia :) you can find all the comics on filestube, but if you want the summaries, you can find 'em here
July 29, 2013 07:57am

Hii. Random question, i live in the Uk and have no access to season 8 : i have no idea what happens after they destroyed sunnydale/ angel's massive battle at the end of the series. Is there a website/story that gives a close summery to what the great Joss continued? Please help! :) thank you x
July 29, 2013 06:32am

Congrats, Magnus!!! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!! Love your reviews! You were the very first person to leave me a review all those years ago! I'll never forget it! And Puddin is right, you do keep a lot of writers encouraged and going! {{hugs and kisses}}
July 28, 2013 02:39pm

This is embarrassing but... Nevermind. It's Legions of True Hearts by Eurydice for anyone interested!
July 27, 2013 11:36am

Could I get some fic help please? I'm remembering a time-travel story I read a while back that start just after season 3 I believe. Buffy, Willow, and Giles all go to London and Buffy gets sucked into the past after reading (I believe it was) William's journal that gets enchanted by someone evil?
July 27, 2013 11:33am

I always appreciate your reviews Magnus. Glad to see you at the top! :)
July 26, 2013 12:58pm

That's quite a feat, Magnus. Congrats and thanks for your contribution to the site.
July 26, 2013 10:28am

Congrats Magnus. Your reviews keep a lot of writers going. Thanks so much!
July 25, 2013 08:14pm

Thank you Magnus. You're a constant encouragement to all of us!
July 25, 2013 06:45pm

Behind Blue Eyes
For all you Whedon-lovers, starting at 7am on Saturday, the Science Channel is running episodes of Firefly and Dollhouse, to celebrate 10 years since the release of Firefly.
July 25, 2013 03:48pm

Grattis, Magnus :)
July 25, 2013 02:00pm