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Susan - Have you considered Anaross? She has a livejournal but it might be nice to give her work a wider audience. She's amazing.
September 19, 2013 02:15pm

Classic Spuffy is awesome idea. Just to let anyone whose a fan of herself know there is audiofic of her Bittersweets series here
It's over 40 hours long so not for the faint of heart.

September 19, 2013 10:31am

Ariane link for stories is:

September 18, 2013 12:46am

Regarding Ariane - it looks like the only way to access her work now is with the way back machine. links that work:
Home -

September 18, 2013 12:45am

September 17, 2013 11:45pm

If you have any problems with the Ariane site - this is the link that works for me with the stories listed.
September 17, 2013 08:28pm

DML seems to be working fine for me now. Here is my link in case you are still having trouble
September 17, 2013 04:53pm

Is it just me or is there something wrong with death marked love? I can get to the site but when I click the fic list the page doesn't load. It doesn't do anything at all. Does someone have a working link for the site?
September 17, 2013 08:31am

These are the sites where you can still read some Ariane stories:

September 17, 2013 07:28am

HERSELF!!! HERSELF!!! That is all.
September 17, 2013 02:33am

Just a quick note... I'm sorry for pushing all our awesome current authors down on the most recent list. I'm trying to get a bunch of stories loaded, and that's kind of the nature of the beast. Make sure to click on most recent and scroll down to see any new stories you may have missed.
September 16, 2013 09:23pm

One early writer that I hate to see being shoved into the Not Read Often Now is Isabelle - I hardly ever read anything about Isabelle now. I've just read again some of her works which can be found at the Death-Marked Love site.
September 16, 2013 09:12pm

There have been so many discussions on how to create a "Classic Spuffy/Buffyverse" listing. I hope that this time we can get a listing together. Even if we start with the early FF writers, it would at least give a starting focus point. Works by Herself & Ariane, great way to start.
September 16, 2013 09:04pm

Behind Blue Eyes
I have to say, I've never read Distance. I know bad, bad BBE. I really haven't been around for awhile so maybe this will be the story to bring me back. Being Herself, I have no doubt.
September 16, 2013 04:39pm

BBE, I'm going to load all of Herself's B/S stories, so that will be on here too. I had to get Distance up though because it's my favorite :) . I think I stressed the site out a bit loading such a big story so quickly, so I'll give it a rest for awhile and load more stories in a few hours.
September 16, 2013 04:34pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Absolutely brilliant.
September 16, 2013 04:20pm

Behind Blue Eyes
Absolutely love Herself. If anyone has not read her work, you are missing out. My favorite story is Disenchantment--found here:
September 16, 2013 04:19pm

What a wonderful idea! I'm pretty new to the fandom and it would be so awful to miss out on some of the classic Spuffy Fanfiction. I totally wish you luck with this project!
September 16, 2013 02:48pm

Hey, look! A shiny new news story!
September 16, 2013 12:18pm

It seems to be working fine now.
September 15, 2013 05:40pm

Is spuffy realm down?
September 15, 2013 02:21pm

I wish I could see it, but that's too far for me.
September 15, 2013 02:15am

its a very funny play so ive heard and read on the newspaper its in los angeles so i might go and see it
September 15, 2013 12:47am

It's just James, Juliet had to pull out of the play. I've been hearing good things about it.
September 15, 2013 12:02am

james marsters and juliet landau are on this new play called the bells on west 87th street in los angeles wonder if its good?
September 14, 2013 10:12pm

@nmcil and all, I didn't see the notice earlier, but I'm guessing it had something to do with the server upgrade. I got an email late this afternoon saying that it was completed, so I know they were working on it today.
September 13, 2013 08:20pm

sorry for the repeat comment on upgrade -
September 13, 2013 03:05pm

anyone else getting this notice?
September 13, 2013 03:03pm

A reminder: The chat room is open 24/7 and is a great place to hang out.
September 13, 2013 02:18pm

Hello peeps and happy Friday the 13th!
September 13, 2013 09:36am