Summary: When Buffy jumps off Glory's tower, Spike's demon doesn't take it well. What is Buffy to do when she comes back home to a creature just as lost as she is?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: the_big_bad
Artists: cd85
Categories: Season 6, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, AtS Ensemble, Dawn, Tara
Genres: Angst, HEA/HFN, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Mental Health Issues, Violence
Challenges: Feral!Spike & Depressed!Buffy (Author's Choice of Name)
Completed: No Chapters: 3
Word count: 14,259 Hit Count: 2,196 ePub Downloads: 20
Published: June 04, 2023 Updated: June 20, 2023

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: WELL, here we are, welcome to the Feral!Spike story I never thought I'd to write! I said in one of my stories that I could probably never write a whole story with him this way because I'd miss our Spike too much, but then I found this beautiful challenge... and it's been sitting and growing dusty in my saved challenges for a while, but because I am on a S6 kick this year, I thought it time to pull it out. Besides, I love READING him this way and I have it on good authority that a lot of others do too, haha!
Writing has been sort of an uphill battle for me lately and I haven't been as excited about what I'm posting as I used to be... but I AM really excited about this story so here's hoping that momentum can continue! 
Many MANY thanks to cd85 for the amazing BANNER! She was seriously amazing to work with and didn't back down when I told her I don't actually LIKE Spike's vampire face, like at ALL, and that I might be picky about the image she chose, lol. But she took it in stride as you amazing artists seem to do and I love the result so much!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Gone Feral by violettathepiratequeen - Likes: 39 Comments: 22 Word Count: 3,951 Hit Count: 1,017 Published: June 04, 2023

Just a prologue to set things up, because I have no intention of going through the whole summer with Spike like this, haha!

2. Her Monster by violettathepiratequeen - Likes: 37 Comments: 22 Word Count: 5,040 Hit Count: 616 Published: June 12, 2023

Thanks so MUCH to the incredibly generous the_big_bad for beta'ing this chapter; she definitely helped this one to be a better reading experience!

And thank you all for such an amazing reception to this story, I hope you continue to enjooooooy...

3. Trying Hard by violettathepiratequeen - Likes: 45 Comments: 23 Word Count: 5,268 Hit Count: 563 Published: June 20, 2023

Thanks so MUCH to everyone reading and commenting!! I'm going to have sporadic beta'ing for this story because I'm very strange and indecisive, so for this chapter all narrative clunkiness is my own.