I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil. by Geliot99
Summary: Tales of the monster in her man.
A collection of fics created from banner prompts and requests by CD85!
*Claire's trope list* [reads left to right on the bingo card banner]
  • Spike loved by small child
  • Kittens [Hello Kitten]
  • Time travel
  • Buffy meets William 
  • Truth spell [Truth Hurts]
  • Truth or dare
  • New realm
  • Buffy sex dreams [In Your Dreams]
  • Jealous Buffy
  • Spike tortured by The Initiative
  • Poetry [Her Villanelle]
  • Season 4 snark  [If You Can't Say Anything Nice...]
  • Emotionless sex as punishment [Dead Hearts]
  • Crying Spike 
  • Survival skills Spike
  • Trapped 
Squares are coloured as fics are added to the series! Stay tuned as I slave over a hot steaming keyboard to finish the bingo card!
Categories: Season 4, Season 5, Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, Dawn
Genres: Dramedy, Erotica, Fix-It, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 7
Series Type: Closed

Summary: Instead of a bent box of chocolates Spike arrives in the middle of Buffy's birthday party with something significantly livelier.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: Short But Fierce
, Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 5, Vignettes, Drabbles
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Dawn
Genres: Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,342 Hit Count: 894 ePub Downloads: 23
Published: August 18, 2023 Updated: August 18, 2023
Summary: “I’d really prefer to play this game on an equal footing, Slayer,” Spike growled, his arms straining against the ropes lashing him to the chair. “Quid Pro Quo, and such.”
Buffy—probably by rote—scoffed at him. “I am not playing Silence of the Lambs with you.”
“Oh?” he sneered. “I think you are…”
In which truth-spell laced cookies reveal far more than anticipated.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: Post Blue
, Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 4, Episode Rewrite, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Drama, Dramedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Truth Hurts
Completed: Yes Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Word count: 14,414 Hit Count: 5,404 ePub Downloads: 85
Published: December 29, 2023 Updated: January 09, 2024
Summary: There's a brand new demon in Sunnydale, and he's doing the whole tourist trap; the sights, the sounds,…the dark urges of unconscious minds. And to Buffy's horror, her dreams are filled with the last person she would've chosen.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Doublemeat Palace, RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 4
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya
Genres: Drama, Erotica, Fighting, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Buffy's Sex Dreams (Author's Choice)
Completed: No Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 11,262 Hit Count: 1,744 ePub Downloads: 19
Published: March 02, 2024 Updated: April 11, 2024
Summary: "My Love is like to ice, and I to fire…"
Oh… Buffy bit her lip, leaning her head into her hand as she re-read the line. Pretty…
A secret admirer leaves five poems to aid in Buffy's catch-up poetry assignment, clearly intending to win her heart. And yet when the truth is revealed, it's the last person she would have expected.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 5, Poetry
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow
Genres: Romance, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 4,229 Hit Count: 577 ePub Downloads: 7
Published: April 09, 2024 Updated: May 19, 2024
Summary: Don’t say anything at all. 
When Buffy is forced to babysit Spike for the weekend, a mysterious curse that robs everyone of their voices is practically a welcome relief from their endless sniping. 
But when a screaming fog isolates them in an abandoned warehouse, how long can this tenuous truce survive?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 4
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Joyce, Riley Finn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Fighting, Horror, Mystery, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Event: Truce Challenge 2023
Completed: No Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Word count: 8,214 Hit Count: 1,920 ePub Downloads: 22
Published: October 06, 2023 Updated: March 06, 2024
Summary: Buffy gets a wake-up call after Spike gives her exactly what she asks for, but her shroud of denial slips when she begins to realize what she’s set herself up to lose.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Angst, Romance, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: No Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,502 Hit Count: 531 ePub Downloads: 7
Published: April 14, 2024 Updated: April 14, 2024
Summary: An unexpected heatwave in mid-March is reason enough for an impromptu pool party for the Scoobies. But when Richard takes a second stab* at winning Buffy's affections, Spike is all too keen to show her how much fun night swimming with a vampire can really be...
*see what I did there?
 Set between 'Older and Far Away' and 'As You Were'
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
, Series: Hit You With My Best (One) Shot
Categories: Season 6, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, Clem, Dawn
Genres: Erotica, Fluffy/Comedy, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 5,582 Hit Count: 1,138 ePub Downloads: 37
Published: September 20, 2023 Updated: September 20, 2023