Buffy's Sex Dreams (Author's Choice) by cawthraven +12
Responses: 1
Categories: Canon-Compliant, Missing Scene, Artwork, Narrative Artwork, Episode Rewrite, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Between Seasons (any), Post-Series, Alternate Reality
Characters: Buffy, Spike

Jane Espenson had a little index card on her desk that said "Buffy has sex dreams about Spike" that she'd flash during writer's room discussions.

So let's have 'em. Buffy's sex dreams. What are they? When are they? Give them to us in lurid detail. PWOP or tell us what happens after! Any time, any category, you choose. Just let's see Buffy dreaming about doing the nasty with Spike!

Summary: There's a brand new demon in Sunnydale, and he's doing the whole tourist trap; the sights, the sounds,…the dark urges of unconscious minds. And to Buffy's horror, her dreams are filled with the last person she would've chosen.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Doublemeat Palace, RavenLove12
Artists: cd85
Series: I Like My Evil Like I Like My Men... Evil.
Categories: Season 4
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya
Genres: Drama, Erotica, Fighting, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Buffy's Sex Dreams (Author's Choice)
Completed: No Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 11,262 Hit Count: 1,744 ePub Downloads: 19
Published: March 02, 2024 Updated: April 11, 2024