Artistic Anniversary Challenge

Hello everyone!

The tenth anniversary of Elysian Fields is fast approaching--where has the time gone? The mods have decided a challenge is in order to celebrate this fact, and I come to you today with that information to encourage fresh blood and life (of the living and undead variety) to our wonderful community. Also, the challenge will involve both artists and writers. 

So here’s the sitch. Authors have banners created for their fics all time. In most cases the art is made after the fic. Well, we’re switching it around. This will be an art before the fic challenge. It’s not a new idea, but it’s one that works, and I speak from experience having run such a challenge for a Livejournal community many years ago. 

What will the Artistic Anniversary Challenge entail? Information is as follows. 

We’re asking you to create a banner with the following specifics.
Dimensions: Width 900px x Height 250px (maximum)
Text: In a small (approx 8 – 10 pt) clear font along one of the edges, Designed for the Elysian Fields ‘Artistic Anniversary’ Challenge. The fic title will of course be left up to the author but suggestions can be posted with the banner (just not on it) if you have something you think fits with the art. 
Design: Completely up to you! The banner can be theme or episode specific, whichever works best for you.
Fic Specifications: In a similar style to what you’d find under the challenges section of many eFiction archives. Must Haves, Can Haves, Can’t Haves list. No more than three specifics per category. An example of how it should be laid out can be found below in the rules section.
If you are an artist within our archive community and would be interested in participating, PLEASE reply to this post so we can gauge the interest in the challenge, and so we can all look forward to your wonderful creations. Once complete your banner and specifications are to be emailed to me at the following address, so that they can be added to the Artistic Anniversary Challenge page for the archive:

Once the art has been created, there will be a sign up, where banners will go up for grabs. Each banner will ONLY be allocated once, and it will be first come, first serve. So make sure you pay close attention to signup dates. Sign ups will be for your top three banner choices, in case you first or second is chosen. 
We’re asking you to write a fic with the following specifics:
Fic Length: Minimum length 1,500 words, maximum completely up to you!
Characters: Buffy, Spike, any other characters shown in the banner.
Content Specifications: Must abide by the Must and Can’t Haves specified by the artist. Obviously the Can Haves is voluntary.
The banner must accompany the fic when it is posted on the archive. Modification of the banner with fic title and author name should be discussed with the artist once the first part/chapter is ready for publishing. Authors, the mods will put you in contact with the artist when we confirm your banner selection.
Banner claims are for new fic only, not to be attached to an existing story.

1) All entires MUST include BOTH Buffy and Spike.
2) All banner entries MUST comply with size restrictions.
3) All fic entries MUST meet minimum word count.
4) All art entrants MUST accompany the following form with their artwork:

Season/Episode: (if specific) 
Must Have: 
Can Have:
Can’t Have:

5) All banners and specifics MUST be emailed to the address provided.
6) There is no limit to the amount of banners an artist can make, nor fics an author can write! 

Banner creation: 17th of July - 6th of August
Banner claiming: 7th - 13th of August
Banner confirmations: 14th – 15th of August
Writing time (but no posting of fics): 16th August - 30th September
Posting of fics to begin (and of course authors can continue to write/post throughout the month): from the 1st of October

That’s about it. If any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! 

Yours in Spuffy,
The Mods.

--Amy on July 15, 2016 02:23pm 28 Comments

This sounds like an awesome idea! I'm not an artist, but I'm willing to do a story for a banner!

-- Autumn2005 on July 15, 2016 02:27pm

Glad to hear it! This challenge needs both authors and artists, so happy to have you on board! 

-- angelic_amy on July 15, 2016 02:36pm

I'm actually considering throwing my hat in the artist ring! :) Granted, my time is limited as I'm moving at the end of the month, but I'm very willing to put in at least one banner, hopefully more.

Awesome idea!

-- RESPICE FINEM on July 15, 2016 02:56pm

I'm definitely open for writing a story inspired by a banner!

-- FoolForSpuffy on July 15, 2016 03:02pm

This sounds like fun! I can't wait to see what people come up with! 

-- Cryptwarmer on July 15, 2016 03:08pm

I'll both create a banner and write a story :-)

-- Sunalso on July 15, 2016 03:25pm

Fun.  Can't wait to see what the artists come up with.  My story 'Restfield' is from a banner claim challenge.  It was fun to write.

-- maryperk on July 15, 2016 03:36pm

It would be impossible for me to love this more. I love how, just when you think a fandom is winding down, the right combination comes along and ... this happens.  Much love!

-- Puddinhead on July 15, 2016 04:16pm

YES! This is a great idea! I would love to write a fic based on banner art. Yay mods for organizing this!

-- FlightsofFancy on July 15, 2016 05:17pm

I'm going to do a couple of banners for certain at least and MAYBE a story if I can manage to urge the muse.


-- pfeifferpack on July 15, 2016 05:52pm

Great idea, cant wait!

-- -Carrie-Ann- on July 15, 2016 07:16pm

I should be able to come up with a banner or two for this. Already churning one idea around in my head...

-- myrabeth on July 15, 2016 08:22pm

I should be able to come up with a banner or two for this. Already churning one idea around in my head...

-- myrabeth on July 15, 2016 08:49pm

I'm not making banners anymore, but I might have some old banner templates lying around that can be used...

I'll definitely be up for the writing part! biggrin

-- Wonder and Ashes on July 15, 2016 09:39pm

I'm game to make a suggestive banner.  Sounds like fun!

-- Wicked Cheeto on July 16, 2016 05:06am

I will for sure be up for writing a story for a banner, and I *might* create a banner if I have time.

-- theblueeyedvampire on July 16, 2016 05:11am

I'll volunteer a banner. :) I'd love to do a fic too but we shall see what's happening at the time.

-- SoaringClaws on July 17, 2016 05:20pm

I'm a big fan of fic for art challenges, so I'm in. One caveat - the last week of September/first several days of October I'm going to be up to my eyebrows in a 5-day event. (or 5 1-day events, take your pick) and will have very little time to be on line or to write if I haven't been able to finish my fic before that week. Problem?

-- slaymesoftly on July 18, 2016 05:51am can be a WIP.  Fic doesn't have to be completed just begin to post it during October.  Naturally we hope there will be no permanent WIP's but you don't do that anyway!  



-- pfeifferpack on July 18, 2016 06:32am

I'm officially having way too much fun. Is there a limit on how many banners one person can submit?

-- SoaringClaws on July 19, 2016 02:22pm

Great Anniversary project - I will certainly be doing some story banners - 

Have a question - I've been working on banners that would be used for essays and character studies - would those qualify?  There are members who do some outstanding critics and analysis but don't write fanfiction.  Or do you want to limit this project only to stories.  If so, it's a project that could possibly to done at a later date. 

-- nmcil on July 20, 2016 10:30am

SoaringClaws (and any other artists), there's no limit to the number of banners you submit. The more the merrier!

nmcil, this event is limited to stories only. We don't have any plans to house essays and character studies here at EF.

-- Susan on July 20, 2016 03:47pm

Awesome! Thanks! 

-- SoaringClaws on July 20, 2016 08:22pm

Haven't played in paint shop pro in a while but I'd love to make a few banners.

-- javajunkie247 on July 20, 2016 10:00pm

So glad to hear about this interest this is generating!


-- angelic_amy on July 22, 2016 05:06pm

I sent two banners to the email address provided but I haven't heard anything and they have not been posted.  Did you receive them?

BTW... this is a great idea!!

-- teragramm on July 29, 2016 03:17am

I saw someone's banner posted over at LJ with the link to this, and I have to say, it's kind of exciting to see so much interest. I've been doing a rewatch, so I'm starting to think it's karma that I've come upon this now, the day before claiming, lol. It's been too long since I've written Spuffy.

-- Eurydice on August 06, 2016 12:49pm

Rats, I wish I'd seen this sooner! It's ridiculous o'clock and by tomorrow it'll be too late to make a banner. Wonderful idea, though!

-- flootzavut on August 06, 2016 01:01pm