It's Fic-giving Time Again at EF!

As all children on a hellmouth know, Santa isn't up in the North Pole. He's a demon--no really! The "jolly old man" grabs them close, with deep booming laughter, and uses his claws to rip them asunder! But our hellmouth children are sly, you see, and stuff up their chimneys with flames and weaponry. And every Christmas Eve, they leave out treats by the hearth, not for demonic Nick, but for the Slayer and her sweetheart. And when Christmas has come, and the cocoa is gone, they rejoice for a day of merriment and fun.

In other words, it's time for Elysian Fields' 2nd annual Secret Santa fic-giving event!!! While Buffy and Spike keep the world safe from devious holiday demons, we'll be gathering around our virtual hearths and exchanging gifts of joy and Spuffy fic love.


Here’s how it works:

Everyone who signs up to participate in this event will write one fic and receive one fic. Each fic should be a “one-shot” size. That is, the fic must not exceed one chapter and it must be under 14,750* words in length. Fics do NOT need to be holiday-related in any way (unless your giftee requests it!). 

* While the chapter word limit is technically 15,000 words here on EF, variations in processor word counting created a lot of work (and many workarounds) last year for our dear Tech Mod Holly, so we're keeping it lower to assure there won't be any issues again this year.

There is no word count minimum to this event, as we don't wish to discourage alternative-format fics (poems, artwork inclusions, etc). 


What do I get for participating?

Well, the event itself is your biggest gift, because you'll end up with a brand new gift fic! However, you'll also get a shiny Spuffy badge for your profile:


(Note: you may have someone beta your fic or make a banner for your fic if you wish, but only those EF members who sign up to write/receive will be eligible for an event participation award for this event.)


How do I sign up?

You will sign up using the form linked below, and input your preferences for fic writing/receiving. OffYourBird will make best case matches from all the responses, and then reach out to each participant with the penname and story preferences of their giftee. Please remember that this gift-giving is confidential. Don’t share who you have for a giftee until you post your fic! Revealing that information ahead of time will allow demonic Santa to start his spree of terror early, and that would just be a bad time for everyone.

Can any EF member sign up for this event?

Any member, whether they've previously written a fic on EF or not, is eligible to partake in this event!

However: if you were a member who signed up for the event last year (2020) and did not complete your fic or did not complete your fic by the deadline, you will not be eligible to participate this year. You may participate again in 2022. Any ineligibility will be communicated to you by a Mod, if it becomes relevant. Otherwise, you may assume you are good to go!


What is the timeline for this event?

In order to ensure we can enjoy the Spuffy-given safety of a holiday free from demonic St Nick, all fics must be published to Elysian Fields by midnight (site time) on December 31, 2021. 

Here’s a full run-down of the timeline:

November 6 (today!) --- Sign-ups open. Find the SIGN-UP FORM HERE 

November 20 --- Sign-ups close at midnight site time

November 22-23 --- Writing assignments are distributed to participants

December 1 --- participants may begin publishing their fics. More details regarding HOW to publish your fic will be posted here in the news section at the end of November. Additional details will also be sent via email to each participant.

December 31, 2021 --- participants must have their fics published by midnight site time

No late sign-ups or publishing will be allowed. Please only sign up if you can commit to publishing your fic by midnight on December 31. Leaving a participant giftless will make Spuffy deeply sad, and we can’t have that.


How can I help ensure no one ends up giftless?

Whether or not you sign up to participate in the event itself, you can sign up to be a Secret Santa Rescue Writer! Either choose "yes" on the event sign-up form where it asks, or email OffYourBird at and let her know that you'd like to be on the volunteer Rescue Writer list. If she ends up with someone in need, she may reach out to you (by no later than Dec 16) to see if you can rescue a gift.


So, come and join the fun this holiday season with our 2nd annual Elysian Fields Secret Santa!

--OffYourBird on November 06, 2021 09:41am 11 Comments

 Yay! I'm so glad this is running again this year!

-- GillO on November 06, 2021 01:10pm

Ohhh yay squee

Gifting and prezzies and all the love 💛 

Thank you our most magnificient Mods for making this happen again this year!

-- chaoz on November 06, 2021 09:44pm

Looking forward to this wonderful Holiday Season event - thanks to all our awesome mods for all your efforts. 

-- nmcil on November 07, 2021 03:49am

Thank you, mods, for all these wonderful challenges and inspiration!

I do have a question: could one of these gift fics be related to previously published stories? For example, if I wanted to write some kind of one-chaptered sequel to a story I've already published and my hypothetical giftee's prompts lined up with it, AND I knew that they'd read and liked my original story OR this sequel could be enjoyed on its own, would that be ok? Or does it need to be something completely new and unrelated to anything that has been published already? 

-- MaggieLaFey on November 07, 2021 05:05am

@MaggieLaFey: yes, that would be okay. There is no rule against the Secret Santa fic being a sequel in an already-existing series. (Though we highly discourage anyone from doing it UNLESS the circumstances are like what you state so well in your comment, since the purpose of these fics is for them to be enjoyed by their giftees.)

-- OffYourBird on November 07, 2021 07:51am

@OffYourBird thanks for the reply! That's good to know and makes total sense. 

-- MaggieLaFey on November 07, 2021 10:08am


I have never read any of the comics but there is no one choice for saying I'm not willing to write any comic related fic. There are more than 5 comic no's. So no way to opt out of all. Plus what about other I do not want to write?

Can you add an all inclusive no comic option to the list? Or is there another way to insure I am not asked to write a comic related fic?



-- Joan963z on November 17, 2021 10:26am

@Joan: "Comics: season not specified" will work for that. That said, if someone lists any of the comics seasons, I won't/wouldn't pair them up for a comics fic without confirming they're willing, so you don't need to worry.

-- OffYourBird on November 17, 2021 05:32pm

Hi Lovely Moderators and Folks In The Know,

I signed up for the Secret Santa several days ago. Should I be worried that I didn't receive a confirmation email that I am on the list of writers? Or will those notifications happen when we're paired up?

Thank you,


-- sweetprincipale on November 19, 2021 02:36pm

@Sweet - every submitter receives a confirmation message ("Your response has been recorded") directly from google in your browser once you hit submit. (And it was, I have you on the list, so you're good to go heart)

-- OffYourBird on November 19, 2021 04:34pm

I realized I don't have any exams from the 18th till the 15th of june so I signed up for secret santa, now I'm so excited to find out who I've got and running through my mind all kinds of different plots for my fic that I can't even concentrate on studying! 😂😂😂 You mods are just effulgent!!

-- Pet35 on November 20, 2021 02:13pm