Called Challenge

As any true fan knows, Buffy was 15 years old when she Called as a slayer. But some of our members may not know that this year on the 28th of October our beloved Elysian Fields celebrates its 15th birthday. Combine the two and what do you get? Our next site challenge theme. Welcome to your intro post for the Called Challenge.

How will the challenge work?
During the month of October, authors (existing and aspiring) are invited to post a fic connected to the theme to celebrate the awesomeness that is our little community.

The theme for the challenge, Called, can be utilised however your creative brains interpret. Struggling for ideas? Here are a few to help spark the muse:

  • Being called up from potential to active Slayer
  • Being called to duty by the Initiative, the Council, the Powers that Be
  • Someone being called out for bad behaviour
  • A sire calling a fledge home
  • Being called into work
  • Someone calling out during at the wrong (or right) time
  • Words called out in a moment of passion
  • Ot maybe something as simple a phone call. It could be one that: drastically shifts canon, OR is a last minute profession of love, OR shares a previously kept secret, OR is unknowingly overheard by someone else in the room...

And that’s where the I’m going to stop with the ideas because I’m certain you guys have this covered.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept the... calling... is to use the theme of Called as inspiration to write a brand new fic. Your use of the theme can be as small or as large as you want. So long as it's obvious enough for the readers to go "Oh, I see what you did there!" then your fic qualifies with this challenge. Whichever path you choose to take, we'd love to see what you come up with.

This news item serves as your sign-up post. By signing up to the challenge, you are agreeing to comply with the rules and regulations, and to write a fic with the following specifics:

  • Length: Minimum of 1,500 word count, maximum is completely up to you.
  • Characters: Buffy, Spike, and any other BtVS or AtS characters you see fit.
  • Content Specifications: The fic MUST address the theme Called. How you decide to incorporate this theme into a fic is entirely up to you, the writer. All theme interpretations, big or small, are welcome.
  • Timeline: The fic can be set any time during the BtVS timeline, post series, or pre-series. 
  • Dates: No posting of the fic onto the archive (or anywhere else) until the 1st of October. As soon as you receive a confirmation email from me regarding your sign-up, consider the writing process time open. The challenge is for new fic only, not to be attached to an existing story.
  • The fic DOES NOT need to be complete prior to posting, nor does it need to finished during the month of October. We’d just like them to be started during that time.
  • Authors are not limited to writing one story. So if you have more than one idea...great!
  • When you post your fic, if you have a lil' something pretty gracing it, please ensure you credit the artist who made the banner in your story notes or fic summary.
  • If you have a beta that you worked with as part of your event challenge response, you must credit them in your story notes in order for them to be counted as having participated in the event. If artists or betas are not listed in your summary/story notes, we have no way of identifying that they were part of the event. 
  • Please note: authors must sign up for the challenge prior to submitting a request for a banner. A further news post with details for banner requests will be posted to the site in the coming days. 

Of course we want to include the talented bunch of pretty makers we have here at EF. We’ll be connecting you with authors via a banner request list. Prior to the posting of fic on the 1st of October, authors can sign up to request a banner be made for their fic. Participating authors will email a completed form, with their request for a banner to accompany their fic. The request may include things such as: Fic Title, Author Penname, the season the fic is set in, specific character image requests, colour, theme…etc.

This information will be added to a request master list. Artists may then browse the page, and choose to sign up to fulfill a particular request. Each fic will ONLY be allocated to one artist, and it will be in a first come, first served basis. Artists may sign up to create multiple banners; however, we will cap the number to three banners to begin with, to encourage involvement from a lot of people. Secondary sign-ups will also occur at some point. More details regarding the sign-up process for artists will come at a later date.

KEY DATES for the Challenge:

  • Writing sign ups: from the 23rd of August through to the 29th of October.
  • Writing time: from email confirmation of sign-up until the challenge concludes.
  • Author submissions of banner requests: from the 31st of August through to the 25th of September.
  • Artist sign-ups: 12th of September.
  • Artists to provide banners to authors: by the 30th of September (unless otherwise negotiated with the author).
  • Posting of fics to begin: from the 1st of October.

NOTE: fics DO NOT need to be completed by the end of October, but the first part/chapter must be started prior to the end of the month to be included in the Challenge.

Authors, if you decide to sign up, we are asking you to send me (Amy) an email at with the following information:

     Author penname:
     I intend to participate in the Called Challenge.

And that’s it for now. biggrin
Any questions? Comment on this news post or shoot me an email at the address above. I know I speak for the rest of The Mods when I say we are looking forward to seeing what the authors and artists of our community come up with!

--Amy on August 22, 2021 09:54pm 24 Comments

EF's almost old enough to drive! I can't believe it! Looking forward to all the yummy fic this event is sure to produce! heart

-- Dusty on August 23, 2021 02:27am

Ohh, this is very exciting! applause Looking forward to this challenge!

-- honeygirl51885 on August 23, 2021 03:05am

Yeah, count me in. A deadline to finish last year's challenge. 

-- on August 23, 2021 04:00am

I already have my banner! 

-- Holly on August 23, 2021 08:35am

My muse needs a kick in the pants, maybe this will do it!

-- slaymesoftly on August 23, 2021 12:32pm

Nice! My muses already have a fic in mind. write Can the new fic be a sequel to fic I already have? It's still going to be new story, just that it's set in the world of one my previous stories?

-- DeamonQueen on August 23, 2021 07:54pm

@DeamonQueen -- yes, it can be a sequel :) 

-- OffYourBird on August 24, 2021 02:56am

This is so cool! I share a birthday with Elysian Fields (though I'll be much older than 15). It's kismet! Can't wait to read all the wonderful fics 🥰

-- TrickyTreason on August 24, 2021 03:13am

I'm hoping there'll be a Kim Possible reference.

Kim Possible

Kim Possible Theme Song - Call me, Beep Me, If You Wanna Reach Me!

-- JustWriter on August 25, 2021 06:34pm

WOW 15 years - wonderful years of grand fics for all the Spuffy fans.  Great theme challenge for all of us to show our continued love for the awesome Spuffy relationship and for our love of Elysian Fields.  Congratulations to all the writers, graphic artists, beta group and especially to all the mods, past and present, who have made Elysian Fields one of Best of All fanfiction sites.

Looking forward to all the new stories and graphics for this 15th anniversary celebration. 

-- nmcil on August 27, 2021 04:44am

So much creativity from the mods, as well as from writers, artists, and commenters here! 

-- JayeMaru on August 29, 2021 04:58am

Hello lovely mods! I am so excited for this challenge already. When will we get the email confirmation if we signed up? And will that also contain information about banner requests? Thank you!

-- lafillesauvage on August 31, 2021 01:23am

I'm just saying that it would be a highly missed opportunity if there would be no fic called London Calling during this challenge bow

-- mcgnagallsarmy on September 01, 2021 07:35am

👋🏻 I'm late but I wanted to be sure I could make it work and not flake 😌. Sign me up bb 🖊️. 

-- Aspasia on September 03, 2021 08:40am

@lafillesauvage - you should get a confirmation from Amy, yes. We will have banner information coming up in a future post, so stay tuned on that front.

-- OffYourBird on September 03, 2021 09:04am

@OffYourBird thank you! I emailed on the 23rd but haven't had the confirmation yet - should I email again in case something went wrong my end? Or am I just being too keen? 

-- lafillesauvage on September 03, 2021 11:59am

I'm all sorted now - thank you! 

-- lafillesauvage on September 04, 2021 12:00am

Thanks for this challenge! 

SoI have a question. Does this:

"Timeline: The fic can be set any time during the BtVS timeline, post series, or pre-series."

mean that All Humans are not allowed for the challenge? I didn't find anything about it on the test, sorry if I missed it. 

-- MaggieLaFey on September 04, 2021 09:03pm

*text, not test. Lol

-- MaggieLaFey on September 04, 2021 09:03pm

@MaggieLaFey: AH are always allowed here, not to worry.

-- OffYourBird on September 05, 2021 03:18am

Brand new to posting fix, and extremely nervous, I'd like to bite the bullet and try. Sent the email asking to be included, is there anything else I need to do? How do I find a beta? 

-- Dynamite on September 08, 2021 10:01am

@Dynamite: congratulations, that's so exciting! Many authors have started their Spuffy writing adventures during Oct Challenge month, so you're in good company :) There's nothing else you need to do right now, unless you'd like to request a banner artist. Otherwise, October posting instructions will come out later this month. You can search for a beta using our Beta listing in the navigation at the top of the webpage ^^. (It's nested under "Members" in the navigation on mobile.) You can also post on our EF Discussion page if you like.

-- OffYourBird on September 09, 2021 04:27am

@offyourbird thank you! 

-- Dynamite on September 09, 2021 08:38am

Super curious would-be contributor wonders .. what will the little symbol be for this one?  Have y'all designed it yet?  Can't wait to find out.

Is it gonna be an old telephone handset?  That would be hysterical.

-- Touchstoneaf on September 09, 2021 06:16pm