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Trying to find a Spuffy pirate fic based on the old movie Sea Hawks I once read
December 04, 2013 12:03am

I would like to invite our members to participate in our Buffyverse Advent Calendar over at Buffytube. Graphics, Vids, FF holiday stories, poetry, essays. whatever you want to share.
December 03, 2013 11:27pm

Hope you are feeling better Niamh - been reading some of your works again - I love your work.
December 03, 2013 11:24pm

Try Green Eyed Monster on this site
December 02, 2013 08:57am

hello everyone! I've been trying to look for a good story were buffy is jealous. I've been look'n for days now. any suggestions? Thank you!
December 02, 2013 05:02am

Aurelia Carlisle
Is it safe to assume that you are in Europe somewhere Niamh?
December 02, 2013 02:37am

No problems. Sorry I wasn't very helpful.
December 01, 2013 09:42am

No i got it now through the wayback. The wayback is gettign trickier though , sites I had saved through it have disappeared after a while.Thanks anyway.
December 01, 2013 01:30am

Sorry, Ladycat, I've been really, really sick. Did you still want a copy of the story?
November 30, 2013 01:30pm

singed, you can use the advanced search page: to include exclude multiple categories and genres. You can also use the drop down at the top of the browse titles (or any of the browse pages) to choose categories to include/exclude.
November 30, 2013 07:21am

Hi, Is there any way to separate All Human and non Buffyverse fics from Buffyverse fics when you search for fics on EF?
November 29, 2013 11:14pm

I uploaded it for you Ladycat: and to keep reading just put in numbers in the URL. stranded2.htm, stranded3.htm etc.
November 29, 2013 11:14am

:( yeah that is what would happen when I would use IE but whe I used google chrome the links for the fics always works. i'm sorry it isn't working for you.
November 29, 2013 06:32am

ladycat713 shows a basic index of the fics but doesn't give any info on them just the title.
November 29, 2013 02:23am

That last thing worked
November 29, 2013 02:20am

that got me to the front page and the archive. I then tried to bring up stranded and it wouldn't go fot it. I copied the eact link to the story and then it showed me on the wayback.
November 29, 2013 02:19am

this one always works for me, hope it works for you ok disregard my previous post lol. it is in capitals on my favorites list but not on the ip address so I was confused
November 28, 2013 08:45pm

Ok my last suggestion, I have two links for vampires kiss. One has the letters in lowercase, one has the letters in uppercase in the www. Address. The one with the uppercase works, the other never does. I will post my link when I get to my computer, I don't have it on my kindle.
November 28, 2013 08:26pm

Tried it still didn't work.
November 28, 2013 11:49am

ladycat713, it might be your browser, I find that site doesn't work with IE but does with google chrome
November 28, 2013 08:17am

Niamh I'd love a copy
November 28, 2013 06:43am

The webarchive link didn't work. That's been happening more often lately. I wonder if they had a server go down.
November 27, 2013 09:19pm

I have a copy of it, ladycat
November 27, 2013 06:35pm

Ladycat713, try this
November 27, 2013 04:13pm

woops - thought this was a search bar!
November 27, 2013 04:02pm

November 27, 2013 04:01pm

Does anybody know where to find more of Bloodshedbaby's work. I tried using the wayback machine and it now says the site had the robots.txt thing.I'm looking for Stranded , primarily.
November 27, 2013 10:42am

nmcil, I may be missing something, but I have no idea what "Maybe you could add (Isabelle) next to muzza799 just to keep her FF history connected." means.
November 26, 2013 07:34am

I see that Isabelle's work is now being archived and the name change - excellent resolution.
November 26, 2013 02:17am

Great news about Isabelle - it's too bad that she will not be listed here by the name that I have associated with her work all these years. Maybe you could add (Isabelle) next to muzza799 just to keep her FF history connected.
November 26, 2013 02:07am