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I have a copy of it, ladycat
November 27, 2013 06:35pm

Ladycat713, try this
November 27, 2013 04:13pm

woops - thought this was a search bar!
November 27, 2013 04:02pm

November 27, 2013 04:01pm

Does anybody know where to find more of Bloodshedbaby's work. I tried using the wayback machine and it now says the site had the robots.txt thing.I'm looking for Stranded , primarily.
November 27, 2013 10:42am

nmcil, I may be missing something, but I have no idea what "Maybe you could add (Isabelle) next to muzza799 just to keep her FF history connected." means.
November 26, 2013 07:34am

I see that Isabelle's work is now being archived and the name change - excellent resolution.
November 26, 2013 02:17am

Great news about Isabelle - it's too bad that she will not be listed here by the name that I have associated with her work all these years. Maybe you could add (Isabelle) next to muzza799 just to keep her FF history connected.
November 26, 2013 02:07am

I have not read any of her stories since they are well before my time, and I didn't know about them, but while looking for her, I saw her listed on many award and rec sites. I'll be adding her stories slowly, but surely :) .
November 25, 2013 05:23pm

Based on a rec from nmcil, I contacted classic author Isabelle, and she agreed to let EF archive her stories. There was already an Isabelle registered here, so I used Isabellecs (her old LJ name) as her penname.
November 25, 2013 05:22pm

Hi all.. I just posted a new challenge.. I would love it if someone could write it. :)
November 25, 2013 10:55am

That's it! Thanks!
November 25, 2013 05:45am

Beatrix you may be thinking of One Special Night by Katrina Its been awhile since I read this but I think it fits. Stuck in snow storm. Make love in the back of his car or van don't remember which. She's a virgin but doesn't tell him

November 24, 2013 08:22pm

Looking for a story. Buffy and Spike get lost in a snowstorm and end up making love in a van. It's not promise of frost. Any other ideas?
November 24, 2013 07:28pm

PeaceHeather - I'm reading that story right now - actually second reading - it's wonderful. Glad you bringing attention to it.
November 23, 2013 11:36pm

PeaceHeather...I agree and put it on the featured list. Thanks for rec'ing it. If anyone has a story they feel has been and I'll try to get to it as well. Holiday fic rec's should start soon so let me know your fav's.
November 23, 2013 02:56pm

Here is a story that has not gotten enough attention. Everything Buffy does, all her reactions, everyone else's, are so real and raw and believable. It's just amazing, please go look at it and give the love it deserves.
November 22, 2013 10:39pm

Fabulous! Thank you so much Puddinhead! Will send it straightaway!!
November 17, 2013 05:09pm

Sassafrass, I have some free time today. Send it to me and I'll give it a look. Contact info on my profile
November 17, 2013 04:28pm

Scratch that approval question. Just found my answer. :)
November 17, 2013 01:31pm

Hi all! I'm new to the whole posting fanfic thing and I was just wondering how long it usually takes for someone to approve your story and if there was a grammar nazi out there who'd like to help a sista out and do a quick beta of my first chapter?
November 17, 2013 01:29pm

Just click on "Chat" in the top row of links :)
November 17, 2013 12:46pm

what is the CHATZY link again?
November 17, 2013 12:37pm

Mabel - any new stories in the works?
November 15, 2013 04:38pm

It may be nothing. Your IP may have been used improperly by others in the past (they can change frequently) or you may want to scan your computer for malware. If it happens again, or you want more info, let me know.
November 14, 2013 08:29pm

ladycat, the server does have a security feature where it puts up the captcha for site visitors with an IP address listed as problematic or if there is malware on a visitor's computer. There can be false positives, so if it's a real user, they can just enter by filling out the captcha.
November 14, 2013 08:28pm

Did anyone else have to complete a captcha to get on the site or is there something off about my computer
November 14, 2013 01:38pm

You're welcome Amslvr1 ... you are also welcome (and we're happy to see you too) Mabel!
November 12, 2013 05:24pm

Mabel Marsters
Wow, not been here for an age. Popped over to respond to some reviews and how exciting to see my fics, A Loss of Pride, being one of the featured stories! Thank you!
November 12, 2013 03:34pm

Pfeifferpack, sorry for the delay. I wanted to let you know doing that worked! Thank you! :)
November 12, 2013 02:17pm