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I try to mix it up on the features. Glad you like the mix.
October 23, 2014 04:14pm

Thanks @zanthingirl and @pfeifferpack, but I was kinda thinking of something more in the line of an AH regency AU :) or maybe not AH, 'cause come on, regency!Slayer would be too awesome.
October 23, 2014 03:26pm

I have a site request that may or may not be possible.. Is it possible to add a filter for read and not read? I frequently browse categories and there are pages and pages of fics I have marked as read that I don't want to have to search through again. <3
October 23, 2014 02:11pm

In the featured stories.
October 23, 2014 12:08am

It's good to have a mix of current WIP and older fics, as well as different ratings. I like that. Thanks.
October 23, 2014 12:08am

Yay, I'm one of the featured stories. Thanks to all who have been reading and who have unchained my muse is a very big way :).
October 22, 2014 07:33pm

You are welcome Juggler.
October 22, 2014 07:29am

Tara thanks for the heads up, I started that one and wasn't sure about continuing.
October 21, 2014 08:43pm

Dactylgirl: I have not read 20 Months, but have RWP's P&P. Just a heads up: P&P is a tough read and does not end the same as Jane Austin's, so if you are looking for a HEA, this would not be the fic for you.
October 21, 2014 08:35pm

Dactylgirl there is a Pride and Prejudice story here by Rip Wicked Plum 011354DMK92%
October 21, 2014 08:13pm

Dactylgirl : I can think of at least two P&P spuffy stories. 1) Twenty Months, by Dee and 2) Pride & Prejudice, by Ripe Wicked Plumb
October 21, 2014 02:21am

Oh. I only read up to the link. My bad :';)

October 21, 2014 01:32am

@Dactylgirl: I would totally read that fic if you started posting it!
October 20, 2014 11:49pm

Behind Blue Eyes
the bronze: I agree completely. That's why I said I hope he "... gets the help he so desperately needs." (In case you didn't read my whole post)
October 20, 2014 01:52pm

I was able to vote at the SunnyDale M A site. Hope everyone else gets a chance to also. Best of luck to Nick it can take a lot of effort and self reflection to get to a better place. That said maybe it's all a misunderstanding and all is well.
October 20, 2014 01:14pm

Addiction is a hard thing to overcome and the last thing he needs is hate from people (which he is currently getting on social media) He needs help and support desperately and love from his fans

October 20, 2014 12:43pm

@EllieRose101 It's tempting and yet daunting. If I wanna start writing Spuffy fic, I think it would probably be with something a little less huge. But then again, some ideas just won't let you go . .
October 20, 2014 09:40am

Behind Blue Eyes
Art mirrors life...Xander acting badly, again. Hopefully Nick gets the help he so desperately needs.
October 20, 2014 09:34am

@Dactygirl I like how you think!
October 20, 2014 07:51am

Just wondering, has anyone ever written a Spuffy Pride and Prejudice AU? 'Cause if not, it's a crying shame.
October 20, 2014 07:04am

Wonder and Ashes
Don't worry, I just had to refresh the page. :D
October 20, 2014 05:26am

Wonder and Ashes
Could it be because I live in the UK?
October 20, 2014 05:23am

Wonder and Ashes
I got sent an email with a link, and when I clicked on it the page that came up says 'Voting is now closed: Please check back to see when Round Thirty begins'. The same happens whenever I go to the home page and click the 'Vote' button.
October 20, 2014 05:23am

I voted earlier, so I don't think that's the problem.
October 20, 2014 04:56am

Wonder and Ashes
I tried voting, but I don't think they've updated the website yet because it says that voting is now closed...
October 20, 2014 04:43am

SunnyD Awards voting is now on! There are so many wonderful stories there - everyone please vote!
October 20, 2014 04:41am

Guys, I am so happy! My fic 'After the End' got nominated for Best Drama, Best NC-17, Best Plot, Best Post-Series Fic, and Best Romance!
October 19, 2014 06:27pm

Apparently my little poll isn't open is open just for Livejournal users. :( I could have sworn that I made it open for everyone, and so are the settings for my Journal - comments allowed from everyone. If anyone tried to vote and couldn't, thankyou for trying! :)
October 19, 2014 08:49am

Wonder and Ashes
A big thanks to whoever nominated my stories at the SunnyD awards! :D
October 19, 2014 04:33am

Thanks jhiz!
October 19, 2014 02:54am