Shoutbox Archive
I have this obsession with trying to make Spike's face in the game The Sims 2. Doing a little poll at my journal.
October 18, 2014 01:16pm
I have this obsession with trying to make Spike's face in the game The Sims 2. Doing a little poll at my journal.
October 18, 2014 01:16pm
I do like a good claim scene, it's often a major step in character or plot development.
October 18, 2014 12:00pm
I do like a good claim scene, it's often a major step in character or plot development.
October 18, 2014 12:00pm
Oh, and by read I mean I often skip not always it depends on my mood, the story, and the writer.
October 18, 2014 11:58am
Oh, and by read I mean I often skip not always it depends on my mood, the story, and the writer.
October 18, 2014 11:58am
I usually read sex scenes (unless there are just lots and lots of them) but I enjoy them most when they are part of the character development, and have been part of a building relationship. I don't usually read smut just for smut. I like a good story.
October 18, 2014 11:53am
I usually read sex scenes (unless there are just lots and lots of them) but I enjoy them most when they are part of the character development, and have been part of a building relationship. I don't usually read smut just for smut. I like a good story.
October 18, 2014 11:53am
I only skim them if they are becoming repetitive in the story themselves. Normally, I enjoy all parts of the tales I am reading (or else, well, I wouldn't be reading them *grin*)
October 18, 2014 11:22am
I only skim them if they are becoming repetitive in the story themselves. Normally, I enjoy all parts of the tales I am reading (or else, well, I wouldn't be reading them *grin*)
October 18, 2014 11:22am
I frequently skip over sex scenes, unless they are claim scenes or are a major progression in a relationship. If it's just 'this chapter's obligatory shag', I don't hesitate to scroll on past.
October 18, 2014 08:23am
I frequently skip over sex scenes, unless they are claim scenes or are a major progression in a relationship. If it's just 'this chapter's obligatory shag', I don't hesitate to scroll on past.
October 18, 2014 08:23am
Regarding the sex scenes - wondering for a long time now if the current readers and writers are ready to move on from so much sex in their works. So much of it feels "obligatory sex" - As a years long reader of Spuffy, I more than ever love a good story.
October 18, 2014 07:30am
Regarding the sex scenes - wondering for a long time now if the current readers and writers are ready to move on from so much sex in their works. So much of it feels "obligatory sex" - As a years long reader of Spuffy, I more than ever love a good story.
October 18, 2014 07:30am
Mia Vaan
If Cracked had been around when Buffy went to high school, she and Angel never would've made it to first base.
October 17, 2014 05:46pm
If Cracked had been around when Buffy went to high school, she and Angel never would've made it to first base.

October 17, 2014 05:46pm
Mia Vaan
Joyce should have deployed number 2.
October 17, 2014 05:44pm
Joyce should have deployed number 2.

October 17, 2014 05:44pm
Puddinhead; Wow, never realized how often people questioned Spike's presence? Ha, totally made me laugh, poor Vamp.
October 17, 2014 04:52pm
Puddinhead; Wow, never realized how often people questioned Spike's presence? Ha, totally made me laugh, poor Vamp.

October 17, 2014 04:52pm
Mia Vaan
One of my newest challenges has mysteriously moved itself to the top of my challenges list, where the older ones are. Not quite sure how that happened...
October 17, 2014 12:21pm
One of my newest challenges has mysteriously moved itself to the top of my challenges list, where the older ones are. Not quite sure how that happened...
October 17, 2014 12:21pm
It's Friday! I wonder what Spike is doing?
October 17, 2014 12:12pm
It's Friday! I wonder what Spike is doing?
October 17, 2014 12:12pm
I agree with pfeifferpack, it depends on my mood and the writer. I do enjoy well written smut when it flows from the plot and character development.
October 17, 2014 12:19am
I agree with pfeifferpack, it depends on my mood and the writer. I do enjoy well written smut when it flows from the plot and character development.
October 17, 2014 12:19am
....other ppls life is like. Or this is what they want their lives to be like.
October 17, 2014 12:18am
....other ppls life is like. Or this is what they want their lives to be like.
October 17, 2014 12:18am
I, too, will often skip smut. Especially if it's the fifth or sixth scene in as many chapters. But when I do read it, I feel as if it is an insight into the writers own sex life/ideas. I feel sex scenes answers one of three questions: this is what the writers s. life is like. This is what they think
October 17, 2014 12:17am
I, too, will often skip smut. Especially if it's the fifth or sixth scene in as many chapters. But when I do read it, I feel as if it is an insight into the writers own sex life/ideas. I feel sex scenes answers one of three questions: this is what the writers s. life is like. This is what they think
October 17, 2014 12:17am
Same when I write sex scenes. I try to only put them in when it's organic, furthers the plot (or would be a natural situation given the plot or character). There are a few really good writers who have entertaining "smut" and I enjoy them but as a rule I'm more into plot.
October 16, 2014 10:59pm
Same when I write sex scenes. I try to only put them in when it's organic, furthers the plot (or would be a natural situation given the plot or character). There are a few really good writers who have entertaining "smut" and I enjoy them but as a rule I'm more into plot.
October 16, 2014 10:59pm
Syl: for me it depends on both my mood and the writer. Unless I am in a real mood for smut for smut's sake (rare), I prefer any love scene to be a natural part of the plot and descriptive without being actual porn (or using "cute" terms for that bodice ripper style wording.
October 16, 2014 10:57pm
Syl: for me it depends on both my mood and the writer. Unless I am in a real mood for smut for smut's sake (rare), I prefer any love scene to be a natural part of the plot and descriptive without being actual porn (or using "cute" terms for that bodice ripper style wording.
October 16, 2014 10:57pm
It's definitely a difference of tastes; and often has nothing to do with the writing. I skip even the best written smut, just because it's not why I read stories and I feel it takes time out of reading the actual plot. Though I, at times, read the first one, specially if Buffy is a virgin.
October 16, 2014 06:43pm
It's definitely a difference of tastes; and often has nothing to do with the writing. I skip even the best written smut, just because it's not why I read stories and I feel it takes time out of reading the actual plot. Though I, at times, read the first one, specially if Buffy is a virgin.
October 16, 2014 06:43pm
@nmcil: That would be interesting to know. I'm all for the smutty goodness, but I have skimmed a couple of scenes at the end of long fics before.
October 16, 2014 05:18pm
@nmcil: That would be interesting to know. I'm all for the smutty goodness, but I have skimmed a couple of scenes at the end of long fics before.
October 16, 2014 05:18pm
Here is a potential poll that I think would be very good for writers - don't know if it could be done here, but a site where the devoted FF read seems like the best place. How about a poll that asks readers if the just skip over the majority of the sex scenes in the works they read.
October 16, 2014 04:45pm
Here is a potential poll that I think would be very good for writers - don't know if it could be done here, but a site where the devoted FF read seems like the best place. How about a poll that asks readers if the just skip over the majority of the sex scenes in the works they read.
October 16, 2014 04:45pm
@Susan, just a suggestion: on the 'nominate' page could we have a 'Click here to view previous winners' link, below (or above) the already existing 'Click here to view your previous nominations'?
October 15, 2014 08:17pm
@Susan, just a suggestion: on the 'nominate' page could we have a 'Click here to view previous winners' link, below (or above) the already existing 'Click here to view your previous nominations'?
October 15, 2014 08:17pm