Satisfaction-athon Wrap Up

It’s fair to say, our very first micro-event has been a huge success! 

In the space of forty-eight hours, 32 works (stories and/or art) were shared by 27 participants. That’s a massive 175,143 words!

Well done, all! Everyone should have participant awards now on their profile, but if you discover any issues, get in touch. 

Not caught up on the wealth of satisfying Spuffy yet? You can find them all linked here.

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on February 16, 2023 10:48am 2 Comments

Thanks so much for organizing/hosting this super fun mini event!  Loved it! heart

-- honeygirl51885 on February 16, 2023 01:36pm

Many thanks from me as well! It'll take me some time to work my way through all the contributions, but so far I love every single one of those I've read (or art I viewed).hearts

Thanks a million EllieRose101 for organizing this and all the participants for creating such wonderful art for this event. You're all stars! 🥇

-- Nightcandle on February 17, 2023 05:59am