Wrapping Up Mystery Month 2022

Elysian Fields’ second-ever Mystery Month event is over! Please read to the end for your chance to decide the fate of this event going forward. 

Big congratulations to everyone who took part. In particular: 

  • 24 Authors
  • 18 Banner Artists
  • 21 Beta Readers 

Between them, participating authors wrote 572,061 words across 120 chapters, and 218 members left comments, of which 46 commenters met the requirements for an award. All comments for the event totalled 1076, and the new stories generated for this event received a total of 2146 likes. 

If you’re yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE.

Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whichever way you contributed. All participating authors, betas, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

Originally, this was going to be the last EF Mystery Event year, to be replaced with another event (replaced, because adding new events at this point would be overkill, we think). But the reception and feedback we received during the event made us reconsider, and we decided that you, the members, should tell us if you'd like the Mystery Event to continue with a few modifications, or if you'd instead be interested in the event we were going to launch in its place: Drabble Mania.

Drabble Mania would go as follows: members will be able to suggest more fic prompts, and then authors who sign up will be issued a prompt at random, for which they’ll write a one-shot of up to 1,000 words. (Drabbles are defined elsewhere as stories 100 words or under, but our archive says they count up to the 1k mark.)

Please VOTE HERE for which event you’d like to see happen next summer. 

**UPDATE** You had your say and the Google Form is now closed for further responses. Going forward, we will be alternating the new event with bringing back Mystery Month. Thank you to all who voted!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on August 08, 2022 05:25am 11 Comments

Okay, what I really want is to alternate between drabblemania and the magical mystery prompt ficathon. So I voted for drabblemania, but I do not want to permanently part with mystery month.

-- yellowb on August 08, 2022 05:42am

Oh that’s a tough choice as I love the mystery event, but drabbles are so much fun!  Ahh, decisions, decisions!  thinking

-- honeygirl51885 on August 08, 2022 06:02am

I voted "no preference" but it's not because I'm indifferent. It's because I think they're both good ideas for events and I'm happy to roll however it's decided.  

-- JayeMaru on August 08, 2022 06:41am

I echo yellowb's comment!

-- the_big_bad on August 08, 2022 07:35am

I did make a selection (the mystery fic) BUT I also love the idea of rotating each year.

-- cawthraven on August 08, 2022 07:48am

I’m such a lurker here and it’s been so long since I’ve written anything at all for public consumption, but I gotta say that once the Mystery Month had kicked off, I was sorry I wasn’t participating. So it gets my vote!

-- Lady Emma on August 08, 2022 10:09am

Agreed with Yellowb! I think alternating between the two events each year would be great! 

-- MillennialCryBaby on August 08, 2022 10:57am

Just a note to say that we added an option for alternating the events, as per Yellow's suggestion. 

-- EllieRose101 on August 08, 2022 12:00pm

I love a drabble and really enjoyed my first Mystery Month. I agree with most, alternating would be a lot of fun.

-- scratchmeout on August 08, 2022 02:09pm

I am not much for Drabbles always feeling the story is left unfinished. I like the longer series, so would prefer following up on the mystery challenge.

-- spuffy forever on August 08, 2022 11:34pm

Please make sure you all register your votes in the Google form, not just here in the comment section. 

-- EllieRose101 on August 09, 2022 03:13am