Story Updates and New Story Additions Temporarily Unavailable

Hello EF,

Our host, Stablehost, underwent some server upgrades yesterday that you might have noticed, namely because it affected accessibility to EF for many users. That error has been corrected. Unfortunately, other errors remain that will require your patience as we attempt to locate their source and correct them on the back-end.

Specifically, the ability to post a new story, update an existing story, or submit a suggestion is not available at the present. The Mods have been working on the other issues generated by the host update for the last 24 hours. We're kinda tapped out at the moment. The good news is we think we know what is causing the issue. The bad news is the back-end of this site is a veritable haystack and we're looking for the one needle we need to remove.

At the present, we're not certain how long the ability to post updates or new stories will be suspended. Hopefully, not long, but bear in mind we're a skeleton crew trying to read really old code on a really old website. We will post updates as we receive them.

In the meantime, continue to enjoy the site as readers. Comment ability seems to be working just fine.

--The Mods on March 12, 2022 09:41am 14 Comments

Thanks for the update! ❤️ And thank you, mods, for doing all you do for us! 

-- MrsAkers on March 12, 2022 09:47am

Thanks for the update. It's always so distressing when things aren't working right and there's no answer as to why. I hope everything falls into place quickly so you can all get back to having some sort of a weekend.

-- SzmattyCat on March 12, 2022 09:54am

OMG. Just what you did NOT need right now. Thanks for the firefighting, but make sure you pace yourselves!

-- GillO on March 12, 2022 10:27am

Your hard work is appreciated!  Thank you!

-- HebiC on March 12, 2022 01:02pm

Thank you all for your hard work! 

-- Yummysushi17 on March 12, 2022 03:05pm

You all are awesome!  Make sure you take time for yourselves.  As much as we all LOVE this site, we understand that you have lives outside of EF (but do we thinking).  Thanks for all your time, sweat, and tears that get poured into making this such a magical place!

-- honeygirl51885 on March 12, 2022 03:58pm

Ugh, I feel your pain going on a bug fixing hunt.  Here's hoping the rest of the troubleshooting passes with relative ease.  Appreciate all you're doing to get things back up and running.  

-- crazycanuck44 on March 12, 2022 05:40pm

Thank you for your hard work! 

-- Suzymeinen on March 13, 2022 12:55am

Thank u for all your hard work

-- Billy616 on March 13, 2022 01:28am

You guys are doing great thanks for your hard work. You are so appreciated!

-- TessB on March 13, 2022 03:33am

Thank you all for all you do for this site!! You’re amazing 🤍

-- scorpiogirl on March 13, 2022 05:05am

Hey, this is giving me plenty of time to fine-tune my chapters instead of posting because I'm impatient! Blessing in disguise on my end, but I sure hope this isn't a nightmare to handle for you guys. :/

-- on March 13, 2022 05:19am

Thank you for the update and all the hard work the mods do.heart

-- Dynamite on March 13, 2022 06:36am

Thanks for the update.  Good luck guys.

-- letitia on March 13, 2022 04:43pm