whatever you want to call it. by killjoy +9
Responses: 1
Categories: Crossover (Books or TV shows outside Buffyverse)
Characters: Ensemble


Buffy comes into contact with a symbiote. Maybe in the Intuitive labs? At first Buffy can't stand the thing but when it makes her slaying a lot easier and also saves her life the two come to an understanding. 

There is one slight problem.....the symbiote absolutely LOVES Spike and is always whispering into Buffy's mind at how they should get together with him!  

Summary: Joining the Initiative for information was not one of her best ideas but at least she got a new friend despite it. Read on as Buffy and the Venom Symbiote beat up demons, a mad scientist/crazy College Professor, and a Frankenstein monster, all while our favorite Slayer tries to avoid (Keyword: tries) having sex with the local chipped vampire. Did I mention he was a hot, local chipped vampire?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Doublemeat Palace
Artists: BetaHenry